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民事检察监督范围和方式研究 中英文摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-15 共1007字
  Research on the supervision scope and the wayof civil procuratorial

  Abstract: Civil supervision is an important function which constitution endowsthe procuratorial organs in our country o Due to the lack of legislation and theconflict of judicial interpretation, The civil procuratorial supervision system inour country present the limitation of supervision range and the singlesupervision mode,all these restrict the development of civil procuratorialsystem.On August 31, 2012,The 11th National People's Congress standingcommittee meeting of the twenty-eight vote on amending the civil procedurelaw of the People's Republic of China deciding to draft.New “civil procedurelaw” of the civil procuratorial supervision directly terms conditions to nine,Compensates for the shortcoming in the original “civil procedure law” in theactual operation, Truly reflect the people's procuratorate important status oflegal supervision organs and the connotation of the right to restrict publicpower.But within overall context of judicial system reform, it must furtherscope of civil procuratorial supervision to expand,rich civil procuratorialsupervision means, in order to realize the procuratorial organ's legal supervisionpower in the civil action.
  Keyword: Civil procurator supervision; Scope of civil procuratorialsupervision ; Civil procuratorial supervision mode

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