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美国摩门教会黑人牧师问题历史探析 结束语参考文献

来源:学术堂 作者:韩老师
发布于:2014-04-16 共15867字















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  [2] Anderson, Martha, Black Pioneers of the Northwest, 1800-1918, Seattle, Wash.: Private Publication,1980.
  [3] Anderson, Edward H., The Life of Brigham Young, Salt Lake City, Utah: GEO, Q. Cannon & Sons Co.,Publishers, 1893.
  [4] Alexander, Thomas G., Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-day Saints, Urbana:
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  [5] Alexander, Thomas G. and James B. Allan, Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt Lake City, Boulder,Colorado: Pruett Publishing Co., 1984.
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  [23] Brown, John Zimmerman, Autobiography of John Brown, 1820-1896, Salt Lake City: Press of Stevensand Wallis Inc., 1941.
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  [26] Bushman Claudia L. Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-day Saints in Modern America, PraegerPublishers, Westport, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc. 2006.
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  [28] Bushman Richard, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, New York: Vintage Books, a division ofRandom House, Inc., 2007.
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  [30] Cherry, Alan Gerald, It's You and Me Lord!, Provo, Utah: Trilogy Arts Publication, 1970.
  [31] Clark, Wynetta Martin, I Am a Negro Mormon, Ogden, Utah: n.p., 1970.
  [32] Cleland, Robert G., and Juanita Brooks, ed., A Mormon Chronicle: Diaries of John D. Lee, 1848-1876.
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  [37] Esshom, Frank Elwood, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, Salt Lake City: Utah Pioneers BookPublishing Company, 1913.
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  [57] Stark Rodney, The Rise of Mormonism edited by Reid L. Neilson, New York: Columbia UniversityPress, 2005.
  [58] Tanner, Jerald, Does the Book of Mormon Teach Racial Prejudice? Salt Lake City: Modern MicrofilmCompany, 1959.
  [1] Bellamy, Donnie B., “Free Blacks in Antebellum Missouri, 1820-1860”, Missouri Historical Review 67(January 1973):198-226.
  [2] Bellers, Jack, “Negro Slaves in Utah”, Utah Historical Quarterly 2 (October 1929):22-26.
  [3] Booker, Simeon, “The Religion That Bars Negroes”, Negro Digest 5 (September 1947):52-55.
  [4] Bringhurst, Newell G., “Forgotten Mormon perspectives: Slavery, Race, and the Black Man as IssuesAmong Non-Utah Latter-day Saints 1844-1875”, Michigan History 61 (Winter 1977): 357-370.
  [5] Bringhurst, Newell G., “Elijah Abel and the Changing Status of Blacks Within Mormonism ”, Dialogue12 (Summer1979): 22-36.
  [6] Bringhurst, Newell G., “Charles B. Thompson and the Issue of Slavery and Race”, Journal of MormonHistory 8 (1981):37-47.
  [7] Bringhurst, Newell G., “The Mormons and Black Slavery-A Closer Look”, Pacific Historical Review 50(August 1981):329-338.
  [8] Bringhurst, Newell G., “The Descendents of Ham in Zion: Discrimination Against Blacks Along theShifting Mormon Frontier 1830-1920 ” Nevada Historical Quarterly 24 (Winter 1981):298-318.
  [9] Bush, Lester E., “A Commentary on Stephen Taggart's Mormonism's Negro Policy: Social andHistorical Origins”, Dialogue 4 (Winter 1969):86-103.
  [10] Bush, Lester E., “Mormonism's Negro Doctrine: A Historical Overview ”, Dialogue 8 (Spring1973):11-69.
  [11] Caldwell, Gaylon L., “Moral and Religious Aspects of the Negro in Utah”, Western HumanitiesReview 13 (1959):102-106.
  [12] Coleman, Ronald G., “The Buffalo Soldiers: Guardians of the Uintah Frontier 1886-1901”, UtahHistorical Quarterly 47 (Fall 1979):421-439.
  [13] Davidson, Glen W., “Mormon Missionaries and Race Question”, Christian Century 82 (29 September1965):1183-1186.
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  [16] Eastmond, J. Nicholls, Jr., “The New Revelation: A Personal View ”, Dialogue 12 (Summer1979):9-12.
