摘 要
Since the implementation of China's reform and opening up policy, small and medium enterprises(SMEs) occupy an important position in the national economy, however, SMEs in China have been facingfinancing difficulties for its own reasons, and financing guarantee industry has become an important optionto alleviate these problems. Financing guarantee activities fully reduced the risk of bank loan to SMEs;reduced management cost and increased working efficiency under the circumstance of asymmetricinformation. Meanwhile, financing guarantee companies enhanced the SMEs' credit, providing them withgreat deal of financing convenience and insurance, social resources can be optimally configured and socialfinancing efficiency gain great development.
After continuous exploration and growth, today's financing guarantee has become a new industrywhich is beginning to take shape, greatly eased the financing difficulties predicament of SMEs in HenanProvince. However, for some reasons, guarantee companies going bankrupt and company's executivesdisappearing have been happened continuously in Henan in recent years, which leads the whole industry toa low social credit and hard to realize sustainable development. Therefore, how to help financing guaranteeindustry in Henan solve the problems fundamentally, open a road for the sustainable development of thewhole industry to realize the combination of economic and social benefits is a subject which the financingguarantee industry needs to focus on.
Most of the domestic articles about financing guarantee industry mainly aims at China, and mainlyfocus on the risk management system and legal supervision, with less discussion the sustainabledevelopment of guarantee industry of an area and no articles about the sustainable development offinancing guarantee industry in Henan province. This paper takes advantage of literature inductivedeductive method, introducing and summarizing the developing situation and problems of Henan financingguarantee industry, and analyzing the reasons of kinds of problems from the respective of four influencingfactors on sustainable development of financing guarantee industry, which includes policy supervision,bank, SME and guarantee industry; pointing out that because of the defection in policy and legal system,the unequal cooperation between banks and guarantee industry, the lack of credit of SMEs and the lack ofrisk control ability of financing guarantee organizations that limit the sustainable development of financingguarantee industry in Henan province. In order to come up with strict control on tax benefits, promotion ofequality and cooperation, strengthening the credit system construction and professional, diversified policiesof operating financing guarantee organizations to kick off the stumbling blocks in development of financingguarantee industry, realizing industry sustainable development.
KEY WORDS: Financing guarantee industry, Risk control system, Sustainable development
目 录
摘 要
目 录
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 选题的意义
1.2 国内外研究现状
1.2.1 国外研究现状
1.2.2 国内研究现状
1.3 研究思路和主要内容
1.3.1 研究思路
1.3.2 主要内容
1.4 研究方法和创新及不足之处
1.4.1 研究方法
1.4.2 创新及不足之处
第二章 融资性担保相关理论分析
2.1 融资性担保基本含义及作用
2.1.1 融资性担保基本含义
2.1.2 融资性担保与非融资性担保的区别
2.1.3 融资性担保的作用
2.2 融资性担保的主要运行模式
2.2.1 政策性担保模式
2.2.2 互助性担保模式
2.2.3 商业性担保模式
第三章 河南省融资性担保行业的发展现状
3.1 河南省融资性担保行业的发展历程
3.1.1 我国融资性担保行业的发展历程
3.1.2 河南省融资担保行业的发展历程
3.2 河南省融资性担保行业的发展现状
3.2.1 融资性担保已经成为新兴行业,实力不断增强
3.2.2 担保机构主体由政策性担保机构转向了商业性担保机构
3.2.3 融资性担保行业在支持我省中小型企业健康发展方面作用显着
3.2.4 行业问题频发,难以实现可持续发展
第四章 河南省融资性担保行业可持续发展影响因素分析
4.1 政策监管方面
4.1.1 政府政策层面
4.1.2 监管准入层面
4.1.3 行业自律层面
4.2 银行方面
4.2.1 银行体系缺乏为中小型企业提供贷款的意愿
4.2.2 合作主体间的信息不对称性导致信任危机
4.2.3 银行业的所有制歧视加剧了融资担保行业风险
4.3 中小型企业方面
4.4 融资性担保行业自身方面
4.4.1 资金放大倍数和担保费率受限,资金补偿机制不完善
4.4.2 风险控制体系不健全,缺乏风险分散机制
4.4.3 专业人才匮乏,管理制度不健全
4.4.4 担保品种单一,业务创新不及时
第五章 实现河南省融资担保行业可持续发展的建议
5.1 营造良好政策环境,促进担保行业健康发展
5.1.1 增大财政支持力度,加强对融资性担保行业的监管力度
5.1.2 加强对融资性担保行业的自律性监管,加强与担保组织的沟通
5.2 分散担保风险,促进银行与融资担保行业的平等合作
5.3 加快社会信用体系建设步伐,完善企业征信制度
5.4 融资性担保要实现专业化、多元化经营,走可持续发展道路
5.4.1 拓宽担保资金来源渠道
5.4.2 完善风险管理制度,加强再担保体系建设
5.4.3 着重培养专业人才,完善公司经营管理制度
5.4.4 创新担保业务,完善行业发展配套制度
第六章 结论与展望
6.1 结论
6.2 展望
致 谢