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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-03 共3214字


  摘 要

  随着时代的发展,近年来,汽车行业的并购案层出不穷,比如腾中收购悍马、大众收购保时捷、上汽收购双龙等等,收购后的发展也喜忧参半。而沃尔沃汽车自 2011 年被吉利收购后一直成为我国汽车行业关注的焦点,其被吉利收购后是否适应中国的“水土”,面对中西文化的差异沃尔沃将如何应对;作为沃尔沃汽车的经销商,将面临怎样的机遇与挑战,它们应该如何结合中国本土特色打开中国潜在的广阔市场。这一系列问题,都是本文要研究的重点。


  其次,本文在管理学理论的基础上,利用多种管理咨询工具对长春维信所处的内部和外部环境进行了全面剖析,其中先分别利用 EFE 矩阵和 IFE 矩阵对长春维信的外部和内部环境进行了评分,二者总得分分别为 2.45 和 2.85,这表明长春维信的内外部环境均优于一般水平,仍有很大的发展空间。在此基础上,本文又利用 SWOT 矩阵对长春维信所面临的优势、劣势、机会和威胁逐步进行汇总后,结合其自身情况分别提出了长春维信 SO、WO、ST 和 WT 四种可使用的策略。

  最后,本文从技术和研发、采购和生产、品牌和营销以及管理和人才四个层次对沃尔沃中国战略的本土化特色进行了分析。在全面分析之后,本文又利用Space 分析矩阵对长春维信的竞争战略选择进行了分析,确定了应采取的战略为竞争型战略中的差异化战略,并结合长春维信的自身发展情况从服务、渠道、人员和形象四个角度分别对长春维信的差异化战略进行了设计。在差异化战略设计后,本文提出了长春维信在实施战略后应遵循的从找准可行差异到效果反馈评估的六个具体步骤,以及在战略实施过程中所需要文化、科技、人员方面的保障措施。此外,本文还分别从正向和负向两方面分别阐述了长春维信在实施上述差异化战略后所产生的意义和风险。


  关键词:沃尔沃;品牌战略;EFE 矩阵;IFE 矩阵;SWOT 分析;


  With the development in recent years, mergers and acquisitions in the automotiveindustry appeared one after another. For example, Proton acquired Hummer,Volkswagen acquired Porsche, SAIC acquired Ssangyon and so on. The developmentof these companies after the acquisition is also mixed. And since 2011 after beingacquired by Geely, Volvo Cars has become the focus of attention in China'sautomobile industry. But after its acquisition by Geely, whether to adapt to China'slocation, and how to deal with the cultural differences both are Volvo's challenges. AsVolvo dealers, how to face opportunities and challenges, and how they combineChinese local characteristics to open China's potential vast market. This series ofquestions are all the focus of this paper to study.

  This paper studies “Changchun Wearnes Automobile Sales Company”,one of thedealers of Volvo's. Firstly, we presented and evaluated the history and thedevelopment of the Volvo car brand after the acquisition. We found that after theacquisition of Geely, Volvo's sales have a rapid growth in the world. And through aninvestigation of Changchun Wearnes, we preliminary analyzed the current situationand problems in the Volvo car sales process of Changchun Wearnes .And we foundthat in the face of huge market opportunities, Changchun Wearnes is also affected bythe less car holdings in local market, shorter history of itself and other factors.

  Secondly, on the basis of management theory, by using a variety of managementconsulting tools we conducted a comprehensive analysis of Changchun Wearnes,including its internal and external environment. At first, we used EFE Matrix and IFEmatrix to score Changchun Wearnes' external and internal environment. The two totalscores were 2.45 and 2.85, which indicates that the internal and external environmentof Changchun Wearnes are better than the general level, but there is still a large spacefor its development. On this basis, the paper also takes advantage of the SWOTmatrix to gradually aggregate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threatsChangchun Wearnes faced. And with its own situation four useful strategies includingSO, WO, ST and WT for Changchun Wearnes are proposed.

  Finally, we analyzed the localization features of the Volvo China strategy fromfour levels including technical and research, procurement and production, brandingand marketing, and management and personnel. After a comprehensive analysis, wetook advantage of the Space Analysis Matrix strategic to analyze the choice ofcompetitive strategy of Changchun Wearnes and determining the best strategy is thedifferentiation strategy of the competitive strategies. Finally, we designed thedifferentiation strategy for Changchun Wearnes from service, channels, personnel andimage four angles, combining with the developments of Changchun Wearnes. Afterthe design of differentiation strategy, the paper proposes six concrete steps fromidentifying possible differences to the assessment of the effect and the neededsafeguards of culture, science and technology, personnel in the process ofimplementing the strategy. In addition, from the positive and negative aspects, wealso separately explained the significance and risks of Changchun Wearnes, generatedby the differentiation strategy.

  In summary, through the example of Changchun Wearnes Volvo car salescompany's analysis, this paper aims to provide a Volvo car dealers with references onfuture development strategy in the northeastern region and all the country. And wealso hope to provide some recommendations and help for the design andimplementation of their brand strategy's localization, and hope to provide a referencefor the localization of brand strategy of other multinational brands.

  Keywords:Volvo; Brand strategy; EFE Matrix; IFE matrix; SWOT analysis.

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究方法与内容

  第 2 章 长春维信沃尔沃汽车的现状和问题

  2.1 沃尔沃汽车的历史概况

  2.2 沃尔沃汽车被收购后的发展现状评价

  2.3 长春维信沃尔沃汽车的销售现状和问题

  第 3 章 长春维信沃尔沃汽车市场竞争环境分析

  3.1 外部环境分析(EFE)

  3.2 内部环境分析(IFE)

  3.3 综合环境分析(SWOT)

  第 4 章 长春维信沃尔沃汽车的市场竞争战略制定及实施

  4.1 沃尔沃汽车被收购后的中国战略选择

  4.2 市场竞争战略设计

  4.3 市场竞争战略实施

  4.4 市场竞争战略保障措施

  结 论


  致 谢
