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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-12-12 共3203字


  摘 要


  作为汽车产业链上重要的汽车消费市场环节--汽车 4S 企业更是感到了人才资源的短缺,加上人力资源管理在企业管理不为重视,整个 4S 品牌专卖店的人力资源管理体制相对滞后,主要表现为缺乏战略性人力资源规划、人才匮乏、整体素质偏低、培训落后、激励手段单一等.因此,本文旨在以 FR 汽车 4S 店为例,以案例研究的形式对汽车 4S行业的人力资源存在问题的展开研究,并提出相对应的人力资源管理改善策略.

  FR 公司是广州市内一家专业的汽车 4S 品牌专卖店,是集东风日产品牌全线产品的汽车销售、原厂配件、售后、信息反馈等服务于一体的汽车贸易有限公司.本文总结了我国汽车 4S 店人力资源管理的发展状况,探讨了我国人力资源管理模式存在的主要问题以及今后的发展趋势,为汽车 4S 企业人力资源管理水平的提升提供了理论支持.通过吸取人力资源管理的最新理论和发展经验,结合目前 4S 企业市场现状和竞争环境,从分析其战略性人力资源管理规划入手,对目前 FR 公司人力资源管理存在的问题进行了深入的分析和研究.

  最后,本文针对 FR 公司人力资源管理存在的问题提出了改善策略,包括制定公司人力资源规划,建立以公司战略为导向的选人策略,建立与员工职业生涯规划相结合的培训机制,建立科学的绩效考核体系,搭建员工满意度平台等五个方面.具体而言,第一,高度重视企业可持续发展战略的规划作用.第二,积极构建企业核心价值观.第三,树立正确的人力资源管理理念.公司选人时要围绕企业发展战略的需求来引进、招聘能推动企业发展的创新型人才.公司的培训系统应将培训目标与企业经营战略、员工职业生涯发展相匹配,同时培训的近期目标与长远目标相衔接.针对 FR 公司的薪酬考核体系,应该包括目标确认、过程跟踪、绩效评估、结果应用四个循环环节.创造公平竞争的企业环境,创建自由开放和关爱员工的企业氛围,提高FR汽车4S店员工工作满意度.

  关键词:FR 公司;4S 店;人力资源管理;案例研究


  With the reform and opening up China's rapid economic development , China is rapidlyinto the automobile society , expanding automobile industry , automobile industry, thedemand for practitioners increasingly prominent in all aspects of the automobile industrychain requires a lot of different levels of talent . However, due to the development ofautomobile industry in China a short time , there is a shortage of talent , training system is notperfect , the staff structure issues such as unreasonable . These have constrained enterprisesand even the whole industry development . As the automotive industry chain importantautomotive consumer market segments - auto 4S enterprises is felt inadequate human resourcemanagement capacity , brand 4S stores throughout HRM system is lagging behind, mainly forlack of strategic human resource planning, lack of personnel , the overall low quality oftraining behind incentives such as a single . Therefore , this paper aims to FR auto 4S shop,for example , in the form of case studies on the automotive industry, human resources 4Sproblematic conduct research and propose the corresponding improved human resourcemanagement strategies .

  FR company, one of the Co Dongfeng Nissan brand Automobile Trading, is aprofessional car brand 4S stores in Guangzhou, including a line of products for car sales,factory parts, after-sale service, information feedback . This paper summarizes China'sautomobile 4S shop the development of human resource management , human resourcemanagement in China is discussed models of the main problems and future development trendof automobile 4S enterprise human resources management level to provide theoreticalsupport . By learning the latest theories of human resource management and developmentexperience , combined with the current market situation and competition 4S enterpriseenvironments , from the analysis of its strategic human resource management planning to starton the current FR Human Resource Management Problems in-depth analysis and research .

  Finally, Finally, we propose a strategy to improve the company's human resourcesmanagement, including the development of human resources planning, the establishment ofcorporate strategy oriented selection strategies, establishing career planning with acombination of training mechanism, establish a scientific performance appraisal system ,build a platform for the five aspects of employee satisfaction . First, attaches great importanceto sustainable development strategy planning role. Second, actively build core values. Third,establish a correct concept of human resource management. Company selection should focuson the needs of enterprise development strategies to introduce, promote enterprisedevelopment recruit creative talents. The company's training system should be trainingobjectives and corporate business strategy, employee career development to match , while theshort-term objectives and long-term training goals dovetail . Company's remuneration for theFR assessment system should include objective confirmation process tracking, performanceevaluation , results application four cycles link. FR should create a fair and competitivebusiness environment, a free and open corporate atmosphere and caring staff to improve FRauto 4S shop staff job satisfaction.

  Keywords: FR companies; 4S shop; Human resource management; Case Studies

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.2 文献综述

  1.2.1 汽车 4S 品牌专卖店

  1.2.2 人力资源的内涵

  1.2.3 人力资源管理的定义

  1.2.4 人力资源相关理论

  1.3 研究内容与框架

  1.3.1 研究内容

  1.3.2 研究框架

  1.4 研究方法

  第二章 我国汽车 4S 店人力资源管理环境分析

  2.1 汽车 4S 销售模式发展现状

  2.2 汽车 4S 企业人力资源管理的主要问题

  2.2.1 缺乏战略性人力资源管理规划

  2.2.2 人才缺乏,员工整体素质偏低

  2.2.3 人才流失严重

  2.2.4 激励手段单一

  2.2.5 培训落实无力


  第三章 FR 汽车 4S 店人力资源管理现状及问题

  3.1 FR 汽车 4S 店简介

  3.2 公司人力资源及组织结构

  3.2.1 员工年龄结构

  3.2.2 员工学历结构

  3.2.3 员工工作年限

  3.2.4 公司组织结构

  3.3 公司人力资源规划

  3.4 人才招聘与培训

  3.4.1 公司人才招聘渠道

  3.4.2 公司人力资源开发与培训

  3.5 薪酬与绩效考核

  3.5.1 FR 公司薪酬现状

  3.5.2 FR 公司绩效考核现状

  3.5.3 FR 公司薪酬与绩效考核问题分析

  3.6 FR 公司人才流动与流失原因分析

  3.7 本章小结

  第四章 FR 汽车 4S 店人力资源管理问题的对策

  4.1 制定公司人力资源管理战略

  4.2 建立以公司战略为导向的选人策略

  4.3 建立与员工职业生涯规划相结合的培训机制

  4.4 建立科学的绩效考核体系

  4.5 搭建员工满意度平台

  4.5.1 创造公平竞争的内部环境

  4.5.2 创建自由开放的企业氛围

  4.5.3 创造关爱员工的企业氛围

  4.6 本章小结

  结 论

