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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-30 共2077字


  摘 要
  Entering the new century, changes in contemporary public aesthetic taste occurred byelite dominated by a single aesthetic interest turned to popular culture dominated by theaesthetic taste. This change displays born secularization feature of this secular mainly as“body” turned on their own desires aspirations; idolatry and variety tendency “fashionentertainment” brought a relaxed and entertaining as the main guide; seek alienation“Ugliness taste” in easing the Chinese public fatigued also brings bad taste; “symbolic” group,brand aesthetic trends, Volkswagen had been accustomed to living close to the label. Forminga secular aesthetic taste is not without reason, as the liberation of the Chinese publicperceptual awareness, elite culture altar, aesthetic becoming an integral part of public life, theaesthetic has become “routine-oriented.” “Consumerism” driven benefits, coupled with the“new media technology” fueled the public's aesthetic taste Chinese secularization is inevitable.
  This “secular” impact on the Chinese public's aesthetic taste is subtle, the Chinese public is nolonger yearn for “Poetry and the distance,” are more willing to pay attention to the feelings ofthe moment, to entertain a relaxed attitude towards everything around, the money for the faith,serious and profound thrown aside, no depth plane of handy work effortlessly. We should treatthis tendency to treat the historical and cultural perspective of the liberation of the Chinesepublic's perceptual awareness, awakening consciousness repressed like flood gate, we shouldbe rational and objective attitude in the face of such a change, for this I believe that thepromotion of change and cultural diversity of the market, to develop aesthetic education, tocarry out projects that benefit and promoting spiritual civilization, it is imperative to improvethe aesthetic taste of Chinese public. Aesthetic taste already penetrated into all areas of dailylife the Chinese public, attention to aesthetic taste change is examining the Chinese publicideology. Only literary creators to create a people-oriented, based on reality, attention humanecare of public works to rebuild China's ideology, thereby affecting the aesthetic tastes.
  Key words:New Century; Chinese public; Aesthetic taste; Secularization

  目 录
  摘 要
  绪 论
  第一章 新世纪以来中国大众的审美趣味
  第一节 新世纪以来中国大众审美趣味的呈现
  第二节 新世纪以来中国大众审美趣味“世俗化”转变
  第二章 “世俗化”审美趣味的显现形态
  第一节 审美趣味的“身体”转向
  第二节 “时尚娱乐化”的审美趣味
  第三节 异化的“审丑趣味”
  第四节 “符号化”审美趋向的兴起
  第三章 “世俗化”审美趣味形成的原因
  第一节 “感性意识”的解放
  第二节 “消费主义”大行其道
  第三节 “新媒介技术”的推波助澜
  第四节 审美趣味的“生活化”
  第四章 对新世纪以来中国大众的“世俗化”审美趣味的反思
  第一节 “世俗化”审美趣味对中国大众的影响
  第二节 历史和人文的视野看待中国大众的感性解放
  第三节 鼓励大众审美趣味的多元化发展
  结 语
  后 记