注 释:
[1] Chen R, Sharma S K. Self-disclosure at social networking sites: An exploration through relational capitals [J]. Information Systems Frontiers, 2013, 15(2): 269-278.
[2] 胡蓉, 邓小昭。 网络人际交互中的信任问题研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2005 (4):98-101.
[3] 梁晓燕。 网络社会支持对青少年心理健康的影响机制研究 [D]. 博士学位论文。华中师范大学, 2008.
[4] Jourard S M, Lasakow P. Some factors in self-disclosure [J]. The Journal of Abnormaland Social Psychology, 1958, 56(1): 91.
[5] Jourard S M. The transparent self (rev. ed.)[J]. Princeton, NJ: VanNostrand, 1971.
[6] Derlega V J, Grzelak J. Appropriateness of self-disclosure [J]. Self-disclosure: Origins,patterns, and implications of openness in interpersonal relationships, 1979: 151-176.
[7] 邹澈, 蒋索。 青少年与同伴自我表露问卷的编制[J]. 心理学报, 2008, 40(2):84-192.
[8] Kowalski R M. Speaking the unspeakable: Self-disclosure and mental health [J]. 1999.
[9] Jourard S M. The transparent self (rev. ed.)[J]. Princeton, NJ: VanNostrand, 1971.
[10]Davis M H, Franzoi S L. Adolescent loneliness, self-disclosure, and privateself-consciousness: A longitudinal investigation [J]. Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, 1986, 51(3): 595.
[11]Berger C R, Calabrese R J. Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond:Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication [J]. Humancommunication research, 1975, 1(2): 99-112.
[12]Altman I, Taylor D A. Social penetration: The development of interpersonalrelationships [M]. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973.
[13]Hendrick S S. Self-disclosure and marital satisfaction [J]. Journal of Personality andSocial Psychology, 1981, 40(6): 1150.
[14]Pennebaker J W, Beall S K. Confronting a traumatic event: toward an understanding ofinhibition and disease [J]. Journal of abnormal psychology, 1986, 95(3): 274.
[15]刘增雅, 李林英。 SSCI 中自我表露研究的计量分析[J]. 心理科学进展, 2007, 15(3):476-481.
[16]Pennebaker J W. Emotion, disclosure, & health [M]. American PsychologicalAssociation, 1995.
[17]郭正莹。 男女大学生网络自我揭露, 网络社会支持与寂寞感之差异研究-以及时通讯为例: 硕士学位论文[D]. , 2007.
[18]Chen R, Sharma S K. Self-disclosure at social networking sites: An explorationthrough relational capitals [J]. Information Systems Frontiers, 2013, 15(2): 269-278.
[19]饶星星。 网络亲密关系相关研究[D]. 浙江大学, 2006.
[20]Marcus A, Krishnamurthi N. Cross-cultural analysis of social network services inJapan, Korea, and the USA [M]. Internationalization, Design and Global Development.Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009: 59-68.
[21]Attrill A, Jalil R. Revealing only the superficial me: Exploring categoricalself-disclosure online [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27(5): 1634-1642.
[22]Kays K, Gathercoal K, Buhrow W. Does survey format influence self-disclosure onsensitive question items? [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2012, 28(1): 251-256.
[23]Joinson A N, Woodley A, Reips U D. Personalization, authentication andself-disclosure in self-administered Internet surveys [J]. Computers in HumanBehavior, 2007, 23(1): 275-285.
[24]Margalit M. Lonely children and adolescents: Self-perceptions, social exclusion, andhope [M]. Springer, 2010.
[25]Joinson A N. Understanding the psychology of Internet behavior [J]. Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
[26]Brunet P M, Schmidt L A. Are shy adults really bolder online? It depends on thecontext [J]. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2008, 11(6): 707-709.
[27]Walther J B, Burgoon J K. Relational communication in computer ‐ mediatedinteraction [J]. Human communication research, 1992, 19(1): 50-88.
[28]Tidwell L C, Walther J B. Computer‐mediated communication effects on disclosure,impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time[J]. Human Communication Research, 2002, 28(3): 317-348.
[29]Walther J B. Interpersonal Effects in Computer-Mediated Interaction A RelationalPerspective [J]. Communication research, 1992, 19(1): 52-90.
[30]Walther J B. Computer-mediated communication impersonal, interpersonal, andhyperpersonal interaction [J]. Communication research, 1996, 23(1): 3-43.
[31]Hancock J T, Dunham P J. Impression Formation in Computer-MediatedCommunication Revisited An Analysis of the Breadth and Intensity of Impressions [J].Communication research, 2001, 28(3): 325-347.
[32]Reicher S D, Spears R, Postmes T. A social identity model of deindividuationphenomena [J]. European review of social psychology, 1995, 6(1): 161-198.
[33]Daft R L, Lengel R H. Information richness. A new approach to managerial behaviorand organization design[R]. TEXAS A AND M UNIV COLLEGE STATION COLLOF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 1983.
