目 录
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.2 研究现状
1.2.1 关于张培刚的学术生平
1.2.2 关于张培刚农业国工业化思想主要内容的分析
1.2.3 关于张培刚农业国工业化思想的评价
1.2.4 关于张培刚农业国工业化思想的当代价值
1.3 研究框架和方法
1.3.1 研究框架
1.3.2 研究方法
1.4 创新点和不足
1.4.1 创新点
1.4.2 不足
2 张培刚农业国工业化思想的形成与发展
2.1 农业国工业化思想的形成过程
2.1.1 思想萌芽阶段
2.1.2 思想发展阶段
2.1.3 思想成熟和升华阶段
2.1.4 思想变革和完善阶段
2.2 农业国工业化思想的发展--“两次飞跃”
3 张培刚农业国工业化思想的主要内容及其创新性
3.1 农业与工业依存关系学说
3.1.1 静态视野下农业与工业之间的关系
3.1.2 动态视野下农业与工业之间的关系
3.2 农业国工业化理论
3.2.1 工业化的定义
3.2.2 工业化的性质
3.2.3 工业化的演进
3.3 发展中国家与工业发达国家之间的相互作用……22
3.3.1 关于外资利用问题
3.3.2 关于对外贸易的开展问题
3.4 农业国工业化思想的创新性
4 张培刚农业国工业化思想的变革--新发展经济学思想
4.1 农业国工业化思想进行变革的原因
4.2 农业国工业化思想变革的基本思路
4.2.1 转变研究立场,充分体现发展中国家的利益
4.2.2 扩大研究范围,发展中的社会主义国家应被包括在内
4.2.3 突出研究重点,注重发展中大国的研究
4.3 农业国工业化思想变革的主要内容
4.3.1 界定大国概念并揭示大国的特殊之处
4.3.2 农业国工业化问题仍然是新发展经济学研究的主题
4.3.3 对发展中大国经济发展问题的探讨
4.4 农业国工业化思想变革前后的比较
5 张培刚农业国工业化思想的评析
5.1 对农业国工业化思想的特性进行评析
5.1.1 农业国工业化思想指导方针的客观性
5.1.2 农业国工业化思想出发点的正确性
5.1.3 农业国工业化思想研究方法的科学性
5.1.4 农业国工业化思想体现的整体性和关联性
5.2 对农业国工业化思想的贡献和地位进行评析
5.3 对农业国工业化思想的当代价值进行评析
5.3.1 对推进“新四化”同步发展的启示
5.3.2 对“三农”问题的启示
张培刚先生是我国具有国际影响力的老一辈着名经济学家,被国内外学者誉为“发展经济学的创始人”之一,其早在 20 世纪 40 年代中期,完成的博士论文《农业与工业化》就首次从理论和历史的层面系统地探讨了落后的农业国实现工业化和现代化的问题,并提出了独具特色的“农业国工业化”理论,被国际学术界誉为发展经济学的奠基之作。20 世纪 80 年代,西方发展经济学陷入困境,而世界上绝大多数的发展中国家和地区并未实现工业现代化,他再次扛起开拓创新的大旗,重点针对像中国一样的社会主义发展中大国工业化问题,进行了深入系统的研究并吸收西方经济学的理论研究成果,终率众弟子写成了《新发展经济学》一书,建立了比较全面的、独具特色的新型发展经济学理论体系,将发展经济学推向一个新阶段。张培刚先生毕生致力于研究农业国如何实现工业化的问题,而“农业国工业化”问题正是发展经济学的核心问题,是狭义发展经济学的研究主题,因此,张培刚先生的农业国工业化思想及其中包含的“农业国工业化”理论为发展经济学这门学科作出了巨大的贡献,具有极高的学术价值。当然,张培刚先生严谨的治学精神和崇高的爱国主义情怀也是值得我们学习和思考的。
Mr. Zhang Peigang is an internationally renowned economist, named as one of“the founder of development economics” at home and abroad. His doctor'sessay,<Agriculture and industrialization> completed in the mid-1940s, is the firstwriting to explore the secret about how to embark on the road of industrialization forpoor agricultural country. More importantly, the unique theory of “industrialization ofagricultural nation” which he put forward to is hailed as the cornerstone ofDevelopment Economics by International academia. In the 1980s, under the conditionthat the Western Development Economics was trapped with bottlenecks and most ofdeveloping countries and regions didn't realize the industrial modernization, Mr.Zhang Peigang once again carry the banner of innovation, with further absorption ofthe Western Economics, to focus on the study of industrialization of countries, withthe same situation of China ( as the biggest socialist development country), finallycomplete the book of < New Development Economics > with his students together.
This writings established a more comprehensive and creatively unique theoreticalsystem, which led the development economics to a new stage. Mr. Zhang Peigangdevotes all his life to Development Economics with the main topic of industrializationof agricultural countries. So his theory and thought of industrialization of agriculturalcountries has made a great contribution to development economics with highacademic value. Also Mr. Zhang Peigang's rigorous academic spirit and loftypatriotism is worth learning and thinking.
The systematical study and mastering the essence of the thought ofindustrialization of agricultural countries from theoretical level is not only a reflectionof the economics thought from this grandmaster in economic circles, but also cangenerate a complete picture of his economic thinking, evolution and sublimationprocess and understand the relationship between his economic thought and historicalbackground, personal experiences and research feelings. Most important of all, it canprovide us the theoretical guidance and direction for solving China current toughproblems, like New Industrialization and Three Rural Issues.
The essay consists of five parts: The first part is introduction. The second part isabout the background and theoretical origin of the thought of Mr. Zhang Peigang's“Industrialization of Agricultural Countries” and his early life's experience. The thirdpart is the content and innovative points of the thought of Mr Zhang Peigang's“Industrialization of Agricultural Countries”. The forth part is about the thought ofMr. Zhang Peigang's new development economics,that is called the reform ofIndustrialization of Agricultural Countries.the fifth part is the evaluation on thethought of Mr Zhang Peigang's “Industrialization of Agricultural Countries” fromdifferent perspective .
Keywords: Zhang Peigang, Industrialization of Agricultural Countries,Development Economics, the research of thought