
您当前的位置:学术堂 > 管理学论文 > 财务管理论文 >


来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-22 共2558字


摘 要







  The geographical dispersion of oil and gas exploration and development requiresdual lines of management between headquarter and overseas operating companies ofmultinational oil companies, leading to the necessity of the head quarter centrallyproviding services to the overseas companies. As such, global cost allocation hasbecome a common practice in the industry among the world-class multinational oilcompanies, matched with their level of globalization. The cost allocation mechanismof a multinational oil company has various effects and considerations from costeffectiveness, management and business perspectives.

  Through research about evolution and development trend of corporatemanagement and global cost-allocation management strategies of multinational oiland gas companies, we selected two comparable multinational oil companies andperformed comparison and analysis with Chinese Oil Company’s status from theaspects of organizational structure, cost classification and cost-allocation method. Onthis basis, combining the theories and the practices, we make a demonstration onChinese Oil Company’s cost-allocation model construction from the views of thefundamentals, the choice of methodologies, the work procedure, the construction ofsupportive system and etc.

  Chinese Oil Company’s global cost allocation mechanism should be guided by aglobal strategic thinking and globalization mindset. The purpose is not only toreinforce the compliance of the operations in both China and overseas, but also tofurther improve the level of tax and management efficiency of SIPC. Establishing aglobal cost allocation mechanism, legitimately, effectively and in full compliance, canhelp to improve our economic efficiency, to enhance our corporate image and tobetter protect our rights and interests of a non-operator in overseas.

  Our main innovative point is the adherence to the concept of internationalizationmindset and localization from development and implementation during theconstruction of the cost allocation mechanism. The largest shining point of thisproject is that to make a workable and tailor-made cost allocation system, instead ofworking from simple theories in isolation, we paid more attentions to the company'sactual situations, to the foundation of our work, to the establishment of a workingprocedure and also to the construction of supportive systems.

  Keywords:Chinese oil companies, Cost allocation, Benefit


  第 1 章 引言
      1.1 研究背景
      1.2 研究目的
      1.3 文献综述
      1.4 研究思路和结构
      1.5 研究方法及可行性
  第 2 章 国际石油公司全球费用分摊机制研究
      2.2 全球费用分摊机制比较
  第 3 章 中国石油公司全球费用分摊机制构建和运行基础
      3.1 项目组织体系基础
      3.2 思想观念基础
      3.3 费用分摊基础
      3.4 服务费价格确定基础
      3.5 基本原则
          3.5.1 受益原则
          3.5.2 独立交易原则
          3.5.3 一致性原则
  第 4 章 全球费用分摊机制构建和运行方法
      4.1 选择适合中国石油公司自身特点的费用分摊方式
      4.2 写时制与分摊因子比较
      4.3 分摊因子确定
      4.4 代垫费用处理
  第 5 章 全球费用分摊机制构建和运行工作流程
      5.1 预算
          5.1.1 总部分部门预算
          5.1.2 分项目预算
      5.2 写时
          5.2.1 写时频率和范围
          5.2.2 工时预算合理性审阅
      5.3 账单出具
          5.3.1 收集、比对并计算针对重点海外项目的写时数据
          5.3.2 出具针对重点海外项目的季度账单
      5.4 文件要求及档案管理
  第 6 章 推进试点和配套机制建设
      6.1 推进试点
      6.2 建设配套机制
          6.2.1 事前预算机制
          6.2.2 事中核算机制
          6.2.3 事后审计机制
      6.3 记录流程、控制风险
  第 7 章 全球费用分摊机制构建所产生效益
      7.1 经济效益
      7.2 其他效益
          7.2.1 提升企业形象
          7.2.2 提高专业化服务效率
          7.2.3 保障非作业权益
  第 8 章 结论与建议
      8.1 结论
      8.2 建议