  [17] Embry, Jessie L., “Separate But Equal? Black Branches, Genesis Groups, or Integrated Wards?”,Dialogue 23 (Spring 1990):11-37.
  [18] England Eugene, “The Mormon Cross”, Dialogue 12 (Summer 1979):78-86.
  [19] England Eugene, “Are All Alike Unto God? Prejudice Against Blacks and Women in Popular MormonTheology”, Sunstone 14 (April 1990): 16-25.
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  [23] Gagon, David, ”A Personal Commitment to Civil Equality“, Dialogue 3(Autumn 1968):51-53.
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  [29] Hughes, Paul, ”Romney, Mormons and Negroes“, Christian Herald 91(October 1967):24-52.
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  [31] Jonas, F.H., ”Matter of Opinion: Mormonism's Negro Policy “, American West 8 (November 1971):48.
  [32] Kunz, Philip R., ”Blacks and Mormonism: A Social Distance Change“, Psychological Reports 45(August 1979):81-82.
  [33] Larson, Gustive O., ”Utah and the Civil War“, Utah Historical Quarterly 33 (Winter 1965):55-77.
  [34] Lythgoe, Dennis L., ”The Changing Images of Mormonism“, Dialogue 3 (Winter 1968):45-58.
  [35] Lythgoe, Dennis L., ”Negro Slavery and Mormon Doctrine“, Western Humanities Review 21 (Autumn1967):327-328.
  [36] Mauss, Armand L., ”Mormonism and the Negro: Faith, Folklore and Civil Rights“, Dialogue 4 (Winter1969):19-39.
  [37] Mauss, Armand L., ”Modernization in All Things: Political and Social Outlook of Modern UrbanMormons“, Dialogue 7(Spring 1972):57-69.
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  [39] Nelson, Lowry, ”Mormons and Blacks“, Christian Century 91 (October 1974):449-470.
  [40] Nibley, Hugh W., ”The Best Possibile Test“, Dialogue 8 (Spring 1973):73-77.
  [41] Oaks, Dallin H., ”Law and Order-A Two Way Street“, Dialogue 3 (Winter 1968):59-70.
  [42] Olsen, Peggy, ”Ruffin Bridgeforth: Leader and Father to Mormon Blacks“, This People 1 (Winter1980):11-17.
  [43] Reeding, Ned, ”Negro and the Priesthood“, Intermountain News, 29 December 1966, 1.
  [44] Russell, Tom D., ”A Priestly Role for a Prophetic Church: RLDS Church and Black Americans“,Dialogue 12 (Summer 1979):37-49.
  [45] Schweikart, Larry, ”The Mormon Connection: Lincoln, the Saints, and the Crisis of Equality“, WesternHumanities Review 34 (Winter 1980):1-22.
  [46] Shipps, Jan B., ”Second-Class Saints“, Colorado Quarterly 11(1962-63):183-190.
  [47] Smith, George D., ”The Negro Doctrine, An Afterview“, Dialogue 12 (Summer 1979):64-67.
  [48] Shipp, Royuhal, ”Black Images and White Images: The Combustibility of Common Misconception“,Dialogue 3 (Winter 1968):77-91.
  [49] Smith, Willfred G., ”The Limits of Divine Love“, Dialogue 3 (Winter 1968):97-100.
  [50] Stewart, Daniel I., ”The Rule of Law and the Dilemma of Minorities“, Dialogue 3 (Winter1968):70-77.
  [51] Thomasson, Gorden C., ”Lester Bush's Historical Overview: Other Perspectives“, Dialogue 8 (Spring1973):69-72.
  [52] Vernon, Glenn M., ”Racial Integration and the Church-A Comparative Note“, Dialogue 3 (Summer1967): 148-149.
  [53] Wells, E.E., ”Unjustifiable Denial of Priesthood to Black Mormons“, Negro History Bulletin 40 (July1977):725-727.
  [54] White, O. Kendall, Jr., ”Mormon's Anti-Black Policy and Prospects for Change“, Journal of ReligiousThought 29 (Autumn/Winter 1972):39-60.
  [55] White, O. Kendall, Jr., ”Boundary Maintenance, Blacks and the Mormon Priesthood“, Journal ofReligious Thought 37 (Fall/Winter 1980-81):30-41.
  [56] White, O. Kendall, Jr. and Daryl White, ”Abandoning an Unpopular Policy: An Analysis of theDecision Granting the Mormon Priesthood to Blacks“, Sociological Analysis 41 (Fall 1980):231-245.
