
您当前的位置:学术堂 > 管理学论文 > 风险管理论文 >


来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-03-14 共2158字


【2.2 - 2.4】X学校防雷工程风险识别  
【4.1  4.2】X学校防雷工程项目风险处置策略    
【4.3  4.4】X学校防雷工程施工安全风险监控  

  摘 要


  本文以防雷工程项目的风险管理为方向,进行了如下研究:一是介绍了风险管理的各项理论,分析了国内国外风险管理的发展情况,并依据我国防雷工程项目现状,提出了防雷工程项目风险管理的必要性;二是根据项目风险管理的主要阶段,结合项目管理相关理论,对防雷工程风险进行了风险因素分析,总结了防雷工程风险的基本评价方法;三是论述了防雷工程安全的风险控制原则和基本方法,结合 X 学校防雷工程项目的实际案例,对该项目的风险进行识别、分析与评价,提出相应的风险应对方案和制定各项监控措施,并在此基础上提出了实施防雷工程安全管理模式的创新要求。




  The lightning protection engineering is a complex system, which attached to theconstruction industry. It's a key and also an accident-prone links of the construction projects.

  Universities' lightning protection engineering has huge investment, long period, and it alsohas various influencing factors, so the project will face more risks in the implementationprocess. Therefore, the risk of lightning protection engineering in universities has beenwidespread concerned in the community. Although the risk management has been applied in anumber of our large important construction of projects and achieved certain results, Butthe research of risk management for Universities' lightning protection is relatively backward.

  In particular, the reality of higher education in our country's booming requires us to researchmore deeply.

  In this paper, We do the following research: First, Introduces the theory of risk management,analyzes the development situation of domestic and foreign risk management present situation,puts forward the necessity of this project risk management; The second is based on the mainstage of project risk management, combined with project management theory, summarizes thebasic evaluation methods project risks; Third, discusses the risk control principle and thebasic method of lightning protection engineering safety, combined with the actual case oflightning protection engineering project, analysis and evaluation, risk identification of theproject, put forward the corresponding risk response plan and formulate various monitoringmeasures.

  This research, to some extent represents our current lightning protection engineeringproject management status, has the certain model function. In practice, how to systematicallypromote the lightning protection engineering project risk management, there are furtherexplore the significance.

  Keywords: Project management; lightning protection engineering; Risk management

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景与意义

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 项目管理与风险管理理论概述

  1.2.2 防雷工程风险管理概述

  1.3 本文的研究方法与内容

  第二章 X 学校防雷工程项目风险识别

  2.1 X 学校防雷工程项目概况

  2.1.1 项目基本情况

  2.1.2 项目特点及存在问题

  2.2 X 学校防雷工程项目 WBS 分解

  2.3 X 学校防雷工程风险识别

  2.4 本章小结

  第三章 X 学校防雷工程项目风险分析与评价

  3.1 风险分析与评估工具选择

  3.2 X 学校防雷工程项目风险因素量化

  3.3 本章小结

  第四章 X 学校防雷工程项目风险应对与处置

  4.1 X 学校防雷工程风险应对计划的制定

  4.2 X 学校防雷工程项目风险处置策略

  4.3 X 学校防雷工程施工安全风险监控

  4.3.1 X 学校防雷工程施工安全风险监控内容和步骤

  4.3.2 X 学校防雷工程施工安全风险监控方案

  4.4 本章小结





  致 谢
