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来源:石河子大学 作者:毛舒婷
发布于:2019-02-25 共3329字


  本研究从员工内在激励的视角出发,通过系统梳理国内外相关研究,基于认知评价理论对领导幽默与员工创造力之间的内部作用机制展开研究,同时引入员工内在动机验证其在领导幽默与创造力之间的中介作用,并将权力距离倾向作为调节变量引入研究构建模型。通过对 272 份有效问卷数据进行层次回归分析,验证领导幽默、内在动机、权力距离倾向与员工创造力间的作用关系,得到以下主要研究结论:(1)在不同单位工作的员工其创造力表现也不同;(2)亲和型领导幽默对员工创造力有着显着的正向影响,嘲讽型领导幽默对员工创造力有着显着的负向影响;(3)领导幽默能够显着作用于员工的内在动机水平,高水平的内在动机能够提高员工的创造力,且内在动机在领导幽默与员工创造力的关系中起着完全中介的作用;(4)权力距离倾向这一传统价值取向能够显着地负向调节领导幽默与员工内在动机之间的关系,对于低权力距离倾向的员工来说,领导幽默对其内在动机水平的影响会更强。

  Humor is a pervasive social phenomenon, but the topic of leader humor has not always been takenseriously. However, this situation has been changing, since both the practitioners and the scholars increasingtheir interests in this field. The combination of humor and leadership theory leads to an enhancing ofleadership effectiveness, if the behavior of humor is properly used by leader in the organization, we will findeffective solutions to the problems of improving the quality of communication, motivating employees andalleviating the conflicts among employees. A growing body of research testifies to the important role thathumor can play in the work context in general, such as supervisor’s positive and negative type of humorinfluences employees’ work satisfaction and performance through the mediated effect of employees’ attitudesuch as organizational commitment and work engagement. As employees’ creativity becoming the key tomodernbusiness’ssurvivalanddevelopment,thereareresearchesfindouttherelationshipbetweentheleaderhumor and the inspiring of employees’ creativity as well. Still, not only the studies about the internalmechanism of humor in leadership on employees’ creativity are few, but little research had been done indomestic condition. So, we decided to explore the influencing mechanism of leader humor’s differentdimensions on employees’ creativity.
  From the perspective of cognitive evaluation theory, we explores the influencing mechanismof leader’saffiliative and aggressive humor on employees’ creativity, with the mediating effect of intrinsic motivationand the moderating effect of employees’ power distance. Using data collected from 272 employees in a widevariety of occupations and organizations, and analyzed by the hierarchical regression method, the empiricalresults showed that employees in different organizations are at different levels of creativity; and the resultsalsoshowedthatleader’saffiliativehumorcanpromotethefollowers’intrinsic motivation,andtheninspiringemployees’creativity,while leader’saggressivehumornegativelyinfluencesintrinsic motivation,andfinallyhindered creativity; intrinsic motivation play a fully mediated role in the relationship between leader humorand employees’ creativity; employees’ power distance moderate the relationship between leader humor andintrinsic motivation, leader’shumor willhave a more effective effecton intrinsic motivation whenemployees’ power distance is low.
  The practical implications of this study is as following: First, the humor behavior of leader should betaken seriously, for our findings suggests that humor in leadership can be a useful management tool. Second,supervisors should take employees’ individual needs as priority, and find efficient ways to inspiring theirintrinsic motivation. Third, there should be a match between leaders’ behavior and employees’ powerdistance,theconsequencesofleaderhumorshouldbenoticed,andthewaytothemaximumeffectsofleader’sbehavior should be discovered.
  Keywords: leader humor; employees’ creativity; intrinsic motivation; power distance; cognitiveevaluation theory
  第一章 绪论.

  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究目的和意义
  1.2.1 研究的目的.
  1.2.2 研究的意义.
  1.3 研究内容与研究框架
  1.3.1 研究内容.
  1.3.2 研究框架.
  1.4 研究方法与技术路线
  1.4.1 研究方法.
  1.4.2 技术路线.
  1.5 研究创新点
  第二章 文献综述.

  2.1 理论基础
  2.1.1 幽默理论.
  2.1.2 认知评价理论.
  2.2 领导幽默
  2.2.1 领导幽默的内涵 .
  2.2.2 领导幽默的维度与测量 .
  2.2.3 领导幽默的影响因素 .
  2.2.4 领导幽默的影响效应 .
  2.3 内在动机
  2.3.1 内在动机的内涵 .
  2.3.2 内在动机的维度与测量 .
  2.3.3 内在动机的影响因素 .
  2.3.4 内在动机的影响效应 .
  2.4 权力距离倾向
  2.4.1 权力距离倾向的内涵 .
  2.4.2 权力距离倾向的维度与测量 .
  2.4.3 权力距离倾向的相关研究 .
  2.5 员工创造力
  2.5.1 员工创造力的内涵 . 1
  2.5.2 员工创造力的维度与测量 .
  2.5.3 员工创造力的相关研究 .
  2.6 变量间的相互关系
  2.6.1 领导幽默与员工创造力的关系研究 .
  2.6.2 内在动机与员工创造力的关系研究 .
  2.6.3 权力距离倾向与内在动机的关系研究
  2.7 研究述评
  第三章 研究假设及模型构建.
  3.1 理论模型的构建
  3.2 研究假设的提出
  3.2.1 领导幽默对员工创造力的影响作用 .
  3.2.2 领导幽默对内在动机的影响作用 .
  3.2.3 内在动机对员工创造力的影响作用 .
  3.2.4 内在动机在领导幽默与员工创造力之间的中介作用 .
  3.2.5 权力距离倾向的调节作用 .
  第四章 研究设计.

  4.1 问卷设计流程
  4.2 测量工具
  4.2.1 领导幽默量表.
  4.2.2 内在动机量表.
  4.2.3 权力距离倾向量表 .
  4.2.4 员工创造力量表 .
  4.2.5 控制变量.
  4.3 抽样方法
  4.4 数据分析方法
  第五章 数据分析与假设检验.
  5.1 数据的收集与处理
  5.2 研究变量的描述性统计分析
  5.2.1 样本的描述性统计分析 .
  5.2.2 变量的描述性统计分析 .
  5.3 量表的信度和效度分析
  5.3.1 信度分析.
  5.3.2 效度分析.
  5.4 变量的相关性分析
  5.5 研究假设检验
  5.5.1 领导幽默对员工创造力的回归分析 .
  5.5.2 领导幽默对内在动机的回归分析 .
  5.5.3 内在动机对员工创造力的回归分析 .
  5.5.4 内在动机的中介作用检验 .
  5.5.5 权力距离倾向的调节作用检验 .
  5.6 假设检验结果
  第六章 研究结论与展望.

  6.1 主要研究结论
  6.2 管理启示
  6.3 研究局限与展望
  6.3.1 研究局限.
  6.3.2 未来展望.
原文出处:毛舒婷. 领导幽默对员工创造力的作用机制研究[D]. 石河子大学 2018