The legitimacy of the evidence is one of the attribute of evidence which juxtaposed withthe objectivity of evidence, relevance of evidence, because of the administrative litigation hasspecial review object, the legality of the evidence has the higher request of tight degree, and ithas more detailed evidence operation process and specific specification requirements. Sinceestablished in the 1990 s, although our country administrative litigation system affirmed thelegitimacy of evidence in the legislative value, but how to operate the system oiadministrative litigation system function legitimacy of evidence is not yet clear. Scholars tendto ignore the administrative litigation evidence legality in basic theory and the other evidencelegality difference between direct transplantation of civil litigation and criminal litigation,they usually directly transplant the civil litigation and criminal litigation's existingachievements. Because of the lagging behind of the loopholes of legislation and jurisprudencein our country、current administrative litigation evidence system can not meet therequirements of the judicial practice. So we need to draw lessons from existing researchresults, based on the field of administrative litigation, to the basic theory for further clues onadministrative litigation evidence rule, especially administrative litigation evidence legalityreview study,clear the legality of the administrative litigation evidence censorship standards,such as the legitimacy of evidence form review standard, the legitimacy of the evidencecollection review,the legitimacy of evidence examination standard, have the guide meaningto promote determine the scope of the review of evidence rules and,improving the efficiencyof lawsuit and the realization of entity justice,so as to guide the judicial practice at present。
This research will be real to answer what evidence material has qualification of evidence, thisis the first step specification probative, can help to reflection and reconstruction of theadministrative litigation evidence system, can also solve the problem of difficulties olevidence applicable, provide feasible solutions to legal difficulties.
Keywords: Administrative litigation evidence; Legitimacy; Examination standard
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