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来源:吉林大学 作者:孙梦成
发布于:2017-03-11 共3390字


  摘 要
  该健身房管理系统主要依托 JSP 技术,同时运用了 DBA.为了最大限度的满足用户的需求,在设计中做了充分的考虑,使这个健身房系统有更强的针对性和便捷性。同时为了使整个界面设计更好美观和合理,通过设计专业设计人事的帮助和大量书籍的借鉴,使整个界面的布局更加合理,页面更加简洁。这个健身房管理系统的架构模式为 B/S 架构,Eclipse 作为开发环境,Sqlserver2000 为数据库。这些技术的合理结合和运用,是整个健身房管理系统能够运行的关键。
  健身房;JSP;Sqlserver2000;B/S 架构
  Fitness entered China in 1990s, with the rapid development of economy, people's livingstandard has been a qualitative leap, people's awareness of fitness has been greatly improved. Inlearning and work, more people are willing to fitness and physical exercise in leisure time, torelieve the pressure, relax the mood, to enhance physical fitness. In recent years, the gym hasbeen entered into our everyday life, as an emerging industry has increasingly been recognized byeveryone and welcome. However, due to various reasons, the gym management for a long timein the stage of manual management primarily, due to technical constraints make the managementand promotion of the gym were not good development also restricts the promotion of sports andfitness. In addition, for the large number of cases, the gym management is difficult in theincrease of cost management at the same time also makes gym management efficiency is low,operation of the gym also produced a great impact.
  At present, a second-tier cities such as tianjin shijiazhuang gymnasium in Beijing'sdevelopment is rapid, tangshan and other three The four cities existing gym mostly adopt the oldmode, unable to meet the current needs of the peopleThe numerous small and Medium-sizedCity gym construction and development of great potential. With the rapid development ofInternet technology, embedded technology and the rise of the Internet technology, network,digital and intelligent has become a development trend. Therefore, the gym management andcomputer technology, network technology, design a management system of intelligent andefficient, in order to better service for customers.
  In order to improve the efficiency and safety of the gym management, process orienteddesign method is adopted in the design, and introduces in detail the business flow charts and dataflow diagram, the gym system management more convenient, reasonable and safe. Themanagement system includes multiple functions, mainly includes member registration and login,the administrator account login, membership view selected courses, facilities, visitormanagement online message, the administrator management gym information function. Theadministrator can increase, delete and modify the information.So the management of the gym ismore convenient and scientific. In addition, whether it is a member or administrator login thesystem will require a password authentication, so the security of the gym management system isgreatly enhanced.
  The gym management system is mainly based on JSP technology, at the same time, the useof DBA. In order to satisfy the needs of users, in the design fully consider doing, the gym systemtargeted and more convenience. At the same time in order to make the interface design betterappearance and reasonable design, through professional design personnel and with the help of alarge number of books for reference, make the interface layout more reasonable, more concisepage. The gym management system architecture model for B/S architecture, Eclipse as adevelopment environment, Sqlserver2000 database. The reasonable combination of thesetechnologies and application, is the key to the gym management system can run.
  Key words:
  Fitness club;JSP;Sqlserver2000;B/S architecture

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 课题背景
  1.2 课题研究的目的及意义
  1.3 课题发展前景及趋势
  1.3.1 JSP 技术的前景和趋势
  1.3.2 健身房管理发展趋势
  1.4 论文主要研究内容与组织结构
  1.4.1 论文主要研究内容
  1.4.2 论文组织结构
  第 2 章 技术介绍
  2.1 MyEclipse 介绍
  2.2 JSP 技术
  2.2.1 JSP 简介
  2.2.2 JSP 技术优势
  2.2.3 JSP 应用模型
  2.3 SQL Server 介绍
  2.3.1 SQL Server 简介
  2.3.2 SQL Server 特点
  2.4 B/S 架构介绍
  2.4.1 B/S 架构简介
  2.4.2 B/S 主要作用
  2.5 Tomcat 介绍
  2.6 JDK 介绍
  第 3 章 课题调研及可行性分析
  3.1 课题调研
  3.2 业务流程图
  3.3 可行性分析
  3.3.1 技术可行性
  3.3.2 经济可行性
  3.3.3 操作可行性
  3.3.4 法律可行性
  3.3.5 可行性研究总结
  第 4 章 需求分析
  4.1 运行需求
  4.2 系统定义
  4.3 系统功能
  4.4 系统数据流图及功能
  4.4.1 系统顶层图
  4.4.2 一级细化图
  4.5 数据字典
  4.5.1 数据流
  4.5.2 数据存储描述
  4.5.3 数据处理定义
  第 5 章 总体设计
  5.1 系统概要设计
  5.2 系统总体结构图
  5.3 模块 IPO 表
  5.4 数据库设计
  5.4.1 概念模型设计
  5.4.2 具体模式设计
  5.4.3 数据库逻辑设计
  5.4.4 表间关系
  第 6 章 详细设计
  6.1 处理流程设计
  6.1.1 系统操作流程图
  6.1.2 数据增加流程
  6.1.3 数据修改流程
  6.1.4 数据删除流程
  6.2 I/O 设计
  6.2.1 输入设计
  6.2.2 输出设计
  第 7 章 系统实现
  7.1 登录系统界面
  7.2 admin 登陆
  7.3 添加科目
  7.4 添加场所
  7.5 添加教练
  7.6 添加器械
  7.7 发布公告信息
  7.8 场地列表
  7.9 科目信息
  第 8 章 系统测试与维护
  8.1 测试的定义
  8.2 测试的目的
  8.3 测试的方法
  8.3.1 白盒测试
  8.3.2 黑盒测试
  8.4 测试方案和测试用例
  8.4.1 注册界面测试设计
  8.4.2 登录界面测试设计
  8.4.3 添加界面测试设计
  8.5 系统测试结论
  8.6 维护的定义和分类
  8.7 维护的主要工作
  第 9 章 总结与展望
  9.1 系统主要功能、特色介绍
  9.1.1 系统主要功能
  9.1.2 系统的特色介绍
  9.2 系统的不足与改进方案
  9.2.1 系统的不足
  9.2.2 改进方案
  致 谢
原文出处:孙梦成. 健身房管理系统的设计与实现[D].吉林大学,2016.