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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-06 共4525字


  摘 要
  第六,要大力提升“走出去”战略地位。 加快培育跨国公司,大力发展对外承包工程和劳务合作,鼓励企业深度挖掘自身优势,同时支持中小企业开拓国际市场。
  The period after the financial crisis, the global economic recovery is weak, theinfluence of American financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisiscontinues to permeate, the external economic environment is not optimistic. TheEuropean debt crisis led to the international market demand slowdown, Global tradeand trade growth rate dropped sharply, trade competition among nations becomeaggravated, each have introduced new trade protection policy,developed economiesstagnated for a long time. Affected by the economic depression of the developedcountries, China's economic growth rate fall, the economy downward pressureincrease. The stabilization of economy growth is the primary task of China's currenteconomic task, the development of export-oriented economy has become abreakthrough in the transformation of economic growth mode.
  Over the decades, under the guidance of central and local government in policies,combined with the local economic characteristics and regional industrial advantages,Changchun has achieved positive progress in promote the development ofexport-oriented economy, while, Changchun also faced challenges.
  At present, the global economic environment remains complex, the developmentof export-oriented economy of our city is facing many opportunities andchallenges.The existence of export-oriented economic development is becomingincreasingly prominent, the main performances are: the actual utilization of foreigncapital levels are relatively low, export scale is small, the export structure isunreasonable, corporations are lack of confidences, pioneering enterprises to overseasmarket malignant competition intensity is not enough, cut-throat competitionbetween region becomes fierce day by day, projects settled with arbitraryorientation.Physical geographical location do not have the competitive advantage,economic and trade enterprises remain low quality, humanistic environment is poor,mode of operation idea lag, government support is not enough are restrictions ofexport-oriented economic developmentThe levels of development of export-oriented economy in Shenyang, Dalian,Ningbo and Hangzhou are relatively higher , it is suggested five points based onadvanced cities' export-oriented economy's experience and analysis of currentsituation、existing issues and causes of export-oriented economy development inChangchun.First, to enhance the strategic effect of utilizing foreign investment.
  Optimization of industrial structure of foreign investment, to further expand thespillover effect of foreign investment, and encourage the transformation andupgrading of processing trade, but also to promote small and medium enterprises tospeed up the development.Second, efforts should be made to cultivate newinternational competition advantage. To accelerate the strategic adjustment, encourageenterprises to strengthen quality and standardization construction, to supportenterprises to increase the technical transformation and product innovation, improvethe international competitiveness of products.Third, promote foreign tradecomparative advantage. On the one hand, strengthen and improve the regulation ofimport goods, optimize import structure.On the other hand, to improve the level ofenterprise's core technology, improve the quality of export products and added value,increase the adjustment of export structure. Fourth, adjust and optimize the structureof export-oriented economy.To further foster the growth of foreign trade entities,continue to encourage the export of high-tech products,to transfer the resourceadvantages into economic advantages, expand the export scale of agricultural andsideline products, at the same time, vigorously develop the service trade and bordertrade. Fifth, further broadening the investment fields. The implementation of “largeprojects led” strategy, so as to drive the development and improvement of foreigntrade enterprise in Changchun city. And to apply their own advantages of the industry,the effective use of capital market to attract strategic investors. At the same time , toguide foreign investment into agriculture, but also increase the degree of investmentfor Northeast Asia. Sixth, we should vigorously promote the “going out” strategyposition. To accelerate the cultivation of Multi-National Corporation, to developforeign contracted projects and labor service cooperation, encourage enterprises to tapthe depth of their own advantages, also supports the small and medium-sizedenterprises to exploit the international market.
  Key words:
  Export-oriented Economic ; Post-crisis Era ; Structure Adjustment;Changchun

  目 录
  摘 要
  引 言
  第 1 章 外向型经济理论概述
  1.1 外向型经济内容阐释
  1.1.1 外向型经济内涵界定
  1.1.2 外向型经济的分类及特征
  1.2 外向型经济的衡量标准
  1.3 发展外向型经济的理论基础
  1.3.1 经济增长理论
  1.3.2 比较优势理论
  1.3.3 可持续发展理论
  1.3.4 赫克歇尔-俄林模型或要素禀赋论(H-O 模型)
  第 2 章 长春市外向型经济的发展概况
  2.1 发展历程
  2.1.1 第一阶段(1978-1992 年)
  2.1.2 第二阶段(1992-2003 年)
  2.1.3 第三阶段(2003 至今)
  2.2 取得的绩效
  2.2.1 利用外资规模不断扩大
  2.2.2 投资结构和投资方式不断优化
  2.2.3 贸易状况发生显着改变
  2.2.4 口岸建设不断加强,对外开放水平进一步提升
  2.3 长春市与先进城市的差距
  2.3.1 发展水平比较
  2.3.2 投资环境比较
  2.3.3 经营模式比较
  2.3.4 出口结构比较
  2.3.5 经贸企业核心竞争力比较
  2.4 长春市面临的发展机遇和挑战
  2.4.1 国际发展机遇和挑战
  2.4.2 国内发展机遇和挑战
  第 3 章 长春市外向型经济发展存在的问题及原因
  3.1 存在的问题
  3.1.1 实际利用内外资水平相对较低
  3.1.2 外贸出口规模小,出口结构不合理
  3.1.3 企业信心不足,对境外市场开拓力度不够
  3.1.4 地区间恶性竞争日益激烈,项目落位有随意性倾向
  3.1.5 机场运力投入不足,口岸基础设施有待完善
  3.2 制约因素分析
  3.2.1 特定的自然地理区位不具优势
  3.2.2 经贸企业的自身素质低
  3.2.3 招商引资的人文环境差
  3.2.4 运作模式理念相对滞后
  3.2.5 政府对企业的扶持力度弱
  第 4 章 促进长春市外向型经济发展的对策
  4.1 增强利用外资的战略效应
  4.1.1 优化外资产业结构
  4.1.2 扩大外资的溢出效应
  4.1.3 鼓励加工贸易转型升级
  4.1.4 推进中小企业加快发展
  4.2 努力培育国际竞争新优势
  4.2.1 加快推进企业战略型调整
  4.2.2 加强质量和标准化建设
  4.3 提升对外贸易比较优势
  4.3.1 加强和改善进口商品调控
  4.3.2 全面提高产品质量和附加值
  4.4 调整优化外向型经济结构
  4.4.1 进一步培育壮大外贸经营主体
  4.4.2 继续鼓励高新技术产品出口
  4.4.3 扩大农副产品出口规模
  4.4.4 大力发展服务贸易
  4.4.5 加大发展边境贸易
  4.5 进一步拓宽招商领域
  4.5.1 实施“大项目带动”战略
  4.5.2 利用资本市场引入战略投资者
  4.5.3 引导外资向农业投入
  4.5.4 加大面向东北亚的引资力度
  4.6 提升“走出去”战略地位
  4.6.1 加快培育跨国公司
  4.6.2 大力发展对外承包工程和劳务合作
  4.6.3 鼓励企业深度挖掘自身优势
  4.6.4 支持、培育中小企业开拓国际市场
  结 论
  致 谢