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虚拟财产司法保护研究虚拟财产司法保护研究 中英文摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-17 共4269字













  As far as virtual property is concerned, its legal protection practices and theoriesvary considerably, because there is no legislation on this fairly new subject.

  Undoubtedly, the situation made lawyers feel frustrated and confused. From this point,this article choose the view of judicial protection on virtual property not only to figureout the substantial legal problem and to discover how to solve those legal disputes, butalso to find a ideal solution to promote the robust and health development of interneteconomy. However, the judicial protection of virtual property is such a big problemthat we could loss ourselves in the discovery. Consequently, we need to make surewhat “virtual property” means, and to find out what is really happening. And then, wetry to figure out how to deal with the disputes.

  Firstly, judge has to discover the fact of dispute on virtual property, in otherwords, to find the nature of virtual property on court. From the technical perspective,we unexpectedly discover that there are tremendous differences on the types of virtualproperty between China and foreign countries, especially the United Nations, wherethe law allows game creators set up a virtual environment in which players couldsocialize with family and friends, build their own palace and cars, go skiing, and evenhold down a job. So, foreign scholars have poured out variety legal theories, includingmagic circle theory, avatar rights theory and property hypothesis. However, there isnot such a virtual paradise in our country; instead, Chinese players like to play in agame where everything is provided by game creator. Thus, tragedy may happen onceChinese scholars simply introduce those foreign hypotheses into China withoutpaying any attention to their background and limitations. Bearing those differences inmind, we discover that virtual property in China have four major characters, includingdepending on the game-god (the game creator), man-made scarcity, convertible andIIunstable virtual value. It means that virtual property is different from not only thetangible goods, but the works under copyright law, too.

  The second concern of the article would be to find the adequate law governingvirtual property. To their disappointed, judges can’t find out a regulation or even ajudicial explanation on virtual property. Faced such a legal loophole, they can’t simplyrun away, but have to utilize all kind of theories to convince themselves that what mayconstitute the right rules to settle the disputes. Given there is a barrier between realworld and virtual world, judge firstly has to decide whether laws of real world have tointervene the disputes happened in virtual environment, which is a matter of magiccircle. And then, judge would find several legal hypotheses, property theory, forinstance, over contradicting interests on virtual property. And it’s judge’s job to findout the advantages and limitations of those theories and pick up the right one.

  The third and the most significant point will be the application of law. It’s thefirst time in China that this article has systematically articulate fundamental principlesdefining what judges can do when explaining the rules. Those principles consist ofone traditional principle called “balancing contradicting interests” and two new butcritical principles to the internet industry, the industry-oriental principle and thetechnical-independent principle. Navigated by those principles, the article initiallyresponses to the applicable of property law from an economic law perspective; andthen contend that contract laws and theories should be the basic rules bounding theplayers and the game creator or operator, because players have signed a contract withcreator or operator. When it comes to the determination of standard contract, we havedifficulties in finding whether the game rules have excluded players’ majorindispensable rights. Fortunately, the reasonable expectation theory used by bothcontinental law system and Anglo-American law system could be the objectivecriteria on this issue. Then we argue that the ideal judgment would be the continuousperformance of contract not only for the sake of our players, but to the long-termadvancement of internet economy. And we advise that virtual property right should beprotected by the law of torts in digital age. Finally, we argue that there is no need toresort to property theory in explaining the legal meaning of goods under criminal lawIIIsince the supreme court of Dutch, a continental country, has skillfully solved theexplanation dilemma. At the meanwhile, given the multiplication of virtual property intechnical perspective, we’d better omit its property implication and convert tocomputer clauses in criminal law.

  Key Words:Virtual Property,Judicial Protection,Natural Characters,Legal Analysis,JudicialTheory,Industrial Development
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