[34]Hu Y, Wood J F, Smith V, et al. Friendships through IM: Examining the relationshipbetween instant messaging and intimacy [J]. Journal of Computer ‐ MediatedCommunication, 2004, 10(1)。
[35]Kays K, Gathercoal K, Buhrow W. Does survey format influence self-disclosure onsensitive question items? [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2012, 28(1): 251-256.
[36]Whitty M T. Revealing the 'real'me, searching for the 'actual'you: Presentations ofself on an internet dating site[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2008, 24(4):1707-1723.
[37]Rosen L D, Cheever N A, Cummings C, et al. The impact of emotionality andself-disclosure on online dating versus traditional dating [J]. Computers in HumanBehavior, 2008, 24(5): 2124-2157.
[38]Joinson A N, Paine C, Buchanan T, et al. Measuring self-disclosure online: Blurringand non-response to sensitive items in web-based surveys[J]. Computers in HumanBehavior, 2008, 24(5): 2158-2171.
[39]Valkenburg P M, Peter J. Preadolescents' and adolescents' online communication andtheir closeness to friends [J]. Developmental psychology, 2007, 43(2): 267.
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[93]Kays K, Gathercoal K, Buhrow W. Does survey format influence self-disclosure onsensitive question items? [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2012, 28(1): 251-256.
[94]Whitty M T. Revealing the 'real'me, searching for the 'actual'you: Presentations ofself on an internet dating site[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2008, 24(4):1707-1723.
[95]丁道群, 沈模卫。 人格特质, 网络社会支持与网络人际信任的关系[J]. 心理科学,2005, 28(2): 300-303.
[96]Joinson A N, Reips U D, Buchanan T, et al. Privacy, trust, and self-disclosure online[J]. Human–Computer Interaction, 2010, 25(1): 1-24.
A. 普通图书。
[1] 安东尼·吉登斯, 黄平,刘东,田禾。 现代性的后果[M]. 译林出版社, 2000.
[2] Altman I, Taylor D A. Social penetration: The development of interpersonalrelationships [M]. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973.
[3] Pennebaker J W. Emotion, disclosure, & health [M]. American PsychologicalAssociation, 1995.
[4] Marcus A, Krishnamurthi N. Cross-cultural analysis of social network services inJapan, Korea, and the USA [M]. Internationalization, Design and Global Development.Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009: 59-68.
[5] Margalit M. Lonely children and adolescents: Self-perceptions, social exclusion, andhope [M]. Springer, 2010.
[6] Ho S M, Ahmed I, Salome R. Whodunit? collective trust in virtualinteractions[M]//Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction.Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012: 348-356.
[7] Albrecht T L, Adelman M B. Communicating social support [M]. Sage Publications,Inc, 1987.
[8] Wallace P. The psychology of the Internet [M]. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
B. 论文集、会议录。
[1] 杜晶。 网络情境下自我表露的问卷编制[C]//第十三届全国心理学学术会议论文摘要集。 2010.
C. 科技报告。
[1] Daft R L, Lengel R H. Information richness. A new approach to managerial behaviorand organization design[R]. Texas a and m Univ College Station of BusinessAdministration, 1983.
D. 学位论文。
[1] 梁晓燕。 网络社会支持对青少年心理健康的影响机制研究 [D]. 博士学位论文。华中师范大学, 2008.
[2] 郭正莹。 男女大学生网络自我揭露, 网络社会支持与寂寞感之差异研究-以及时通讯为例: 硕士学位论文[D]. , 2007.
[3] 饶星星。 网络亲密关系相关研究[D]. 浙江大学, 2006.
[4] 郁太维。 大学生网络人际信任研究[D]. 兰州大学哲学社会学院, 2010.
[5] 丁道群。 网络空间的人际互动: 理论与实证研究: 博士论文[D]. , 2002.
[6] 梁艳。 大学生网络使用者虚拟幸福感及其与在线社会支持的关系研究[D]. 西南大学, 2008.
[7] 王卓娅。 大学生网络社会支持, 现实社会支持与主观幸福感的关系研究[D]. 陕西师范大学, 2012.
E. 期刊中析出的文献。
[1] 胡蓉, 邓小昭。 网络人际交互中的信任问题研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2005 (4):98-101.
[2] 邹澈, 蒋索。 青少年与同伴自我表露问卷的编制[J]. 心理学报, 2008, 40(2):84-192.
[3] 刘增雅, 李林英。 SSCI 中自我表露研究的计量分析[J]. 心理科学进展, 2007, 15(3):476-481.
[4] 杨中芳, 彭泗清。 中国人人际信任的概念化: 一个人际关系的观点[J]. 社会学研究, 1999, 2(2): 1-21.
[5] 张建新, 张妙清, 梁觉。 殊化信任与泛化信任在人际信任行为路径模型中的作用[J]. 心理学报, 2000, 32(3): 311-316.
[6] 白淑英。 网络互动中人际信任概念辨析[J]. 学术交流, 2004, 2.
[7] 黄厚铭。 网络人际关系的亲疏远近[J]. 台大社会学刊, 2000, 10(28): 117-154.
