
您当前的位置:学术堂 > 艺术论文 > 包装设计论文 >


来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-09-01 共2032字


  摘 要






  With the rapid development of society, economy, culture and relatedfields of science and technology continue to make breakthroughs andmature, people's quality of life, lifestyle and consumption concept haveundergone some changes. However, the traditional packaging can notmeet the emotional experience, the introduction of environmentalprotection design concept is in order to meet the development of the times.

  Through the rational design of multifunctional packaging, not only canincrease the value of the use of packaging, and can reduce the use ofpackaging materials, increase consumer packaging recycling. This canhelp to form the mainstream of future product packaging, guide a benignconsumption cycle mode, and lead a low-carbon environmentally friendlylifestyle.

  The subject of creation from the multifunctional application ofstationery packing, to “Ledao” brand stationery packaging design as acase of design innovation. The status and level of domestic andinternational stationery packaging design analysis, and view the theory ofthe multifunction packaging design, interpretation of multifunctionpackaging design concept and positioning stationery packing design isfrom functional, interactive, repeated use and so on. The multifunctionalpackaging on the “Tao” brand stationery for program analysis and thefinal show.

  The thesis aims to make people explored from stationery packingfunction in the direction of diversification, and then found in followprotection products, sales promotion, convenient use, storage andrecovery of the basic functions of the outside, reusable packaging caneffectively promote the brand; reusable packaging make stationerypackaging has more value in use, and consumers interact, to people's lifeto bring convenient and fun; reusable packaging more environmentalprotection, lead a low carbon environmental protection benign view ofconsumption.

  Keywords: Stationery packaging, multi-function, reuse, greenenvironmental protection

  目 录



  第一章 绪论

  1.1 课题设计的背景及意义

  1.1.1 设计创作背景

  1.1.2 设计创作的意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状与水平

  1.2.1 国内研究现状与水平

  1.2.2 国外研究现状与水平

  1.2.3 理论依据

  1.3 研究内容及方法

  1.3.1 课题研究内容

  1.3.2 文具品牌调研

  1.3.3 设计研究方法

  第二章 “乐道”文具多功能包装的设计理念

  2.1 设计定位

  2.1.1 产品定位

  2.1.2 市场定位

  2.1.3 包装定位

  2.2 设计创作思路

  2.3 文具多功能包装设计理念解读

  第三章 多功能文具包装设计构思与展开

  3.1 文具包装功能多元化的阐释

  3.1.1 装潢让包装本身变产品

  3.1.2 结构让包装零消耗置换

  3.1.3 创意让包装在玩乐中“变废为宝”

  3.1.4 环保材料的选择及运用

  3.2 多功能文具包装设计中的功能延展

  3.2.1 个性化的识别与记忆

  3.2.2 跨领域的组合

  3.2.3 互动性体验

  3.3 多功能文具包装应该具备的设计要点

  3.3.1 符合环保理念

  3.3.2 引导现代人消费

  3.3.3 为生活添姿添彩

  第四章 “乐道”文具包装设计方案分析与定稿展示

  4.1 设计方案的构思分析

  4.1.1 标志设计

  4.1.2 图形设计

  4.1.3 盒型设计

  4.1.4 多功能设计

  4.2 设计定稿与展示

  4.2.1 盒型平面展开图

  4.2.2 实物及整体效果图

  4.2.3 设计创新点

  第五章 结 语


