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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-04 共2662字


【引言  第一章】预约合同概述 

    摘 要

  预约合同的市场交易实践中早已大量存在的合同形式。2012 的《买卖合同司法解释》虽然对预约合同作出了初步的规定,但关于预约合同的性质、效力和违约责任等仍在存在较大的问题,司法解释对此并没有作出详细的规定。这也导致了审判实践中各级法院在预约合同方面认定的混乱,影响了我国司法的统一性与稳定性。本文在此对预约合同的内涵、与相似概念的区分、性质、效力及违约责任做了全面的研究,结构和观点大致如下:







  关键词:预约合同, 本约合同, 法律效力, 违约责任


  Precontract, as a peculiar contract, has widely existed in transaction. However, ourcountry still has detailed provisions on the nature, validity, liability for beach ofprecontract, incomplete and lack of theoretical research causes confusions in transactionand judicial pracitice. And affects the unity and stability of justice. This paper make anintegrated research on the types of precontract, the differences between precontract andother similiar contract, the nature, effect and the liability for breaching of contract. Thestructure and viewpoint are as follows:

  The introduction describes the background and the important positon and currentlegislation of precontract, as well as the necessity to improve precontract system.

  The first chapter is an overview of the precontract. The first section is about theconception of it, focuses on “pre” and “appointment”, and discusses the development ofthe thoery in civil-law and common-law. The second section describes the unilateralprecontract and bilateral precontract, precontract with suspending provisions andprecontract need to be negotiated. The third section discusses the basic features ofprecontract, the writer describes the essential terms of the precontract.

  The second chapter is the nature of precontract. And make a comprision aboutprecontract and related concepts, mainly with precontract and the letter of intent and thecontract. And futher points out that precontract is an independent contract,The third chapter is the legal effect of precontract. The first section describes the basisof the legal effect of precontract. Indicates the principle as the foundation of preccontract .

  The second section describes the main views of precontract. The third section commentsthe main views of precontrac. The fourth section discusses the principle of clausula rebussic stantibus and the period of the effect of precontract.

  The fourth chapter is about the liability for breach of precontract. The first sectionanalyzes the differences between precontract and Culpa in Contrahendo, clarify thedifferences between the two legal liability. The second section discusses principle ofliability for breach of precontract, clarify that fault principle should be appled. The thirdsection analyzes the liability for breach of precontract.

  The conclusion summarizes the main content of this dissertation, points the view ofthe author again, and affirms it's writing significance.

  Keywords: precontract, real contract, legal effect, the liability for breach of precontract

    目 录

  摘 要



  目 录

  引 言

  1 预约合同概述

  1.1 预约合同的内涵与定义

  1.2 预约合同的分类

  1.2.1 单方预约和双方预约

  1.2.2 带未决条款的预约和将行谈判的预约

  1.3 预约合同的基本特征

  2 预约合同的法律性质

  2.1 预约合同性质的不同观点

  2.2 预约合同与订约意向书的区别

  2.3 预约合同与本约合同的区别

  3 预约合同的法律效力

  3.1 预约合同的效力基础

  3.1.1 契约自由原则

  3.1.2 诚实信用原则

  3.1.3 允诺禁反言原则

  3.2 预约合同效力的主要观点

  3.2.1 必须磋商说

  3.2.2 应当缔约说

  3.2.3 区分说

  3.2.4 视为本约说

  3.3 预约效力主要观点评析

  3.4 预约合同效力实现的阻碍因素

  3.5 预约合同的效力期间

  4 预约合同的违约责任

  4.1 预约合同违约责任与缔约过失责任的关系

  4.2 归责原则

  4.3 救济方式

  4.3.1 强制履行

  4.3.2 损害赔偿

  4.3.3 定金、违约金

  4.3.4 解除预约合同

  结 语


  致 谢
