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来源:未知 作者:chunt
发布于:2016-05-23 共3996字

  摘  要 
  As a kind of social ideology, morality is the total norms of behavior used to adjustthe relationship between people as well as the relation between individual and society .Asa criterion of social public life, it mainly relies on public awareness, traditions, education,habits and the power of beliefs to sustain and implement. Morality as an important formof  social  ideology  has  great  active  functions  on  the  development  of  social  politics,economy, culture and other aspects.
  Since  our  country  took  on  the  socialist  road,  the  overall  national  strength  hasenhanced  increasingly,  especially  the  rapid  development  of  economic  construction  andsignificant  improvement  of  people's  living  conditions.  But  with  the  growth  ofeconomy ,people's   moral values have greatly changed causing moral anomie problemssuch as the diversification of values, extreme self-interest, hedonism and money worship.The  reason  for  these  phenomena  is  that  china  is  in  a  critical  period  of  transition,  thenational  value  concept  suffers  unprecedentedly  impact,  which  results  in  the  blur  ofdispute ideas along with the transformation, the unclearness of moral evaluation standardand  the  disorder  of  value  orientations.  If  not  to  solve  these  problems  timely  andeffectively, they will affect the construction and development on our politics, economy,and culture. Eventually they will block our way to the construction of socialist core valuesystem,  the  construction  of  a  harmonious  society  and  the  realization  of  the  Chinesedream.
  In this situation, the current priority is to stand in the height of the Times to simplysort  out  modern  and  contemporary  western  moral  values,  and  make  clear  its  evolution and  development's  law  of  moral  values.  Thus,  it  leads  to  the  high  eat  stage  of  itsdevelopment – communist morality.
  Our country is the primary stage of communism at present, and the urgently solvedproblem  now  is  the  building  of  people's  right  morality  under  socialist  system.  To  solvethis  problem,  the  first  thing  we  have  to  know  is  the  connotation  of  the  socialist  moralconcepts, its core contents and its principles. Only we know well these core contents andnormative moral value system leading us to communism from socialism. And then it canmake  people  consciously  regulate  their  activities  so  as  to  promote  the  healthydevelopment of our economy, politics and culture to jointly build a harmonious socialistsociety  and  to  achieve  Chinese  dream.  Therefore  the  deep  and  comprehensive  study  ofsocialist  morality  not  only  has  important  theoretical  significance  but  also  hasfor-reaching practical significance.
  The  thesis  consists  of  four  parts  in  the  following  in  addition  to  introduction  andconclusion.
  The  first  chapter  makes  a  clear  distinction  of  moral  rationalism  and  irrationalismmorality  in  ethical  field.  And  it  also  introduces  other  moral  rationalism  paradigm  indetail  besides  the  introduction  of  the  communist  morality,  including  the  egoism,utilitarianism for the benefit of most people, the motivation theory highlighting kindnessand the pragmatism emphasizing combination with ten situation, the moral paradigm ofirrationalism  on  the  basis  of  the  emotional  and  social  habits,  and  the  moral  paradigmbased  on  personal  wills  and  power.  This  part  expounds  the  formation  of  various  moralparadigms respectively, their basic connotation, contributions and limitations.
  Chapter two discusses different stages of the evolution and development history asshown in the following.
  The  first  stage  indicates  that  moral  values  based  on  the  natural  economy  which  iscalled simple moral values short for.
  The  second  stage  defines  values  on  the  dependence  object  is  called  the  period  ofclass moral values.
  The  third  stage  is  the  period  of  communist  morality  taking  the  free  andcomprehensive  development  of  man  as  it's  the  foundation  named  the  period  ofcommunist morality.
  Chapter  three  systematically  elaborates  socialist  morality  by  defining  that  thesocialist  morality  takes  the  “five  loves”  that  is  to  love  motherland,  love  people,  lovescience ,and love socialism as well as “eight honors ,eight disgraces” put forward by XiJinping  as  connotation.  And  socialist  morality  takes  comprehensive  practice  ofcollectivism as its core and it takes the fair and just principle as main contents.
  Chapter  four  proposes  the  author's  views  on  how  to  perfect  the  socialist  moralityfrom  economy,  education  and  innovation  practice,  making  it  able  to  effectively  play  arole in our socialist morality.
  Key words: socialism, morality, contemporary practice
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