摘 要
关键字 民营教辅企业 品牌建设 品牌教辅
The guidance book publishing company is active in the market of guidance books, notonly accounted for half of the area of distribution of supplementary books, but also make it inthe supplementary planning books field plays an important role. With the introduction of thereform of education and guidance New Deal, guidance private enterprises are facing newchallenges and opportunities. They pay more attention to brand building and development,and gradually make the brand as a new model of development companies.
Guidance private enterprises which with flexible operation mechanism, can react quicklyto the changing market. With years of capital accumulation and market influence, guidanceprivate enterprises in brand building has achieved good results. Currently outstandingguidance books brand on the market, are mostly created by the private publishing company,and they have gradually formed a certain brand influence in the audience population.
The competition between private guidance publishing companies has entered the stageof brand competition. Guidance private enterprises still has much room for development inthe brand promotion, maintenance and other aspects. Brand strategy can reasonably improvethe competitiveness of the brand, which can make publishing companies survive in the fiercecompetition, develop, and grow.
Key words Private guidance company Brand building Brand guidance book
目 录
第 1 章 绪 论
1.1 研究缘起与目的
1.2 研究现状
1.3 创新点
1.4 相关概念界定
1.4.1 品牌的价值与内涵
1.4.2 “教辅”企业的产品品牌与企业品牌
第 2 章 民营“教辅”出版行业概况
2.1 “教辅”出版发展历程
2.1.1 “课改”前的“教辅”图书出版
2.1.2 “课改”后的“教辅”图书出版
2.2 民营企业在“教辅”出版行业中的地位
2.3 民营企业的“教辅”品种与数量
2.4 主要的民营“教辅”企业及其重点“教辅”产品
第 3 章 民营“教辅”企业品牌化发展及现状
3.1 民营“教辅”企业的发展困境及发展方向
3.1.1 “教辅新政”后民营“教辅”企业的发展困境
3.1.2 品牌化发展是突破困境的必然选择
3.1.3 品牌建设对于民营“教辅”企业发展的意义
3.2 品牌建设的现状
3.2.1 品牌建设意识增强
3.2.2 品牌战略成为普遍选择
3.2.3 品牌特色化发展
3.2.4 集团化运作扩大了品牌影响力
第 4 章 民营“教辅”企业品牌建设特点与问题
4.1 品牌建设的特点
4.1.1 市场化程度较高
4.1.2 品牌识别度较高
4.1.3 编写模式创新性强
4.1.4 系列产品巩固企业品牌
4.2 品牌建设中存在的问题及原因
4.2.1 抄袭和质量问题依旧存在
4.2.2 品牌的宣传推广力度不足
4.2.3 服务意识不强影响品牌维护
4.2.4 内部品牌管理制度不完善
第 5 章 民营“教辅”企业品牌建设对策
5.1 保障内容的高质量和原创性
5.1.1 提高“教辅”图书质量
5.1.2 提高原创性
5.2 加强品牌宣传推广力度
5.2.1 提升品牌产品宣传力度
5.2.2 加强品牌形象宣传
5.3 加强品牌服务体系建设
5.3.1 保障基本服务
5.3.2 创造附加服务价值
5.4 建立企业内部品牌管理制度
结 语
致 谢