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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-30 共2576字








  This paper focused on the research of interior environment design of one special hoteltype,the design hotel. With the progress of the society, the development of new material,new structure and new technology brings great convenience to the improvement of hotels.

  Changes of people 's thinking modes, along with improvements of people 's aestheticrequirements and economic level 's promotion,provide the interior environment designs ofhotels a great degree of freedom. Thus, the design hotels came into being in the 1980s.

  This paper carried on theoretical analyses of the interior design of design hotels on thebasis of data the author collected,and summarized the interior design of design hotelsfrom the perspective of learning. This paper looked into the role that design hotels play inmodern hotel industry through the investigation and study of the origin, present situationand the tendency in the future of design hotels; Acquire a further knowledge of fashion,creativity and experience of design hotels revealing in interior space through the expeditionand analysis of domestic and overseas cases; Analyze the diversities of functions,spacesand decoration languages of the interior designs by comparing with traditional hotels;Getmore about the design features of the interior space in functionality , artistry andemotionality of design hotels;Figure out a brand-new way of design by investigating andanalyzing to make my own opinion and try to use it in my own practice projects.

  For those design hotels that are still in the stage of exploration,interior space designhas a great influence on the survival and development of hotels. Excellent designs ofinterior space environment can not only satisfy special requirements of customers, servethe customers well, and more important can improve the social effects and economicbenefits. To study on the interior design of design hotels and to find the balance pointbetween designs and fashions mean a lot to the extension and the diversity of design hotels.

  The paper concludes the design hotel interior design features by comparative analysis, andsummarizes the design method which is suitable for design hotel has certain guidance andreference value for the future practice of project.

  Keywords:Design hotel、Interior design、Creative、Experience

  目 录

  第一章 绪 论

  1.1 课题研究的缘起

  1.2 国内外相关研究

  1.2.1 国外相关研究

  1.2.2 国内相关研究

  1.3 研究目的和意义

  1.3.1 研究目的

  1.3.2 研究意义

  1.4 研究目标与内容

  1.4.1 研究目标

  1.4.2 研究内容

  1.5 研究方法与框架

  1.5.1 研究方法

  1.5.2 研究框架

  第二章 设计型酒店概述

  2.1 酒店发展概况及设计型酒店溯源

  2.1.1 酒店发展概况

  2.1.2 设计型酒店溯源

  2.1.3 我国设计型酒店发展概况及存在的问题

  2.2 设计型酒店的概念界定及其产生的基础

  2.2.1 设计型酒店的概念界定

  2.2.2 设计型酒店产生的基础

  2.3 设计型酒店的不同类别

  2.3.1 独立的设计型酒店

  2.3.2 连锁的设计型酒店

  2.3.3 大品牌酒店旗下的设计型酒店

  2.3.4 跨界的设计型酒店

  第三章 设计型酒店与传统酒店室内设计的差异表达

  3.1 客户定位的差异

  3.1.1 对空间权重的影响

  3.1.2 对空间氛围的影响

  3.2. 设计师之间的差异

  3.2.1 专业领域

  3.2.2 设计动机

  3.3 设计侧重点的差异

  3.3.1 个性前卫

  3.3.2 注重体验

  3.3.3 自我实现

  3.4 设计语言的差异

  3.4.1 形式的差异

  3.4.2 材质的差异

  3.4.3 色彩的差异

  第四章 设计型酒店室内设计特点解析

  4.1 设计型酒店室内空间的功能表现

  4.1.1 客房

  4.1.2 公共区域

  4.2 设计型酒店室内空间的艺术表现

  4.2.1 波普艺术与设计型酒店室内设计

  4.2.2 抽象艺术与设计型酒店室内设计

  4.2.3 后现代主义与设计型酒店室内设计

  4.3 设计型酒店室内空间的情感表现

  4.3.1 传统文化的空间情感

  4.3.2 自然地域的空间情感

  4.3.3 时尚潮流的空间情感

  第五章 设计案例解析与方法探析及实践

  5.1 设计案例解析

  5.1.1 裸心谷

  5.1.2 衡山路十二号

  5.2 设计方法探析

  5.2.1 创造性的切入点

  5.2.2 特色线索的展开

  5.2.3 意境氛围的创造

  5.3 设计实践案例

  5.3.1 水巷邻里酒店概念设计(餐饮、书吧部分)

  5.3.2 梅子湾酒店方案设计

  第六章 结 语


  致 谢
