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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-17 共5194字


【第一章  第二章】历史上的经济危机探析绪论与理论综述 

  摘 要

  本论文旨在通过对 1929 年大萧条、1997 年亚洲金融风暴、2008 年次贷危机这三次百年来的重大经济危机的探析,通过对百年来世界经济历史的回顾,对三次重大经济危机分别进行概况叙述,综合运用古典经济学理论、马克思主义政治经济学理论、现代西方经济学理论等对三次重大进行综合分析,针对每一次危机的特点有针对性的进行理论与实际相结合的剖析,从中探寻危机的本质和引发三次重大危机的根本原因。

  本文认为 1929 年大萧条、1997 年亚洲金融风暴、2008 年次贷危机这三次危机爆发的原因在于资本主义国家所奉行的经济观点已经无法适应当下高速发展的世界格局、生产力高度发达的社会现状、经济全球化的发展方向,而更深层次的根源则在于每次危机所处的历史阶段其生产力的进步与资本主义所有制之间的矛盾冲突的必然性所导致,资本主义制度的阶级矛盾的缺陷使然,故而引发危机的接连爆发。



  第三部分,着重分析了 1929 年大萧条有关情况。首先介绍了 1929 年大萧条的历史背景,并就引发这次危机的原因进行了分析,在当时的资本主义世界,对古典经济学的过度崇拜导致了胡佛政府对国民经济的“自由放任”,这种政府主体的放任过度加强了市场在资源配置中的作用,忽略了经济规律与客观经济条件之间的关系,最终导致这次危机的爆发。

  第四部分,文章对 1997 年亚洲金融风暴进行剖析。首先介绍了 1997 年亚洲金融风暴的情况与背景,并对这次危机的成因进行了剖析,西方游资的破坏是这次危机的直接诱因,而深层次的原因在于其在经济高速、迅猛发展的过程中背离了马克思政治经济学的平均利润率理论,过度强调虚拟经济的发展,忽略实体产业的发展,造成国内经济发展的严重失衡,以至一旦有诱因将导致长期积累的问题凸显,进而引发危机的失控。

  第五部分,通过对 2008 年次贷危机的背景和现状进行梳理,找到了引发这次危机的原因,美国经济的高速发展,劳动力成本的不断攀升导致资本家放弃制造业等美国传统的经济支柱,从劳动密集型产业向技术密集型产业跨越,将经济引擎由制造业转移至高新技术产业。但随着社会经济的发展,高新技术产业弊端频现,国家经济放缓,又不得不将重心转移至房地产业,依靠内需拉动经济增长,过度刺激房地产业的发展导致社会生产过剩,矛盾加剧,最终导致了这次危机的爆发。



  经 济 危 机 , 政 府 和 市 场 , 资 源 配 置


  This paper is aimed to explore the nature and the underlying causes of the threeeconomic crises which are the Great Depression in 1929, the Asian financial crisis in1997, the Subprime Crisis in 2008. By reviewing the history of the economicdevelopment in the recent one hundred years, the paper respectively analyzes thecharacteristics of these three major economic crises in both theoretical and practicalperspective, using the Principle of Classical Economics, the Principle of MarxistPolitical Economics, and the Principle of Modern Western Economics.

  This paper argues that the causes of the Great Depression in 1929, the Asianfinancial crisis in 1997, and the Subprime Crisis in 2008 lie in that the economicviews of these capitalist countries had been unable to adapt to the rapid developmentof the world situation, the highly developed productive forces as well as the situationof economic globalization. The deeper roots lie in the inevitability of conflictsbetween the development of the productive forces and capitalist ownership in everyhistorical phase, that is the inherent flaw of the capitalist system.

  The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background of thisresearch, and lists the three research methods, and expounds the innovation and theinadequacies of this paperThe second part is the paper introduces the theoretical reviews. The paper firstlycites the overview on these three economic crises from various economy schools,reviews the causes of the economic crises and summarizes different opinions.

  Secondly, the article refers to the average profit theory, the discussion onoverproduction which can triggers crises according to Principle of Marxist PoliticalEconomics,as well as the Say's law according to Western classical economics. Byusing these theories, the paper is trying to analyze the backgrounds and causes ofthese three economic crises in order to get some Revelations.

  The third part, the paper analyzes the overview about the Great Depression in1929. This part first introduces the historical background of the Great Depression andanalyzes the causes which trigger the crisis. At that time, in the capitalist world, theidolatry for the principle of the classical economics led to the Hoover administration's“laissez-faire” national economy. The government strengthened the role of marketwhich was allocating resources and ignored the relationship between economic lawsand objective economic conditions, resulting in the outbreak of the crisis.

