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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-23 共2025字


【第一章  第二章】住宅装饰的消费心理研究 

  摘 要






  In modern society, the consumption culture concept was put forward, and influenceour life, especially in the aesthetic, consumer behavior and values influence character byenvironment influence and change happening. Residential interior design is based onthe life of the consumer demand to carry out the work of the spirit, as consumer demandcontinues to increase, for the design requirements are constantly strengthen. Grasp thedifferent consumer psychology, will improve the service level of the interior designer, andalso reflects the “people-oriented” design concept.

  Home, is the rest of the people living space, according to the psychological needs ofconsumers on the interior design reasonable, targeted design, is the priority amongpriorities of residential design in the field of industry. Based on consumer psychology asthe basis, the analysis and discussion of the consumption psychology ,respectively fromthe micro macro two aspects, to analyze the effect of consumers' gender, personality, ageand educational background of the consumer psychology, and from the macro socialclass, culture, population analysis of consumer psychology. Accordingto theory, the general consumer psychological reasons for three, in order to facilitate thefuture work to be used. Then this paper discusses the indoor color design, interior design,interior design style and material effects of different consumer from the consumerpsychology. Consumers have a psychological feelings will be mapped tothe space environment, better reflects the “action” and “reaction”, “influence” and“affected”, residential interior design and consumption psychology of the relationship.

  In addition, through the analysis of consumer psychology and residential interiordesign elements, combined with the actual case to further explore the residential interiordesign and consumer psychology “influence” and “affected”, implementthe idea, thought, summarize the methods and techniques used to plan, work better in thefuture.

  Key words: interior design, consumer psychology, design psychology,designelements


  摘 要


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究目的及意义

  1.1.1 研究目的

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外的研究现状

  1.3 研究方法

  第二章 住宅装饰的消费心理研究

  2.1 住宅装饰的消费心理概述

  2.1.1 住宅装饰的消费心理定义及特征

  2.1.2 住宅装饰的消费心理的特殊性

  2.2 住宅装饰的消费心理分析

  2.2.1 消费心理个体因素分析

  2.2.2 消费心理社会因素分析

  2.3 住宅装饰的消费心理原因和动机分析

  第三章 消费心理与住宅室内设计的分析

  3.1 消费心理与色彩

  3.2 消费心理与材料

  3.3 消费心理与装饰风格

  第四章 案例分析

  4.1 设计实践分析--住宅公寓室内设计

  第五章 结论与展望


  致 谢
