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非法经营黄金期货案件的刑法问题研究 中英文摘要与引言

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-30 共1898字




  [关键词] 黄金期货 法律规制 非法经营


  Gold is not only a commercial product, it is also used as a monetary carrier.

  With the increase of the level of national income,gold becomes more popular amongthe public and the public is finding a broader way of investment, as a result, itaffects Chinese financial market which makes the need of gold investment greater.

  According to “ issued by SFC and the other four divisions at December, 2011,apart from Shanghai Futures Exchange and Shanghai Gold Exchange , anyinstitutions, areas, individuals are not allowed to establish any Gold Exchange orExchange Centre, even not allowed to establish any gold exchange platform in anyother Gold Exchange or Exchange Centre.“Underground Gold Speculation” is anillegal way of managing Gold futures which is against Chinese law of gold trading.

  There are a variety of reasons giving rise to these illegal activities. In the latest years,“Underground Gold Speculation” has significantly enhanced the number of criminalcases involving illegal business. A series of problems are caused by these cases, arethey company crimes ? Does the person who commits the crime know it anddeliberately do it subjectively?How can we prove that he knows it?How can wemake sure the jurisdiction for cases involving oversea countries?For governingillegal gold futures trading more effectively , it is necessary to improve oursupervisory system,find a way of regulatory consolidation ,various regulation andclassified regulation on the basis of completed law.Meanwhile we should also learnthe advanced systems from other developed countries and discover a combination oftheir experience and our national conditions that can lead to a more scientific andreasonable way of regulation.

  [Key Words] financial market gold trading company crimes

  引 言

  上海市人民检察院 2013 年 5 月 8 日发布首个年度《上海金融检察白皮书》。

  该“白皮书”显示:上个年度(2012 年)上海检察机关办理的涉众型金融犯罪案件共计 134 件,在数量上与上海检察机关前 3 年办理的该类案件的总量持平;其中,涉及非法经营金融类型的案件共计 110 件,占到涉众型金融案件总量的 82%,然而,在非法经营金融业务类型的案件中,非法经营黄金期货案件又占到了该类案件总量的半数以上,可见,非法经营黄金期货的违法犯罪行为已经严重侵害了广大社会及公众投资者的经济利益。


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