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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-12-13 共4153字


  摘 要


  本研究以新办的 H 幼儿园为个案研究对象,运用个案研究法、观察法、实物收集与分析、访谈法等研究方法对 H 幼儿园构建家园合作共育机制进行研究。通过对 H 幼儿园开展家园活动的观察,相关资料的收集整理,幼儿园教师的访谈及对幼儿园实地考察,分析 H幼儿园家园合作的现状。H 幼儿园家园合作中的问题主要有:家长委员会、膳食委员会没有明确机构的职责,机构的功能发挥不到位;家长学校开展讲座的主讲人多为外聘专家,开展活动形式单一;家园合作制度划分不明确,制度的执行力不够;在家长资源方面,没有对家长资源进行管理,只是为班级提供材料及家长助教;开展活动方面,家园缺乏沟通,教师组织活动的经验不够,活动的组织不系统等。

  本研究在梳理 H 幼儿园家园合作现状及问题的基础上,从家园合作机构、家园合作制度、家长资源的管理及利用、家园活动的开展四个方面去构建家园合作共育机制。在家园合作机构方面:在对机构的组建提出建议的基础上,在实践中利用了家长委员会开展活动,组织了家长学校讲座。在家园合作制度方面:对制度进行完善和补充,在此基础之上,开展了家访活动,与家长进行沟通。在家长资源方面:对家长资源的管理提出建议,利用了家长人力、物力资源开展了实践活动。在家园活动方面:通过组织与实施活动,在实践中探索组织与实施的方法。

  构建家园合作共育机制的过程中,取得了一定的成效,同时也存在很多地不足。H 幼儿园作为一所新办园,需要从幼儿园、教师、家长三个方面继续完善共育机制,优化对家长的管理,更好的开展合作。在自身获得发展的同时,也为其他新办幼儿园在构建家园合作机制方面提供了借鉴与参考。




  The cooperation of kindergarten and family is an important part of early children'seducation. For new kindergartens, the cooperation between kindergartens and families is a vitalway to speed the development of kindergartens. The establishment of new kindergartens isconducive to optimizing the management of the cooperation between kindergartens and familiesand more conducive to the development of children by establishing the cooperative andco-educational mechanism of their homes.

  This study takes the newly established kindergarten-H as the case of study object, and usesome research methods such as case study method, observation method, material collection andanalysis, interview method to study the cooperative and common education mechanism ofkindergarten-H in building its home. By observation of H kindergarten's activities, collecting therelevant materials, interviews with kindergarten's teachers and visiting of the the kindergarten,the current situation of H kindergarten's relationship between kindergartens with children'shomes was analyzed. The problems in H kindergarten family-kindergarten interaction mainlyinclude: the parents' committee and the catering committee do not define the responsibilities ofthe institution, and the function of the institution does not play a important role; The mainspeakers of the lectures are mostly external experts, and the activities are simple. The rules of thecooperation system are not clear and the executors of the system have no real right to manage therelevant problems. In terms of parents' resources, we did not manage parents' resources, justsimply find some basic materials and parents' teaching assistants for the class. what's more. Interms of activities, what lacks of the cooperation between the school and the kids' family is deepand effective communication, the experience of teachers in organizing activities is insufficient,and the organization of activities is not systematic.

  Based on sorting out the current situation and problems of home-based cooperation in Hkindergarten, this study constructs the home-based cooperation and co-education mechanismfrom four aspects: home-based cooperation institutions, home-based cooperation system,management and utilization of parents' resources, and home-based activities.In terms ofcooperation institutions in the homeland: on the basis of making Suggestions on the establishment of the institutions, parents' committee was used to carry out activities in practiceand parents' school lectures were organized. In terms of home-based cooperation system, weimproved and supplemented the system. On this basis, we conducted home visits tocommunicate with parents. In the aspect of parent resources: put forward Suggestions on themanagement of parent resources, and made use of parents' human and material resources to carryout practical activities. Home activities: through the organization and implementation ofactivities, in practice to explore the organization and implementation methods.

  In the process of constructing the cooperation and co-education mechanism of homeland,some achievements have been made, but there are also many deficiencies. As a new kindergarten,H kindergarten needs to continue to improve the co-parenting mechanism from the three aspectsof kindergarten, teachers and parents, optimize the management of parents and better carry outcooperation. At the same time of its own development, it also provides reference for other newkindergartens in the construction of home cooperation mechanism.

  Key words: new kindergarten,cooperation of family and kindergarten,produced mechanism.

  目 录

  第一部分 构建家园合作共育机制必要性分析












  第二部分 H 幼儿园家园合作共育机制状况
  一、H 幼儿园园所基本情况
  二、H 幼儿园家园合作共育机制现状
  (一)H 幼儿园家园合作机构运行
  (二)H 幼儿园家园合作制度建设
  (三)H 幼儿园家长资源利用
  (四)H 幼儿园家园活动开展
  三、H 幼儿园家园合作共育机制存在的问题
  (一)H 幼儿园家园合作机构作用未突显
  (二)H 幼儿园家园合作制度不完善、执行力度不够
  (三)H 幼儿园对家长资源缺乏系统的管理
  (四)H 幼儿园开展家园合作活动的效果不显着

  第三部分 构建 H 幼儿园家园合作共育机制

  第四部分 构建家园合作共育机制思考与建议

  附 录
  致 谢
