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¡¡¡¡Securities companies are financial service intermediaries at the core of China'ssecurities market.The competition among securities companies is not only commercialcompetition, but also competition for all kinds of high-quality talents.The income of thesecurities firm mainly comes from the securities brokerage business, and the accountmanager is the main generator of the profits of the securities brokerage business.Therefore,the customer manager group has grown into the most important human resources of thesecurities firm.If the incentive mechanism of securities companies is not reasonable, it willlead to the increase of the liquidity of customer managers, which is not conducive to thestable development of securities companies.Therefore, the establishment of an effectiveincentive mechanism for account managers to improve their job satisfaction and workenthusiasm has become the focus of human resources research in securities companies.
¡¡¡¡This paper mainly uses literature research, questionnaire survey, empirical analysisand other research methods to analyze the incentive mechanism of customer managers inXN securities zibo sales department. Based on the research results, it puts forwardoptimization suggestions on the incentive mechanism of customer managers in XNsecurities zibo sales department.The thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapterintroduces the background of the topic, the significance of the research and the review ofrelevant literature at home and abroad. The second chapter systematically expounds theincentive theory in human resource management, which provides a theoretical basis for theanalysis of the following text.The third chapter introduces the basic situation of XNsecurities zibo sales department and internal account managers, and analyzes the currentsituation of the incentive mechanism for account managers in XN securities zibo salesdepartment.The fourth chapter summarizes the classical incentive theory and relevantliterature on human resource management and selects 20 indicators that will affect thecustomer managers' satisfaction with the existing incentive mechanism by referring to theevaluation indicators of Lin liwan (2014).Through the questionnaire survey, the actual dataof the customer managers of XN securities zibo sales department on the 20 satisfactionindexes were obtained.SPSS23.0 software was used to carry out descriptive statisticalanalysis on the sample data obtained from the questionnaire survey. The above statisticaldata were used to further obtain the satisfaction of the customer managers of XN securitieszibo sales department on various incentive indicators. The fifth chapter, starting from the results of data analysis, proposes to improve the design of incentive mechanism forcustomer managers in XN zibo business department: establish fair compensation andwelfare incentive mechanism, establish a sound and reasonable performance appraisalincentive mechanism, set up a comprehensive and persified training incentivemechanism.The sixth chapter draws the conclusion of this paper, and carries on the researchprospect.
¡¡¡¡Key words: XN Securities Zibo Sales Department; Customer Manager; IncentiveMechanism ¡£
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