【引言 - 第二章】域名概述及其法律地位的确定
内 容 摘 要
计算机网络域名自 1985 年被首次注册以来,与其他传统民事权益间的冲突就一直没有停息过。由于域名本身法律地位不确定,域名与其他传统民事权益间的界限模糊不清,因此对于域名侵权责任的认定一直是相关立法的焦点问题,也是个案中双方当事人争议的核心。各国相关立法以及各互联网络管理机构都作出了相关规定,这些规定中比较有代表性的有负责域名分配工作的互联网名称与数字地址分配机构即 ICANN 所发布的《统一域名争议解决政策》,互联网诞生的美国所颁布的《反网络域名抢注消费者保护法》等,这两份文件对于域名侵权行为的认定所作的规定各具特色,其中《统一域名争议解决政策》的认定模式对我国目前域名领域的相关规定具有较大的影响。在形式上,我国最高人民法院出台的司法解释以及中国互联网络信息中心出台的《域名争议解决办法》与《统一域名争议解决政策》如出一辙,但在具体规定上,各文件又具有较大的差异。客观的说,最高法出台的司法解释与《域名争议解决办法》对于域名侵权责任的认定问题上所作的规定依然是不够完善的。
本文共一万八千余字,分为五个部分;第一个部分提出案例;第二个部分对域名进行介绍,对域名的法律性质和法律地位进行了探讨;第三个部分对域名侵权行为进行了分类,并对各类型进行了展开讨论;第四个部分介绍了美国 ICANN 制定的《统一域名争议解决政策》与国会制定的《反网络域名抢注消费者保护法》中关于域名侵权责任认定的规定,然后探讨了域名侵权责任认定中应考虑的构成要件;文章的第五部分首先对我国目前关于域名侵权的立法进行了介绍,然后对立法中的不足提出了自己的见解。
关键词 域名,侵权行为,责任认定
Since the computer network domain was first registered in 1985, the conflict with othertraditional civil rights have not been stopped before. As the domain name itself uncertain legalstatus, domain names and other traditional boundaries between civil rights blurred, so for theidentified domain name has been the focus of tort liability issues related to legislation, butalso cases the parties dispute the core. Relevant national legislation as well as networkmanagement agencies have made the relevant provisions, which are more representative incharge of the work of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names Corporation for AssignedNames and Numbers ICANN published that “the Uniform Domain Name Dispute ResolutionPolicy”, Internet birth issued by the U.S. “Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act,”
and so on, these two documents identified by the domain name infringement of the provisionsof crafting, including “Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy,” finds our currentmode relevant provisions of the domain names have a greater impact. Formally, theintroduction of China's Supreme People's Court judicial interpretation and China InternetNetwork Information Center issued a “Domain Name Dispute Resolution” and “UniformDomain Name Dispute Resolution Policy” exactly the same, but in the specific provisions oneach file also has a greater difference . Objectively speaking, the introduction of the supremelaw of judicial interpretation and “Domain Name Dispute Resolution” for the problemsidentified by the domain of tort liability provisions are still not perfect.
In this paper, starting from the case, a detailed technical description of the domain nameafter the legal nature of the domain name, the domain name infringement types ofinterpretation. After that, through the analysis of relevant U.S. legislation on tort liabilityrecognized domain contrast of relevant legislation, summed up the four elements of thedomain name constitutes infringement. Finally, the legislative domain of the current field aredescribed and put forward their own proposals.
This article is more than 18,000 words, is divided into five parts; first part presents thecase; second part introduces the domain name, the legal nature and legal status of the domainis discussed; third part of the domain name infringement behaviors were classified, andvarious types of discussions; fourth section describes the United States ICANN to develop a“Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy” and the Congress enacted the“Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act” on the domain name infringement liabilityprovisions identified and discussed the constituent elements identified in the domain of tortliability should be considered; fifth article of the first part of the current legislation on domainname infringement were introduced, and then put forward their views on legislativedeficiencies.
Keywords:Domain Name;infringement act;Responsibility Convincement
目 录
引 言
结 语
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