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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-23 共3792字


  摘 要
  大数据时代,信息呈现快速增长,信息量巨大但又简易直观的新闻报道吸引了受众的注意力,全球媒体为了应对大数据时代的到来,纷纷开始变革,数据新闻在这个时代背景下应运而生。数据新闻肇始于国外媒体,受西方数据新闻发展的影响,我国数据新闻近年来发展迅速。2013 年开始,国内新闻学术界对于数据新闻的相关研究也增多了。但是笔者对文献进行整合发现对我国数据新闻的现状、瓶颈和对策系统研究的文献较少。因此,对我国数据新闻的发展瓶颈和对策进行研究具有较大的价值。
  The age of big data, information showing rapid growth, a huge amount ofinformation but also simple news attracted the attention of the audience, the globalmedia in order to deal with the arrival of big data era, began to change, the press cameinto being in the background. The data originated from the foreign news media,influenced by Western news data, our data journalism has developed rapidly in recentyears. Beginning in 2013, domestic academic research about the data's surge.
  However, the literature review, the status quo and Countermeasures ofChina's data, the bottleneck of the system of news literature. Therefore, the bottleneckof the development and Countermeasures of China's news data of great value.
  Data journalism is a news report way of big data and news are combined, thenew report determines it compared with the traditional news features and uniquevalue, mainly reflected in the following aspects: data analysis to improve theauthenticity and objectivity of news; data mining to broaden the breadth and depthof news reports to win the attention of the reader; data visualization to enrich thenews the way of expression. Production has its own unique value of the data after thenews of the traditional news has an important influence, reflected in: data news haschanged the traditional way of news narrative text information based on theextended direction of news report; data; the revolution of traditional newsproduction mode of thinking; to strengthen the traditional news narrative and macrointerpretation. The news of the interactive expression.
  The current development of China's data news although not Britain, the UnitedStates and other Western media, but it is still a small achievement. China'snetwork media and TV media has achieved some good results intermsof data journalism practice in china. In recent years, our country began to payattention to the use of the data of the news, but in the development still has someshortcomings and bottlenecks, mainly reflected in: lack of data mining and analysis;data visualization is single; interaction with few readers; large data professional talentshortage; the most meaningful data news. These problems. restrict the datainformation in the development of our country objectively, which results in thenews in China's development is relatively slow, not very wide popularization.
  Development of the data in the news these problems mainly news ideas and ways ofthinking are old, our efforts to open big data and talent training mechanism and otherreasons to solve the problems.
  Data journalism as a way of news reports appeared, showing a broad developmentprospects. At the same time data news appeared in the development of our problemhas become an important issue that can not be ignored, must put forward effectivecountermeasures in order to promote the long-term development of data news. On theactual situation in China, we can adopt the following measures to promote thedevelopment of news data: the social from all walks of life should pay attention tothe promotion of the news data; to strengthen the cultivation of journalism talentsdata; change the concept of Journalism and communication, to establish open view ofjournalism; draw lessons from the foreign excellent visualization technology, richvisual form; multi angle close to the livelihood of the people news, deepen the contentand significance of; take many kinds of measures to reduce the production cost, andproperly solve the problem of privacy data security protection.
  Key words: Big data; Data journalism; Development bottleneck; Strategy

  目 录
  绪 论
  0.1 研究缘起与意义
  0.2 国内外研究现状
  0.2.1 国内研究现状
  0.2.2 国外研究现状
  0.2.3 已有研究的总结与反思
  0.3 研究思路和主要内容
  0.4 研究方法和创新之处
  0.4.1 研究方法
  0.4.2 创新之处
  0.5 相关概念阐述
  0.5.1 大数据
  0.5.2 数据新闻
  0.5.3 数据可视化
  第 1 章 数据新闻概述
  1.1 数据新闻的兴起背景
  1.1.1 大数据时代的到来提供了丰富的数据资源
  1.1.2 传统媒体变革的需要促使数据新闻勃兴
  1.1.3 数据新闻适应了碎片化阅读人群的需求
  1.2 数据新闻的价值
  1.2.1 数据分析提升了新闻的真实性和客观性
  1.2.2 数据挖掘拓宽了新闻报道的广度和深度
  1.2.3 数据新闻可赢得读者更多的注意力
  1.2.4 数据可视化丰富了新闻的表达方式
  1.3 数据新闻对传统新闻的影响
  1.3.1 数据新闻改变了传统新闻以文字为主的叙事方式
  1.3.2 开放数据拓展了传统新闻的报道方向
  1.3.3 数据新闻增强了传统新闻叙事的宏观解释力
  1.3.4 数据新闻变革了传统新闻生产的思维方式
  第 2 章 我国数据新闻的发展现状
  2.1 网络媒体的数据新闻实践探析
  2.1.1 四大门户网站开设专门的数据新闻栏目
  2.1.2 财新网的数据新闻实践
  2.2 传统媒体的数据新闻探索实践
  2.2.1 电视媒体的数据新闻实践
  2.2.2 传统报纸数据新闻实践探析
  第 3 章 我国数据新闻的发展瓶颈
  3.1 我国数据新闻的发展问题
  3.1.1 数据挖掘和分析不够
  3.1.2 数据可视化呈现方式比较单一
  3.1.3 与读者互动交流少
  3.1.4 成本投入与控制的困扰
  3.1.5 大数据专业人才匮乏
  3.1.6 现行数据新闻意义不大
  3.2 我国数据新闻发展出现瓶颈的原因分析
  3.2.1 新闻理念和思维方式较为陈旧
  3.2.2 数据开放力度不够大
  3.2.3 人才培养机制落后
  第 4 章 我国突破数据新闻发展瓶颈的对策
  4.1 社会各界应重视数据新闻的推广
  4.2 加强对数据新闻人才的培养
  4.2.1 新闻单位加强对在职新闻工作者的数据素养培训
  4.2.2 高校创新新闻传播人才的培养模式
  4.2.3 构建可视化数据新闻团队
  4.3 转变新闻传播观念,适应大数据时代发展
  4.3.1 树立起团队合作意识
  4.3.2 树立开放的新闻观
  4.4 借鉴外国的优秀可视化技术,丰富可视化形式
  4.5 多角度贴近民生,深化新闻内容和意义
  4.5.1 努力实现自我数据的挖掘
  4.5.2 深入挖掘数据背后的新闻意义
  4.5.3 多关注和贴近民生
  4.6 采取多种措施努力降低生产成本
  4.7 妥善解决数据的隐私保护问题
  4.7.1 国家制定相关的数据保护法律
  4.7.2 数据新闻从业人员增强自己的职业道德规范
  4.7.3 加大对隐私安全保护技术的研究和使用
  结 语
  致 谢