
您当前的位置:学术堂 > 管理学论文 > 市场营销论文 >


来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-20 共2410字



  摘 要







  The rapid development of Chinese telecommunication industry promotes thedevelopment of domestic VRLA battery industry. Based on competitive price andsteady product quality, China now becomes the largest product base and exporter oflead-acid batteries in the world and Chinese VRLA battery enterprises go on thedevelopment road to international market. Therefore, it is very necessary to study theoverseas marketing strategies of Chinese typical VRLA battery enterprises.

  This paper uses the target market selection and positioning strategy analyses oftypical domestic VRLA battery enterprises, at the same time through the analyses ofexternal opportunities and threats of each overseas market, conclude some regularitiesfrom different marketing strategies made by different enterprises at different time indifferent market regions.

  In different overseas market region, different VRLA battery enterprises willadopt different marketing strategies, it reaches following conclusions:(1) The pricecompetition is very intense in Southeast Asia market, the enterprises are better to usecost advanced strategy. (2) EU and U.S. Markets are matured and have a very highrequests for battery quality, the enterprises are better to use brand marketing strategyto enter into the markets. (3) The emerging African market is better to be entered intoby rapid skimming strategy and centralized strategy, focused on serving specialmarket segmentation, recovered the costs in short time and made high profits. (4)Entering into Middle East market is better to adopt differentiation strategy, theenterprises will obtain the marketing competitive advantages with rivals bydifferentiated products. (5) Latin American market is not sensitive to price but needlong and durable batteries, so it could use non-differentiation strategy.

  Each battery enterprise will adopt different marketing strategies in differentoverseas marketing regions at different time, it not only because the strengths andweaknesses of different enterprise itself, but also because the continuing changes ofexternal environment. Above are some conclusion of marketing strategy regulations oftypical Chinese battery enterprises in different overseas market, it will be a goodinstruction and reference for their development strategies in the future.

  Key Words: Marketing Strategy, Overseas Market, Competitive advantage,VRLA battery enterprises

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究内容

  1.4 研究方法和技术路线

  1.5 论文框架

  1.6 创新与特色

  2 相关理论和文献综述

  2.1 战略管理理论

  2.2 营销战略理论

  2.3 国际市场营销战略理论

  2.4 文献述评

  3 中国典型蓄电池企业海外市场拓展结果

  3.1 海外市场拓展的背景

  3.2 海外市场拓展的过程

  3.3 海外市场拓展的结果

  4 典型蓄电池企业海外市场营销环境分析

  4.1 亚太市场

  4.2 欧洲市场

  4.3 非洲市场

  4.4 中东市场

  4.5 拉美市场

  5 典型蓄电池企业的目标市场选择和定位分析

  5.1 对细分市场的评估

  5.2 有技术研发优势的企业

  5.3 有区位优势的企业

  5.4 有知识产权和品牌优势的企业

  5.5 有渠道和成本优势的企业

  5.6 小结

  6 蓄电池企业海外市场的营销战略分析

  6.1 产品策略

  6.2 价格策略

  6.3 渠道策略

  6.4 促销策略

  6.5 营销战略构建的规律分析

  7 结论和战略启示

  7.1 结论

  7.2 海外市场营销战略建议

  7.3 研究不足和展望


  致 谢
