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来源:吉林大学 作者:窦智
发布于:2017-02-24 共2861字


  摘 要
  本文采用 JSP 技术为基础,利用互联网开发技术,结合互联网+思想,通过 JAVA高级程序设计语言,后台数据库采用了 MySQL 数据库管理系统,设计与开发出满足市场需要的酒店信息管理系统。设计与开发过程符合软件工程的标准要求,功能完善,性能稳定。本文主要的内容包括:
  1. 完成了对酒店信息管理系统的市场调查,针对酒店的主要业务经营情况进行分析;2. 完成了酒店信息管理系统的系统分析与系统设计的工作,主要的工作内容包括了系统需求分析,系统数据库分析,系统的功能设计以及业务流程设计;3. 完成了酒店信息管理系统的实现与开发工作,并对系统的功能性进行测试,完成系统的测试工作,保证系统的工作质量;4. 对酒店信息管理系统未来的发展需要以及系统的升级内容进行展望,总结了系统设计与开发过程中的经验。
  酒店信息管理,JSP,JAVA,MySQL 数据库管理系统
  With the advent of reform and opening up, people's living standards and consumerattitudes have undergone enormous changes, the hotel industry is also rapid development,how to improve the competitiveness of the hotel industry, how to improve the hotelmanagement level, lower hotel operating cost, these problems need the help of computertechnology to solve. Traditional manual management hotel industry has been unable to meetthe fast-paced, high efficiency in the hotel industry management needs. Therefore, in thecontext of information technology, how to use computer technology and network technologyto explore for small and medium hotel management model to achieve small and medium sizedhotel management information technology, automation and intelligent, efficient, fast hotelbusiness for the hotel customer service has become an important issue that must be addressedfor small and medium hotels.
  Due to the growing popularity of software systems, the cost of management systemsoftware is more and more low. More and more hotels use the information managementsystems which brings great business opportunities for the hotel management software market.
  According to China's hotel industry statistics show, hotel brands, while the use of hotelmanagement system are many, many types of systems in terms of functionality not perfect,but the system can not be tailored to the user's own needs, but also did not play to informationsystems should play a role and effect.
  Hotel management system with powerful data analysis capabilities, provides data tosupport strategic decisions for the development of hotel managers, and ensures the hotel'sstrategic decision-making scientific and enforceable. Therefore, the development of the hotelmanagement system hotel management in favor of small and medium information technology,so that the whole management process standardization and standardized presentation featuresto make small and medium hotel can provide fast and efficient service for the hotel businesscustomers. Visible, hotel management system has some practical value and practicalsignificance.
  In this paper, through JAVA and MySQL, hotel information management system isdesigned and developed to meet the needs of the market based on JSP technology bycombining with Internet + thought. Design and development process is in line with thestandard of software engineering. The system is fully functional and stable. The main contentof this paper includes the following sections:
  1. Complete market investigation on the hotel management system; Analyze for the mainbusiness situation of the hotel.
  2. Complete the system analysis and design of the hotel information management systemincluding requirements analysis, database analysis, function design and business processdesign.
  3. Complete the implementation and development of hotel management informationsystem. Test the functionality of the system to ensure system quality.
  4. Outlook the future development and system upgrades of hotel informationmanagement system. Summaries experience in the process of design and development.
  Hotel Information Management, JSP, JAVA, MySQL

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究现状
  1.3 研究内容及意义
  1.4 本文主要结构
  第 2 章 系统分析和关键技术
  2.1 可行性分析
  2.2 需求分析
  2.3 系统关键技术要点
  2.3.1 JSP 介绍
  2.3.2 网页开发技术介绍
  2.3.3 MySql 数据库介绍
  2.4 本章小结
  第 3 章 酒店客房预订管理系统的数据库分析及系统设计
  3.1 数据库分析
  3.2 数据库设计
  3.2.1 酒店房间信息
  3.2.2 酒店会员信息
  3.2.3 酒店消费单信息
  3.2.4 酒店消费条目信息
  3.2.5 酒店商品信息
  3.2.6 酒店员工信息
  3.3 系统设计
  3.3.1 系统功能模块
  3.3.2 系统业务流程
  3.4 本章小结
  第 4 章 酒店信息管理系统的设计实现
  4.1 系统实现工作
  4.2 系统开发关键代码
  4.3 主要功能模块
  4.5 本章小结
  第 5 章 系统测试
  5.1 测试要求
  5.2 测试过程
  5.3 测试用例
  5.4 本章小结
  第 6 章 总结与展望
  6.1 总结
  6.2 展望
  致 谢
原文出处:窦智. 基于JSP的酒店信息管理系统的设计与实现[D].吉林大学,2016.