摘 要
【关键词】青春校园 叙事系统 隐含观众 视听艺术 娱乐文化
Reviewing of the mainland youth campus films in the newcentury, film producers got rid of the constraint of theideological tendency in particular historical period to regardboth the spreading of the quintessence of the Chinese 5000years civilization and the Inheritance and extension of theessence of film art as their responsibility. They focused oncontemporary “pop culture” and “entertainment elements” andestablished the main line of “the memory of youth” that isdifferent from the past.“ implied audience”, By shooting thecontemporary youth campus stories, students state of life,hesitation and dream were sufficiently emerged in the works.
Characters mainly aimed at the middle school, universitycampus youth groups, which truly showed the characteristics ofyouth campus culture in each period to connect the audiencewith the film closely. Narrative melodies were unfolded togrowth theme,inspirational theme, theme of friendship,kinship,love and nostalgia. Although the mainland youth campusfilms are not clearly divided into types, each film is stillcontinuing with ancient civilization in various stages of youthcampus in different ways,and also constantly enriching,improving and growing to mature. Film mode structures arepromoted gradually and the character images are presented tothe reality and life. Costume design is consistent with thecharacter temperament, environment and age, and scene issought for the familiarity to the audience, and the local dialectsare added in the aspect of the language, which demonstratesmore authenticity and artistry of the film and basically reflectsthe profound connotation in film levels. Audio-visual arts arerelaxing, natural and simple, giving the audiences variouspsychological effects by the simple application of skills such asthe change of light and the color contrast, and music orientationis relatively suitable as well. In the creation of artistic skills, theprevious mainland films styles in which the gorgeous screenswere sought deliberately and audio-visual impact was blindlycreated were broken through, partly coming close to romanceand entertainment. In addition, the traditional emotion conceptwere not only the director and the actor, new youth memories ofthe teenagers in this period, which was mixed with bitter tasteand the youth helpless, were displayed in public by somedirectors. In the special environment, the mainland campusyouth films embarked on the pursuit of simplicity and reality ofcampus life in order to promte the development of the Chinesecivilization and culture, meanwhile, the audiences can find theirown past figures, arouse the deep attainment to youth campuslife and fully enjoy the films.
It is implyed that the audience began to pursue the profoundmeaning of the film in the spiritual level by the rise of youthcampus films “new power” in the new century. The audiencenarrative system of the film interpretation rapidly changed,which means that the Chinese movie “updating” trends appeared.
The mainland campus youth films in the creation level payedmore attention to the significant expression of the meaning,neither the “form” nor the “rule”. Meanwhile, the box office offilms with small investment in the mainland market is increasingall the way so that “youth campus film” not noticed seriouslybefore is opening its age.
【Key Words】campus youth the narrative system the implied audienceaudio-visual art entertainment culture
目 录
1 新世纪以来大陆青春校园电影的研究和思考
1.1 大陆青春校园电影定义的诠释
1.2 新世纪以来大陆青春校园电影研究现状
1.2.1 大陆青春校园电影单个电影研究概况
1.2.2 大陆青春校园电影整体研究现状
1.3 研究大陆青春校园电影的价值和意义
2 当代大陆青春校园电影的发展历程
2.1 当代青春电影溯源
2.2 十七年青春电影
2.2.1 政策与环境
2.2.2 各个阶段的艺术特点和电影
2.2.3 值得借鉴的艺术特征
2.3 文革十年青春电影
2.3.1 政策与环境
2.3.2 重要的特点及电影
2.3.3 创作与鉴赏
2.4 新时期以来青春电影
2.4.1 政策与环境
2.4.2 创作与创新
2.4.3 青春校园电影
3 新世纪以来大陆青春校园电影叙事系统
3.1 叙事主题分析
3.1.1 成长主题
3.1.2 励志主题
3.1.3 友情主题
3.1.4 亲情主题
3.1.5 怀旧主题
3.1.6 爱情主题
3.1.7 本章结语
3.2 模式化结构
3.2.1 环境的改变
3.2.2 对立关系的加入
3.2.3 情感的注入
3.3 人物形象
3.3.1 逆境中寻找自我的男主人公
3.3.2 善良美好追求爱情的女主人公
3.3.3 各种性格差异的老师形象
3.3.4 不可忽视的配角
3.4 个性化人物对白
3.4.1 语言对白
3.4.2 隐喻对白
3.4.3 方言对白
4 新世纪以来大陆青春校园电影视听艺术
4.1 镜头的运用的特点
4.2 画面间的朴实处理
4.3 非因素的点缀
4.4 音乐元素的定位
5 新世纪以来大陆青春校园电影的文化与市场策略
5.1 娱乐元素与流行文化
5.2 寓教于乐与辐射全球