【3.1 3.2】棒球运动员运动损伤的统计分析
【3.4 3.5 3.6】教练员对运动员发生损伤原因的调查分析
目 录
1 前言
1.1 选题依据……1
1.2 选题的目的和意义
1.3 研究任务
1.4 文献综述
1.4.1 棒球运动概述
1.4.2 棒球运动在我国普通高校的开展现状
1.4.3 棒球运动损伤的研究进展 棒球运动损伤的国内外研究情况
2 研究对象和研究方法
2.1 研究对象
2.2 研究方法
2.2.1 文献资料法
2.2.2 调查法 问卷调查法
2.2.3 调查访问法
2.2.4 实地考察法
2.2.5 数理统计法
3 研究结果与讨论
3.1 棒球运动员基本情况的统计
3.1.1 运动员训练年限的调查统计
3.1.2 运动员训练前的受伤情况
3.1.3 运动员在棒球运动中的损伤情况
3.2 棒球运动员运动损伤的统计分析
3.2.1 发生运动损伤的部位和场合
3.2.2 运动损伤的种类和伤病病程
3.2.3 常见损伤部位的结果与分析 运动员肩关节损伤的部位与分析 运动员肘关节损伤的部位与分析
3.2.4 损伤影响训练的情况统计
3.3 运动损伤原因统计结果与分析
3.4 运动员发生运动损伤后处理情况的调查分析
3.5 棒球队教练员基本情况的统计
3.5.1 教练员对运动损伤所持有的态度
3.6 教练员对运动员发生损伤原因的调查分析
4 结论与建议
4.1 结论
4.2 针对棒球运动员运动损伤的建议与对策
以该校的 60 名棒球运动员以及 3 名棒球队的教练员为调查对象,通过对 63 份调查问卷的整合与分析,得出如下研究结论:1、棒球运动中,运动员的损伤发生率较高,达 90%;且损伤多发生在训练时期;2、棒球运动的损伤多为急性损伤,部位主要集中在肩部、肘部、腰部和膝部;3、其中,肩部损伤以三角肌损伤最多,占肩部损伤的 69.39%.4、出现的肘部损伤中,多发生在肘关节内侧,占肘部损伤的 50%.5、棒球运动损伤的种类主要有 5 种,为肌肉拉伤、运动性疲劳损伤、擦伤和挫伤、关节韧带损伤、骨折;6、运动损伤的发生有多种原因,主观因素主要有:动作技术存在缺点或错误,准备活动不充分以及旧伤未愈,摔倒着地,被球或球棒击伤等;客观因素主要有:局部训练负荷过重,训练量偏大,场地、器材及保护不合理以及气候不良等因素;7、运动员在损伤后主要采用停止运动、休息和去医务室或医院治疗的处理方法;8、专项训练时技术的错误是导致棒球运动员发生运动损伤的主要训练因素。
基于以上结论提出了预防大学生棒球运动员运动损伤的建议:加强相关理论知识的学习,增强自我防伤意识;认真做好教练员安排的准备活动;认真学习棒球动作技术要点,及时纠正调整错误动作;及时调整训练内容,提高棒球训练的科学化;采取合理的防范措施, 建立健全队医的跟踪监督机制。
关键词: 棒球 运动损伤 调查研究
Baseball skills dominant class antagonism project rotation playersoffensively, participants were asked to have the strength, stamina, agility,speed, skill, and other aspects of comprehensive quality, to athlete'sphysical stamina, skill, tactics ability, sport intelligence and mentalability has a higher request. At present, the college baseball team composedof college students in our country developed quickly, also successivelyincreasing range, students enthusiasm for baseball is more and more is alsohigh. However, followed by college baseball players in the daily training andcompetition of sports injury also increased sharply, the occurrence of sportsinjury will damage the systemic in sports training, affect the training effectand improvement of performance, brings to the athletes physical andpsychological pressure. In training and competition, how to avoid sportsinjury can be key to get good results.
This article through to the shanxi university business school baseballteam athletes baseball team (Shanxi Province), through the methods ofquestionnaire, on-the-spot investigation, and literature, to the student inbaseball in the process of sports injury, the number of species, reason hascarried on the comprehensive research. On the basis of this puts forwardrelated Suggestions, in order to minimize the school baseball players in thegame of baseball in the process of sports injury. 60 to the school's baseballplayers and three baseball coaches as investigation object, through theintegration of about 63 copies of questionnaires and analysis, the followingresearch conclusions: 1, in baseball, the athletes with a greater incidenceof injury, 90%; And the damage occurs during the training period; 2, damageof the game of baseball, and more for acute injuries, parts are mainlyconcentrated in the shoulder and elbow, waist and knee; 3 there are 5 kindsof species and the damage of baseball, arranged according to the incidenceof injuries, followed by muscle strain, fatigue damage, abrasion and contusion,joint ligament damage, fracture. 4, the occurrence of sports injury has avariety of reasons, main factors are: technology exist shortcomings ormistakes, inadequate preparation activities as well as the old wound, not fallon the ground, wounded by ball or club, etc.; The object factors mainly include:
local training load is overweight, large volume, venues, equipment andprotection, adverse factors such as climate and unreasonable; 5, athletesafter injury mainly adopts stop motion, rest and go to the clinic or hospitalfor treatment. 6, special training technical error is the main trainingfactors lead to baseball player sports injury. 7, puts forward the Suggestionsto prevent them from the sport injuries of baseball: strengthening the studyof relevant theoretical knowledge, strengthen the consciousness of selfinjury prevention; Carefully prepared for the coaches to arrange activities;Learn baseball movement technology main points, timely correct to adjustaction; In a timely manner to adjust the training content, improve thescientific of baseball training; Take reasonable precautions, establish andimprove the medical staff of tracking supervision mechanism.
Keywords: baseball ,sports injury ,research