  [57] Young, Thane, ”Mixed Messages on the Negro Doctrine: An Interview with Lester Bush“, Sunstone 4(May/June 1979):8-15.
  [1] Anderson, David E., ”Mormon Acceptance of Blacks Resolves Church Controversy“, Baltimore Record,11 August 1978.
  [2] ”Black Mormons PraiseAdmission of Blacks in Priesthood“, Pittsburgh Courtier, 24 June 1978, 16.
  [3] Blum, Ida, ”History Explodes Negro Myth“, Nauvoo Independent, 30 December 1965, 1.
  [4] ”Give Full Civil Rights to All; LDS Counselor Brown (Hugh B.) Asked“, Salt Lake City Tribune, 7October 1962, 1.
  [5] Gudmunsen, Lance, ”Blacks Enter LDS Priesthood: Shatter Long Time Practice“, Salt Lake CityTribune, 11 June 1978, 1.
  [6] Harris, Harvey, ”Bizarre Events Follow Mormon's Ordination“, Greensboro (NC)News, 3 September1978.
  [7] Ivins, Molly, ”MormonAction on Blacks Promises Impact on Utah“, NewYork Times, 18 June 1978, 1.
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  [9] Marchant, Byron, ”A Delayed Invitation“, Salt Lake City Tribune, 3 April 1978,5.
  [10] McGraw, Bill, ”There Was at Least One Negro Who Rose to High Priesthood in Mormon Religion“,Southwestern, December 1963,1,27.
  [11] ”Mormons and the Negro Issue“, San Francisco Chronicle, 20 December 1969, 15.
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  [14] ”Mormon Church President Kimball Opens Way for Blacks in Priesthood“, San Francisco Chronicle,10 June 1978, 1.
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  [21] Ruppert, Ray, ”Mormon Race View Subject to Change“, Seattle Times, 8 March 1970.
  [22] Tanner, Jerald, and Sandra Tanner, ”Negroes in the Priesthood“, Salt Lake City Messenger, November1965, 1.
  [23] Trapp, Dan L., ”Mormons Seeming Bias on Negroes at Issue“, News Weekly, 2 September 1967,1,7.
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  [2] Ainsworth, Charles Harold, ”Religious and Regional Sources of Attitudes Toward Blacks AmongSouthern Mormons“, Ph.D. diss., Washington State University,1982.
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  [16] J ennings, Warren A., ”Zion is Fled: The Expulsion of the Saints from Jackson County“, Ph.D. diss.,University of Florida, 1962.
  [17] Lelegren, Kelly, ”Real, Live Mormon Women: Understanding the Role of Early Twentieth-CenturyLDS Lady Missionaries“, master thesis, Utah State University, 2009.
  [18] Lynett, Riggs A., ”The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Indian Student PlacementService:A History“, Ph.D. diss., Utah State University, 2008.
  [19] Lythgoe, Dennis Leo, ”The Changing Image of Mormonism in Periodical Literature“, Ph.D. diss.,University of Utah, 1966.
  [20] Magg, Margaret J., ”Discrimination Against the Negro in Utah and Institutional Efforts to EliminateIt“, Master's thesis, University of Utah, 1968.
  [21] Mauss, Armand L., ”Mormonism and Minorities“, Ph.D. diss., University of California, Berkeley,1970.
  [22] McKay, Alice Smith, ”A Psychological Examination of a Few Prophecies of the Early Founders ofMormonism“, Master's thesis, University of Utah, 1930.
  [23] Oliver, Louise D., ”The Mormons and Missouri, 1830-1839“, Master's thesis, University of KansasCity, 1943.
  [24] Ricks, Nathaniel R., ”Peculiar Place for the Peculiar Institution: Slavery and Sovereignty in EarlyTerritorial Utah“, master thesis, Brigham Young University, 2007.
  [25] Rickette, Jeremy R., ”Imaging the Saints: Representations of Mormonism in American Culture“, Ph.D.
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  [26] Wendell, Thomas Simpson, ”Mormon's Study “Abroad”:Latter-day Saints in American HigherEducation 1870-1940“, Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 2005.


  [1] ”Are Negroes Children of Adam?“, Millennial Star 65 (3 December 1903): 776-778.
  [2] ”Aunt Jane James, Joseph Smith, The Prophet“, Young Women's Journal 16 (December 1905):551-553.