[8] 丁道群, 沈模卫。 人格特质, 网络社会支持与网络人际信任的关系[J]. 心理科学,2005, 28(2): 300-303.
[9] 汪丹丹。 大学生网络人际信任的研究[J]. 硕士学位论文, 华东师范大学, 2008.
[10]陈成文, 潘泽泉。 论社会支持的社会学意义[J]. 湖南师范大学社会科学学报, 2000,6(6): 25-30.
[11]苗笑雨。 网络即时通讯下的网民心理初探[J]. 嘉兴学院学报, 2007, 18(6): 101-105.
[12]梁栋青。 大学生网络社会支持与主观幸福感的相关研究[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志,2011, 19(8): 1013-1015.
[13]吴佳辉。 社会支持对网路成瘾的影响 [J]. 资讯社会研究, 2007, 7(7): 173-189.
[14]景永昇, 李瑛。 大学生网络社会支持和现实社会支持的关系研究[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2012, 20(5): 777-779.
[15]杜晶。 网络情境下自我表露的问卷编制[C]. 三届全国心理学学术会议论文摘要集。2010.
[16]温忠麟, 张雷, 侯杰泰等。 中介效应检验程序及其应用[J]. 心理学报, 2004, 36(5):614-620.
[17]Chen R, Sharma S K. Self-disclosure at social networking sites: An exploration through relational capitals [J]. Information Systems Frontiers, 2013, 15(2): 269-278.
[18]Jourard S M, Lasakow P. Some factors in self-disclosure [J]. The Journal of Abnormaland Social Psychology, 1958, 56(1): 91.
[19]Jourard S M. The transparent self (rev. ed.)[J]. Princeton, NJ: VanNostrand, 1971.
[20]Derlega V J, Grzelak J. Appropriateness of self-disclosure [J]. Self-disclosure: Origins,patterns, and implications of openness in interpersonal relationships, 1979: 151-176.
[21]Kowalski R M. Speaking the unspeakable: Self-disclosure and mental health [J]. 1999.
[22]Davis M H, Franzoi S L. Adolescent loneliness, self-disclosure, and privateself-consciousness: A longitudinal investigation [J]. Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology, 1986, 51(3): 595.
[23]Berger C R, Calabrese R J. Some explorations in initial interaction and beyond:Toward a developmental theory of interpersonal communication [J]. Humancommunication research, 1975, 1(2): 99-112.
[24]Hendrick S S. Self-disclosure and marital satisfaction [J]. Journal of Personality andSocial Psychology, 1981, 40(6): 1150.
[25]Pennebaker J W, Beall S K. Confronting a traumatic event: toward an understanding ofinhibition and disease [J]. Journal of abnormal psychology, 1986, 95(3): 274.
[26]Attrill A, Jalil R. Revealing only the superficial me: Exploring categoricalself-disclosure online [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27(5): 1634-1642.
[27]Kays K, Gathercoal K, Buhrow W. Does survey format influence self-disclosure onsensitive question items? [J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2012, 28(1): 251-256.
[28]Joinson A N, Woodley A, Reips U D. Personalization, authentication andself-disclosure in self-administered Internet surveys [J]. Computers in HumanBehavior, 2007, 23(1): 275-285.
[29]Joinson A N. Understanding the psychology of Internet behavior [J]. Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
[30]Brunet P M, Schmidt L A. Are shy adults really bolder online? It depends on thecontext [J]. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2008, 11(6): 707-709.
[31]Walther J B, Burgoon J K. Relational communication in computer ‐ mediatedinteraction [J]. Human communication research, 1992, 19(1): 50-88.
[32]Tidwell L C, Walther J B. Computer‐mediated communication effects on disclosure,impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time[J]. Human Communication Research, 2002, 28(3): 317-348.
[33]Walther J B. Interpersonal Effects in Computer-Mediated Interaction A RelationalPerspective [J]. Communication research, 1992, 19(1): 52-90.
[34]Walther J B. Computer-mediated communication impersonal, interpersonal, andhyperpersonal interaction [J]. Communication research, 1996, 23(1): 3-43.
[35]Hancock J T, Dunham P J. Impression Formation in Computer-MediatedCommunication Revisited An Analysis of the Breadth and Intensity of Impressions [J].Communication research, 2001, 28(3): 325-347.
[36]Reicher S D, Spears R, Postmes T. A social identity model of deindividuationphenomena [J]. European review of social psychology, 1995, 6(1): 161-198.
[37]Hu Y, Wood J F, Smith V, et al. Friendships through IM: Examining the relationshipbetween instant messaging and intimacy [J]. Journal of Computer ‐ MediatedCommunication, 2004, 10(1)。
[38]Whitty M T. Revealing the 'real'me, searching for the 'actual'you: Presentations ofself on an internet dating site[J]. Computers in Human Behavior, 2008, 24(4):1707-1723.
[39]Rosen L D, Cheever N A, Cummings C, et al. The impact of emotionality andself-disclosure on online dating versus traditional dating [J]. Computers in HumanBehavior, 2008, 24(5): 2124-2157.
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