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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-10 共5020字


  摘 要
  Digital technology is a technology that uses some equipments to transfer pictures,words, sounds and images into binary numbers which can be identified by digitalprocessing system and then be operated, processed, transferred, spread and restored. Itis used in the production of pop music in many aspects, such as musical creationproduction, singing and playing production, music spread production and musicalservice production. First of all, digital technology realizes the practical mode ofmusical composition, that is, “as you write, you can hear”, which makes thetraditional way of composition disappear. Thus the mode of musical creation iscompletely changed. Second, digital technology is mainly used in the digitalization ofthe system of the musical transformation and the digitalization of musical instrumentsduring the process of singing and playing production, which has a great influence onthe singing of singers and playing of executants. Third, the digitalization of musicspread is changing the way and mode of traditional music spread and musicconsumption. The traditional sales model is being taken place by the way ofdownloading music on the web. The spread of music can be done at any time inanywhere and jump out of the limit of time and space. Finally, digital technology ismainly an assisting instrument to optimize service production.
  The influence of digital technology on the efficiency of pop music production canbe shown by comparing the influence of digital technology, simulation technique anddifferent kinds of digital technology on pop music production.
  The comparison of the productive effect of pop music production in the time ofmodulization can be realized by comparing some aspects of the production. Judgingfrom the influence of the digital recording on productivity, we can see that themusical production is much more efficient under the digital condition; On the mode ofinformation recording, digital recording that stores signals by numerical coding isgreatly more efficient than the traditional recording by storing magnetic signals andoptical signals; on the access speed of sound signals, the access speed of digitalrecording is much more faster than the traditional recording equipments, which savesthe production time and enhances the productivity; on the editing of sound signals,editing work is an operation on the large amount of data as the digital recordingtransfers the sound signals into data, which is more precise, subtle and faster, and hashigher productivity.
  Comparing the productivity of the music production under the hardwarecondition with that using plug-in system, we can easily see which one is moreefficient. From the process of production, we can see the non-linear sound source,plug-in sound source, can greatly save the unit time of production; from theproduction costs, we can see the price of the plug-in music production equipments ismuch lower than the hardware equipments. The plug-in music production equipmentscan not only enhance the productivity of music production, but lower the productivecosts. What's more, the replicability of the plug-in equipments can also lower theproductive costs greatly; from the parameter's editing and the equipments' updating,we can see the easily controllability and expanded function of the plug-in equipmentsprovides good development prospects, which can catch up with the development ofthe productive force and save resources.
  The development of the mobile Internet technology, as well as the appearance andthe maturity of the terminal unit, such as tablets and smart phones, leads the digitalmusic production to the new stage of micro-production. The influence ofmicro-production on the productivity of the pop music production lies in thefollowing aspects: micro-production can be done by using computers, such as portabletablets, which lower the music production costs; micro-production accelerates thenon-specialization of music producers, which can save human resources;micro-production accelerates the unincorporation of the music production mechanism,which enhances productivity and lower human costs.
  The intervention of the digital technology changes the mode of traditional musicmaking and also has influence on its effect. The influence is positive, as the digitaltechnology can provide clearer, more easily controlled, more euphonious sound effect.
  The increasing advanced timbre making technology evolved from wavetable soundsource to synthesizer plug-in, from sampling instrument to physical modelingsynthesizer, can improve the quality of the sound making with smaller equipments.
  Different media coding technology influences the effect of the pop music production.
  The ultimate pursuit of the digital music product is small in size and euphonious insound effect, on which the development of coding technology is based.
  When digital technology is applied in every step of pop music production, itsnegative impacts on the production, spread and consumption of music comesuccessively. Some of them are even destructive. First, the wide spread of the piratedcopy of music severely destroys the natural environment of the pop music production.
  Next, the music of inferior quality confuses the esthetic opinion of the public. Then,the forgery activity in music production disturbs production order.
  The contradict effects of digital technology on pop music production always exist.
  Even though,the positive effects still have the leading position. Without doubt, wehave to get rid of its negative effect to make music production healthier and proceedin good direction. Thus, the following needs to be done: standardize the musicproduction to improve the quality of the music products; crack down pirated activitiesto standardize the copyright on the web and stop the tendency of the low price of themusic products; use the digital technology properly to maintain the good operation ofmusic production.
  Key Words:Digital technology; pop music; music production

  目 录
  第一章 引言
  1.1 研究的意义
  1.2 研究的现状及其分析
  第二章 数字技术及其在流行音乐生产中的应用
  2.1 数字技术的概念及其发展
  2.2 数字技术在流行音乐创作生产中的应用
  2.3 数字技术在流行音乐唱奏生产中的应用
  2.4 数字技术在流行音乐传播生产中的应用
  2.5 数字技术在流行音乐伺服生产中的应用
  第三章 数字技术与流行音乐生产效率的关系研究
  3.1 模数时代流行音乐生产效率的对比研究
  3.2 数字时代插件技术对流行音乐生产效率的影响
  3.3 数字时代微制作对流行音乐生产效率的影响
  第四章 数字技术与流行音乐生产效果的关系研究
  4.1 数字录音技术对流行音乐生产效果的影响
  4.2 音色合成技术对流行音乐生产效果的影响
  4.3 媒体编码压缩技术对流行音乐生产效果的影响
  第五章 数字技术负面影响流行音乐生产的应对策略研究
  5.1 数字技术对流行音乐生产的负面影响分析
  5.2 数字技术负面影响流行音乐生产的应对策略