  [3] Badger, Ralph A., ”A Victory Over Prejudice“, Millennial Star 70 (17 November 1907):60-61.
  [4] Barbour, Miller W., ”Breaking the Barriers: Anti-Negro Prejudice Lessens in Western Hotels“, Frontier, November 1954, 5.
  [5] Bennett, Wallace R., ”The Negro in Utah“, Utah Law Review 3 (spring 1953):340-348.
  [6] Bennion, Lowell L., ”Religion and Social Responsibility 'Human Rights‘“, Instructor 100 (October1965):391.
  [7] Broadbent, Cecil, ”The Negro and Our Heavenly Father's Plan“, Mitarbeiter, 7 January 1966, 1-4.
  [8] Brown, Victor, Jr., ”Minorities:ALatter-day Saint Definition“, New Era 2 (September 1972): 20-21.
  [9] ”Booker T. Washington's Views of the Mormons“, The Improvement Era 16 (June 1913):807-808.
  [10] Buckmiller, Golden A., ”President Kimball Inspires Members to Improve Their Lives“, Church News,19 December 1981, 6.
  [11] Cannon, George Q., ”Emancipation of the Slaves…The Prophet Joseph's Plan-Result of Its Rejection“LDS Millennial Star 25 (14 February 1863):97-101.
  [12] Cannon, George Q., ”Theories on the Origin of Man“, Juvenile Instructor 3 (15 August1868):124-125.
  [13] Cannon, George Q., ”From Caucasian to Negro“, Juvenile instructor 3 (15 September 1868): 141-142.
  [14] Cannon, George Q., ”Man and Varieties“, Juvenile instructor 3 (1 October 1868): 145-146.
  [15] Cannon, George Q., ”Mixed Races-Effects of Climate“, Juvenile instructor 3 (1 November 1868):
  [16] ”Citizenship Denied to Negroes in Missouri“, Evening and Morning Star 2 (July 1833):218.
  [17] Durham, Homer G., ”Some American History and the Civil Rights Act of 1964“, Improvement Era 67(August 1964): 630-687.
  [18] ”First Presidency Statement on Blacks“, 15 December 1969, Church News, 10 January 1970, 12.
  [19] ”First Presidency Councils Against Racial Prejudice, Religious Intolerance, Terrorism and Crime“,Ensign 12 (March 1982):78.
  [20] Hanna, David and Steve Ostler, ”No Respecter of Persons“, Ensign 11 (August 1981):18-21.
  [21] Hart, John L., ”LDS Blacks in Same Ward, Just Different Hospitals“, Church News 4 October 1980, 5.
  [22] Hemming, Jan, ”Black Author Discovers Mormon Way“, Church News, 19 May 1979.
  [23] Hyde, Orson, ”Slavery Among the Saints“, LDS Millennial Star 13 (15 February 1851):63.
  [24] Hyde, Orson, ”Negroes-Cain descendants to eventually receive blessings“, LDS Millennial Star 14 (14December 1851):418.
  [25] Lamb, John, ”My Responsibility“, Improvement Era 69 (January 1966):36-37.
  [26] Maxwell, Neal A., ”The Church Now Can Be Universal With Priesthood Revelation of 1978“, ChurchNews, 5 January 1980, 5.
  [27] Newell, Linda K., and Valeen Tippetts Avery, ”Jane Manning James: Black Saint, 1847 Pioneer“,Ensign 9 (August 1979):26-29.
  [28] Pratt, Orson, ”The Pre-existence of Man“, Seer 1 (April 1853):54-56.
  [29] Smith, Joseph, Jr., ”The Prophet's Views on Abolition“, ”LDS Church's Position on Negroes inMissouri“, ”Church's Stand on Slavery and Abolition“, ”The Prophet's Views of the Negro Race“, ”Two Negroes Were Tried for Attempting to Marry White Women“, ”Petition to Eliminate Slavery“,History of the Church, 7 vols. Salt Lake City: Deseret Press, 1978.
  [30] Smith, Joseph Fielding, ”The Negro and the Priesthood“, Liahona, The Elders' Journal 5 (18 April1908):164-167.
  [31] Widtsoe, John A., ”Were the Negroes Neutral in Heaven?“, ”Evidences and Reconciliation“, TheImprovement Era 44 (June 1944):385.





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