  In the fourth part, the article analyzes the Asian financial crisis in 1997. It firstintroduces the situation and the background, and analyzes the causes of the crisis. Thehot money of western countries was the direct cause of the crisis, but the deeperreason lay in the departure from the average profit theory during the rapid economicdevelopment. Too much emphasis on the development of the virtual economy andignoring the development of industrial entities were the causes of a serious imbalanceof the countries' economic development. As a result, once there was an incentive, itwould lead to a negative effect of these long-term problems, and trigger the breakoutof the crisis.

  The causes of the crisis has been found by sorting out the background and statusof the Subprime Crisis in 2008, which includes the high-speed development of the USeconomy, the abandonment of the manufacturing and other traditional Americaneconomic pillars by the capitalists because of the rising labor costs, the crossing of theindustries from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, and the shift of the economicengine from manufacturing to high-tech industries. While with the development of thesocial economy, the malpractice of high-tech industry had shown frequently. Thecountry, whose economy had slowed down, had to shift the economic focus to the realestate industry and promote the economic growth relying on domestic demands, whilethe over-stimulation of the real estate industry development had brought about thesocial overproduction and intensified conflicts which resulted in the outbreak of thecrisis eventually.

  The article has explored the revelations brought by the three crises throughanalyzing them one by one. The inherent defects and the basic contradictions of thecapitalism are the fundamental causes of all the crises, meanwhile, in the recent onehundred years, the commonality which triggered all crises is the rapid economicdevelopment. The spread of the globalization promoted the rise of the imperialistmonopolies in the world and the world economy was affected as a whole. Facing withthe coexistence of the challenges and opportunities of the economic globalization,how countries respond to them effectively in such environment is a problem. Liberaleconomy always advocates the governments keep out of the market. We have tofigure out how to strengthen the governments' power of allocating the resources inorder to compensate the market defects and how to balance the economic marketdevelopment when the crisis breaks out and the market failure occurs. For centuries,the capitalist world has experienced turbulence again and again, however, the Marxistideology has always shined the world. With the development of the world, Principleof Marxist Political Economics will finally reform the global economy once again,which will lead the world to prosperity. By summing up the commonality of the crises,our country hopes to learn a lesson from it and understand the causes of the threecrises correctly, so that we can adopt effective response policies and measures, andlook to the sustained and healthy economic development and social harmony andstability. Consequently we can enhance our international competitiveness and avoidthe crisis effectively.


  Economic Crisis, Government and Market, Resource Allocation

  目 录

  摘 要


  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景和意义

  1.2 研究方法

  1.2.1 文献研究法

  1.2.2 个案研究法

  1.2.3 定性分析法

  1.3 创新之处

  1.4 不足之处

  第 2 章 理论综述

  2.1 三次危机爆发原因的观点综述

  2.1.1 1929 年大萧条

  2.1.2 1997 年亚洲金融风暴

  2.1.3 2008 年次贷危机

  2.2 相关理论简介

  2.2.1 平均利润理论

  2.2.2 经济危机理论

  2.2.3 萨伊定律

  第 3 章 关于 1929 年大萧条的探析

  3.1 1929 年大萧条概况

  3.2 1929 年大萧条原因分析

  3.2.1 对古典经济学理论的过度信赖

  3.2.2 过度强调市场在资源配置中的作用

  3.2.3 忽略经济规律与客观经济条件之间的关系

  第 4 章 关于 1997 年亚洲金融风暴的探析

  4.1 1997 年亚洲金融风暴概况

  4.2 1997 年亚洲金融危机原因分析

  4.2.1 对平均利润率理论的脱离

  4.2.2 西方游资的破坏

  4.2.3 过度强化虚拟经济的发展

  第 5 章 关于 2008 年次贷危机的探析

  5.1 2008 年西方经济危机的基本概况

  5.2 2008 年次贷危机原因分析

  5.2.1 劳动力成本的不断攀升

  5.2.2 失去了制造业引擎的作用

  5.2.3 高新技术产业的弊端

  5.2.4 过度刺激房地产的发展

  5.2.5 生产过剩带来的危机

  第 6 章 三次危机的启示

  6.1 资本主义制度的阶级矛盾是导致危机的推手

  6.2 资本主义的基本矛盾是导致一切危机的原因

  6.3 警惕经济全球化的负面影响

  6.4 加强政府对资源的配置

  6.5 提升对马克思主义政治经济学理论的科学认识

  结 论


  致 谢
