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来源:湖北工业大学 作者:田梦琦
发布于:2017-02-22 共2677字


  摘 要
  关键词: 交互设计,用户体验,网页,人性化,界面

  The competition on the Internet is getting increasingly fierce, as new informationemerges exponentially. A Web page, a primary medium of information on the Internet,must gain and attest to viewers' value and appreciation, in order to stand out from itsnumerous peers. A Web page is no longer a mere collection of flat information and basicfunctions, but increasingly a suite tailored to personalized taste and quality, stressingpositive user experience. User experience, refers to a person's emotions and attitudesabout using a particular product, has since become the sole criteria in determining thesoundness of an interaction design. Good user experience not only attracts views to aweb page, and also builds content loyalty thus ensuring revisits in the future.
  Interaction design is an important part of user experience on a Web site. Itis oriented around a perceived user goal, hence, providing him/her a nonintrusive andyet efficient tour to acquire needed information, hassle free. The interaction towardsneeded information is designed to learn and respect users' behavior and habit.
  However, web page content and quality today is of great disparity: users simplywon't stay for more than a few seconds on many pages. The key reason for such dismaluser perception are poorly crafted interaction designs. Nonresponsive clicks,complicated account registration, unorderly content hierarchy, unfriendly site navigationand etc. all contribute to user dissatisfaction, and consequently loss of competitiveness.
  This paper starts with interaction design, on the basis of userexperience,the summaries ,elements and characteristics of the interaction design aredescribed in detail.From starting with the meaning of the userexperience,importance,and what is the relationship and influence of interactiondesign,all to bring a good user experience as the basis, to explore the correspondingcharacteristics of content, behavior and forms for webpage interaction design,accordingto the successful case in the Internet industry,summarizes the design processes andmethods of interaction design,then apply to my own web design project practice, toexplore how to guide the user's interactive behavior by using the most humanizedinteraction and the most appropriate interface.As far as possible with concise, clear andeffective interaction steps to respond to and meet the needs of users, to make a websiteuser experience more friendly,let interaction more smoothly and effectively, reduce thecost of learning and memory burden on the user,so as to obtain considerable traffic anduser groups, improve the visibility of the site, bring significant commercial interests forthe website.
  Keywords: Interaction design, user experience, webpage, humanization, interface

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  第 1 章 引 言
  1.1 选题的背景
  1.2 选题的国内外现状研究
  1.3 选题主要的研究内容及意义
  1.3.1 论文的内容和方法
  1.3.2 论文研究的价值与意义
  1.3.3 论文拟解决的关键问题
  第 2 章 基于用户体验的网页交互设计
  2.1 用户体验的阐述
  2.2 交互设计的阐述
  2.3 交互设计的构成要素
  2.4 交互设计的法则
  2.4.1 了解用户是前提
  2.4.2 尊重用户的操作习惯是关键
  2.4.3 效率优先,为用户节省时间
  2.4.4 人性化设计,满足用户的需要
  2.5 用户体验与交互设计的关系
  2.6 从用户体验出发检验网页中的交互设计
  2.6.1 内容上的有用性
  2.6.2 行为上的易用性
  2.6.3 形式上的美观性
  2.6.4 用户的喜用性
  第 3 章 用户体验下的网页交互设计流程
  3.1 用户需求和产品应用场景分析
  3.2 绘制合理的产品原型图
  3.3 打造友好的交互设计
  3.4 做好网站后期维护
  第 4 章 乐乐果汁的课题实践应用
  4.1 网站定位与用户分析
  4.2 网站的整体规划及草图的绘制
  4.3 网站界面及交互设计的呈现
  第 5 章 总结与展望
  致 谢
原文出处:田梦琦. 基于用户体验的网页交互设计研究[D].湖北工业大学,2016.