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来源:南昌大学 作者:袁武臣
发布于:2019-02-27 共2463字


  摘 要
  自 2005 年实施农村饮水安全工程以来,江西省共有 1996 万农村居民和 228 万农村学校师生列入国家规划,截止 2015 年底,全省共投资 103.32 亿元,建设了5 万余处农村饮水安全工程,全面完成了规划任务。江西省农村饮水安全工程建设成效显着,减少了农村居民疾病发生率,提高了生活水平,改善了农村生活环境, 市县了区域水资源的统一管理和合理使用。
  江西省农村饮水安全工程的有序实施,得益于政策的有效落实。本文阐述了江西省农村农村饮水安全工作基本情况,整理了与农村饮水安全工程有关的法律,分类汇总了农村饮水安全工程主要政策及江西省相关政策的出台情况,通过对江西省某农村饮水工程规划的成果进行分析,从政策制定与落实、资金管理、项目管理等方面反馈我省政策落地情况, 总结目前我省农村饮水安全工程存在的建设资金短缺,长效运行无保障,工程协调难度大等问题,提出加大资金保障力度,建立农村供水工程维修养护机制,加强落实政府责任等应对措施。通过对具体工程和全省农村饮水安全工程政策落实情况,提出落实优惠政策,减免税费;加强农村供水建设管理,建立农村供水工程建设市场准入与退出机制;完善工程运行管理保障机制和完善法律建设等建议。
  关键词: 农村饮水安全工程 政策 落地反馈 江西省。
农村饮用水安全工程政策实施情况调研  Abstract
  The safety of drinking water in rural areas is concerned with the well-being of the people, theparty and the government attach great importance to it, and the public is paying high attention to it.
  Since the implementation of rural drinking water safety project in 2005, a total of 19.96 millionrural residents and 2.28 million rural schools in jiangxi province teachers and the students listed inthe state plan, by the end of 2015, the province's total investment 10.332 billion yuan, built morethan 50000 rural drinking water safety engineering, complete the planning task. Rural drinkingwater safety engineering construction in jiangxi province fruitful, reduced the rural residentsdisease incidence, improve the living standards, improve the rural living environment, cities andcounties in the area of unified management and rational use of water resources.
  The orderly implementation of the safe drinking water safety project in jiangxi province isdue to the effective implementation of the policy. This article expounds the jiangxi province ruralbasic situation of rural drinking water safety work, organize the law related to the rural drinkingwater safety project, summarizes the classification of rural drinking water safety engineeringmajor policy and related policies in jiangxi province, through to the jiangxi province a ruraldrinking water project planning analysis, the results from the policy formulation andimplementation, funds management, project management and so on feedback policy landingsituation in our province, summarizes the currently existing in our province rural drinking watersafety project construction funds shortage, ensuring long-term operation, the project coordinationis difficult problems, put forward to strengthen funds safeguard, the establishment of rural watersupply project maintenance maintenance mechanism, strengthen the implementation ofgovernment responsibility, etc. By means of the implementation of the policy on the safety ofdrinking water safety in rural areas of the province, it is proposed to further implement thepreferential policies and reduce the tax and fees. We will further strengthen the management ofrural water supply, and establish market access and exit mechanisms for rural water supplyprojects. We will further improve the mechanism for the operation of the project and improve thelegal construction.
  Key words:  rural drinking water safety engineering; Policy; The ground feedback; Jiangxiprovince
  第 1 章 绪论.

  1.1 概述.
  1.2 农村饮水安全工程政策研究现状.
  1.2.1 国内研究现状.
  1.2.2 国外研究现状.
  1.3 研究内容.
  第 2 章 江西省农村饮水安全工程政策出台背景.
  2.1 江西省农村供水发展历程.
  2.2 农村饮水安全工程定义.
  2.3.1 江西省农村饮水安全工程主要特点.
  2.3.2 江西省农村饮水安全工程实施情况.
  2.3.3 江西省农村饮水安全工程取得的成效.
  2.3.4 农村饮水安全工程政策出台的法律依据.
  第 3 章 农村饮水安全工程主要政策.
  3.1 概述.
  3.2 总体性政策.
  3.2.1 责任主体与分工.
  3.2.2 资金管理.
  3.2.3 优惠政策.
  3.3 前期工作有关政策.
  3.3.1 规划与实施方案编制.
  3.3.2 审查批复.
  3.3.3 财政评审.
  3.4 工程建设管理有关政策.
  3.4.1 “四制”管理.
  3.4.2 监督检查.
  3.4.3 工程验收.
  3.5 工程建后运行管理有关政策.
  3.5.1 管理模式.
  3.5.2 水质保障.
  3.6 小结.
  第 4 章 通过某农村饮水工程分析我省政策落地反馈情况.

  4.1 概述.
  4.2 农村自来水工程规划基础.
  4.2.1 规划背景
  4.2.2 现状供水情况.
  4.2.3 规划目标与任务.
  4.2.4 规划标准与原则.
  4.2.5 农村自来水工程规划实施的必要性.
  4.3 规划主要内容.
  4.3.1 已建供水工程利用分析.
  4.3.2 规划总体布局.
  4.3.3 水源选择及供水保障.
  4.3.4 水量供需分析.
  4.3.5 工程总体规模.
  4.3.6 项目投资及效益分析.
  4.3.7 水资源利用与保护措施.
  4.3.8 环境评价与水土保持.
  4.3.9 规划实施保障措施.
  4.4 结论.
  4.4.1 政策落实情况.
  4.4.2 存在的主要问题.
  4.5 有关建议.
  4.5.1 加强资金保障.
  4.5.2 建立农村供水工程维修养护机制.
  4.5.3 进一步落实政府责任.
  第 5 章 结论
原文出处:袁武臣.江西省某农村饮水安全工程政策落地及反馈分析研究[D]. 南昌大学 2017