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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-19 共4661字



  摘 要







  同时,当前我国高校图书馆德育功能的发挥还面临着来自于社会发展、网络环境、教育体系等方面的挑战。要更好的发挥高校图书馆的德育功能, 必须解决这些问题,正确应对高校图书馆德育功能发挥所面对的挑战。


  关键词:高校图书馆 德育 实效性


  Library has been an important battlefield for mass ideological and political educationsince the democratic revolution and socialist revolution. Meanwhile, it is also one of thebases of spreading advanced ideas and has played a huge role in the victory of the proletariatrevolution. After the liberation, the library becomes an important place for all kinds of booksand periodicals and other information to circulate and publicize, conveying rich knowledge.

  In addition, it becomes the main channel for ideological and political education, improvingthe scientific and cultural qualities of the masses, and educating them ideologically andpolitically and improving their ideological and political consciousness as well.

  Contemporarily, university library is one of the main places for college students, wherethere are abundant resources and documents, which have very high value of the moraleducation. At the same time there are a lot of human resources and material resources. Thepresent university library plays an important role in cultivating college students' morality, andimproving the comprehensive quality of students, guiding students to set up the correctoutlook on life, values and world values which cannot be ignored. It is a very powerfulsupplement to the moral education in colleges and universities.

  By means of document research, questionnaire survey, interviews and comparativeresearch, this thesis investigates and analyzes the present situation of the moral educationfunction of university library. The full paper is divided into three parts:

  The first part, introduces the relative definitions about moral education, the universitylibrary and university library's moral education. The thesis analyzes the advantages of moraleducation of university library. There is a great space of choice for students; there areconsiderable resources in this information center, such as books of literature, philosophy,history, art, natural science of which some books of art, literature, aesthetics can moreeffectively improve the students' aesthetic and moral cultivation; the university library can beused to effectively improve the continuity and systemic feature; the process of moraleducation in university library is imperceptible which are accepted by students unknowingly;every college student is one unique individual, and the university library can provide studentswith rich variety of resources, which caters for the students' characteristics of diversifieddevelopment. The last of this chapter demonstrates the main methods of moral education,which includes resources, emotional communication, etc…The second part, analyzes the effectiveness of moral education in university library. Bymeans of document research, comparative research and so on, this thesis investigates andanalyzes the present situation of the moral education function of university library, pointingout the shortages and challenge they are facing. There are some problems in carrying outmoral education, such as the facts that the concept of moral education is insufficient, that themoral education method is too simple, that the publicizing and guidance is not enough,librarians' quality level is not high, ect At the same time, the performance of moraleducation of university library also faces challenges from the social development, thenetwork environment, and that of education system, etc. To bring into better the moraleducation function of university library, the library management must solve these problems,and face the problems correctly.

  The third part puts forward five countermeasures of advancing the actual effect of moraleducation of university library, the first of which is to update the concept of moral educationthrough the implementation of its moral responsibility and strengthening its cooperation withother departments closely together. The second method is to enhance the construction of themoral education environment of university library by construction of library materialenvironment and humanistic environment. The third is to promote the librarians' quality byencouraging them to learn, establishing the talent team of open mode and to optimize itspersonnel structure. The forth is to carry out moral education in selected reading. The last is toestablish an open system of moral education resources employment through the developmentand utilization of moral education resources and introduction of education mechanism inopen mode. Then the moral education of Chinese college libraries can be strengthened andtheir actual effects can be enhanced.

  Key words: university library; moral education; effectiveness

    目 录



  引 言

  (一) 问题的提出及研究意义

  1. 问题的提出

  2. 研究意义

  (二) 国内外研究现状

  1. 国内研究现状

  2. 国外研究现状

  (三) 研究思路与方法

  (四) 重点难点与创新点

  1. 研究的重点难点

  2. 研究的创新点

  一、 高校图书馆德育功能的一般理论概述

  (一) 基本概念界定

  1. 德育与德育功能

  2. 高校图书馆德育功能

  3. 实效性与德育实效性

  (二) 高校图书馆德育功能的优势

  1. 德育形式的自主性

  2. 德育资源的丰富性

  3. 德育体系的系统性

  4. 德育方式的独特性

  5. 德育方法的多元性

  (三) 高校图书馆德育功能的实现方式

  1. 通过文献资源的方式

  2. 通过情感交流的方式

  3. 通过优质服务的方式

  4. 通过隐性因子的方式

  二、 高校图书馆德育功能发挥的现状分析

  (一) 高校图书馆德育功能发挥的现状调查

  1. 问卷调查方案设计

  2. 高校图书馆德育功能发挥的现状

  (二) 高校图书馆德育功能发挥面临的问题

  1. 高校图书馆德育观念认识不足

  2. 高校图书馆德育方法比较单一

  3. 高校图书馆宣传引导力度不够

  4. 高校图书馆馆员素质水平不高

  5. 高校图书馆网络环境利用不足


  (一) 更新高校图书馆德育观念

  1. 强化图书馆德育职责观念

  2. 提升图书馆与学校各部门的协同意识

  (二) 加强馆员素质建设

  1. 通过学习强化内部素质建设

  2. 建立开放式的人才队伍

  (三) 加强图书馆德育环境建设

  1. 加强图书馆物质环境建设

  2. 注重图书馆人文环境建设

  (四) 在读者服务中融入德育

  1. 在图书导读中融入德育

  2. 在读者教育中融入德育

  (五) 建立开放式的德育资源利用体系

  1. 注重德育资源的开发利用

  2. 引入开放式德育机制

  结 语

