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来源:吉林财经大学 作者:李佳峻
发布于:2019-02-20 共2644字


  摘 要
  电子商务自 20 世纪 90 年代进入中国,而后我国经济模式在时代潮流中不断更迭,优秀的电子商务平台相继出现,表现出良好的发展势头。如今,电商悄然融入了人们的生活,并在推动市场活力、助力行业发展等方面起到了重要作用。

  关键词:网络零售;C2C 电子商务;跨国网络零售;税收征管
  Since the entry of e-commerce into China in the 1990s, the economic has beenconstantly changing in the trend of The Times, and a large number of excellente-commerce platforms have shown a good development momentum. Now, electricityinto people's lives, and in the development of market dynamics, the power industryplays an important role, as part of the electricity network retailing also rapiddevelopment. However, our legislation is faced with the problem of how to coordinatewith the development momentum of online teaching and research staff andstandardize the Internet industry. Compared with traditional retail, fast developmentand vast network of retail specific tax policy is still not perfect, which not only hinderthe fairness of market economy, will also lead to loss of national tax.
  In his opening remarks at the second world Internet conference, xi stressed that"cyberspace is not a 'land outside law'. Cyberspace is virtual, but the subject ofcyberspace is real. Everyone should abide by the law and clarify the rights andobligations of all parties. Today e-commerce has entered the stage of steadydevelopment of the socialist market economy and the healthy operation of the stage, isto improve the tax collection and management regulations and universal coverage ofelectric network retail business scope of tax collection and administration of the besttime.
  In this paper, starting from the development background and the research phaseof online retailing, first of all, the domestic and cross-border online retailing loopholesin tax collection and administration of a detailed analysis, and then the advancedexperience of other countries online retail tax collection has carried on the simplecombing. Finally, this paper analyzes and summarizes the countermeasures tostrengthen the tax collection and management of online retail. The purpose was tomaintain the market competition, the rationality of tax neutrality and tax burden, thestandardized management of the network retail, reduce the degree of informationasymmetry in the network retail trade tax collection and administration, improve thetaxpayer compliance, the tax authorities can improve the tax collection andadministration ability, reduce the loss of tax revenue to promote industry tax fairnessand more standardized and comprehensive development of electronic commerce.
  Keywords: online retail C2C e-commerce; transnational online retail; tax collectionand management
  目 录
  摘 要.
  第 1 章 引 言

  1.1 选题背景与选题意义.
  1.1.1 选题背景 .
  1.1.2 选题意义 .
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国外网络零售业税收征管研究现状 .
  1.2.2 国内网络零售业税收征管研究现状 .
  1.3 本文的创新点和不足之处.
  第 2 章 网络零售业发展现状及发展趋势
  2.1 国内网络零售业的市场规模与市场结构.
  2.2 网络零售对于其他行业的推动作用—以淘宝网为例.
  2.3 网络零售业目前的偷漏税案例与征管漏洞.
  2.3.1 网络零售偷漏税案例 .
  2.3.2 目前存在的征管漏洞 .
  2.3.2 跨国网络零售业征管漏洞 .
  第 3 章 网络零售税收征管难点分析.

  3.1 交易本身因素
  3.1.1 交易方式的复杂性
  3.1.2 平台上对 B2C 和 C2C 卖家管理混乱
  3.2 税收制度因素 .
  3.2.1 税收实体法不完善
  3.2.2 税收程序法滞后
  3.3 信息不对称因素
  3.4 技术因素
  第 4 章 网络零售业税收政策的国际借鉴.
  4.1 我国网络零售业政策 .
  4.2 国内外网络零售业发展形势和政策比较 .
  4.3 跨国网络零售业政策与国际比
  第 5 章 加强网络零售业税收征管的建议.
  5.1 加强网络零售业税收征管的政策建议 .
  5.2 加强网络零售业税收征管的管理建议 .
  5.2.1 强化对资金流数据的管理
  5.2.2 强化电子商务平台对 B2C 和 C2C 的区分
  5.3 提高网络零售业纳税人税收遵从度的建议 .
原文出处:李佳峻. 网络零售业税收征管探究[D].吉林财经大学,2018.