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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-08-17 共4621字


【第二章  第三章】中网赛事营销文献综述 
【4.2 - 4.4】中网赛与四大满贯网球公开赛营销方式的对比分析 


  经过国际网球联合会(ITF)批准,中国网球公开赛(简称:中网)在每年的 9月底至 10 月初在北京举办,这是一场国际性的网球赛事。随着 2008 年北京奥运会的成功举办,再加上中国女子网球选手尤其是李娜、彭帅、郑洁等在世界网坛中的出色表现,中国网球公开赛开始吸引着世界网坛众多知名球员前来参赛。国际知名球员的参赛,带动着中国网球整体水平的提高。由于北京市民持续的对网球运动予以关注,中国网球公开赛的价值逐渐的得以显露出来。

  本文以企业管理的相关理论为指导,从经营管理的角度,以中国网球公开赛作为本次论文的研究对象,分别采用了文献资料法、对比分析法、专家访谈等方法,分析研究 2011 年至 2013 年中国网球公开赛的营销数据。研究数据包括以下几个方面:赞助商、门票、赛事转播和特许商品。本文通过对中国网球公开赛整体的营销方式策略进行分析,根据赛事营销的实际情况,指出其营销策略的不足之处,并提出改进建议,希望以此为中国网球公开赛的组织者改进当前的管理工作,为这一赛事项目能在未来的运营和发展中,获取更好的经济收益,提供一点参考依据。






  3、由于国外的转播权由 ATP 和 WTA 的管控,中网应将策略重心向国内转播商和网络转播商倾斜,同国内电视台和网络媒体形成战略合作关系,共同相互推广,达成双赢的目的。通过赛事广告,同赞助商谈判在赞助商电视媒体广告中加入中网元素,增加赛事曝光率,达到提高收视率的目的。



  关键词:中国网球公开赛 赛事营销 营销策略


  The China Open was approved by the ITF, which hold from Sept. to Oct. by Beijing ateach year. It was the annual international tennis tournaments .With the successful of the2008 Olympic Game, and we have outstanding performance from our female players suchas Li Na, Peng Shuai and Zheng Jie. So the China Open attracts the world many tennisplayer came to compete. Start for China Open added international famous stars, it willimprove the whole standard for China tennis. With the continued attention of China tennisfrom audience, the China Open brand and commercial value also gradually reflect.

  Based on the related theories of enterprise management as the guidance, from theperspective of management business, the object of study is China Open. The studymethods cover literature, comparison, analysis and experts' interview. The thesis analysisbased on China Open of 2011, 2012 and 2013 which includes sponsor, ticket, competebroadcast, licensed products and so on. In this paper, based on the factors China Opentennis tournament overall marketing and its impact on the development of analysis,according to the actual situation of the China Open event marketing, this paper points outthe deficiency of the compete management, especially on marketing management and italso provide the suggestion on how to improvement. It hopes can be provided somereference on how to get better economic benefit about the operation and development infuture for the management team of China Open.

  The main conclusions are as follows:

  1 The China Open sponsors have the positive attitude on China Open development.

  But the problems are how to ensure sponsor's income and increase the title sponsors.

  2 The bad status of China Open box office, and the ticket income ratio is lower thantotal income and the gap is too big between the reasonable ticket incomes.

  3 The current broadcast is not established on a standard system and lack of marketoperation and influenced by administration. That will lead to improve the broadcast incomehardly.

  4 The China Open less stress on the licensed products, most of products can notformed memorial significance and lead to no strong purchase interest from audience andimpact the income as well.

  5 Unreasonable ratio of general income, and the higher ratio of sponsor income, andlower ratio of ticket, broadcast and licensed products income. That will lead to aloss-leader marketing.

  The improvement suggestion as follows:

  1. To encourage a long-term stabilization resources of sponsors. The organizingcommittee can guarantee the each benefits in competition for sponsors, and select excellentsponsors, especially on the key sponsors. Timely introduction of named sponsors, andincrease their media exposure. To develop the booth needs for sponsor and to build uplong-term relationship for sponsor and compete.

  2. The ticket marketing strategy of China Open need to learn from Shanghai Masters.To increase the media exposure of China Open branding, and expand the ticket salechannels and improve internet channels. Such as change the tennis venue management toticket agents; corporate with travel agents to promote China Open compete tourist duringthe golden holiday; increase the variety of ticket based on different markets, purchase ofpeople, and promotion set of tickets; and hold some interactive activities during thecompete and increase game popular.

  3. The foreign tennis completions broadcast control by ATP and WTA. The ChinaOpen need to shift focus to domestic TV broadcast and internet, and forms strategiccooperation each other. To promote and achieve win-win purpose. Through the competeAds, negotiations with sponsor to join the China Open element in the TV media advertisingand improve media exposure and audience ratings.

  4. The licensed products need to design and sale by professional business. For thedifferent age and audience's needs, increase licensed products variety and practicality. Tohighlight branding on the licensed products and increase its recognizable. To increasebranding social exposure after integrated into China Open culture. Open the sales channelfor the licensed products, such as no limitation on sales time and venue during the compete,and the audience can purchase the licensed products at any time.

  5. More reasonable income of competition, and increase incomes from ticket,broadcast and licensed products and make the income ratio into a reasonable range.

  Key words: China Open Tournament marketing Marketing Strategy


  1 前言

  1.1 国内外网球赛事的发展
  1.1.1 国外网球赛事发展现状
  1.1.2 我国网球赛事发展现状
  1.1.3 中国网球公开赛发展现状 中国网球公开赛的级别 中国网球公开赛的奖金 中网公开赛的积分
  1.2 本文研究的目的和意义
  1.3 本章小结

  2 文献综述

  2.1 营销概念和理论
  2.1.1 营销
  2.1.2 营销方式
  2.2 体育营销和体育市场、体育赛事营销概念
  2.2.1 体育市场营销、体育赛事营销
  2.2.2 体育市场营销要素
  2.2.3 体育赛事营销方式
  2.3 中网赛事营销现状
  2.3.1 网球赛事营销策略
  2.4 本章小结

  3 研究对象及研究方法

  3.1 研究对象
  3.2 研究方法
  3.2.1 文献资料法
  3.2.2 专家访谈法
  3.2.3 比较分析法

  4 研究结果与分析

  4.1 中国网球公开赛的营销方式及其策略
  4.1.1 中国网球公开赛的票房数据分析 中网公开赛 2011 年票房分析 中网公开赛 2012 年票房分析 中网公开赛 2013 年票房分析
  4.1.2 中网公开赛的赞助分析 中网公开赛 2011 年赞助分析 中网公开赛 2012 年赞助分析 中网公开赛 2013 年赞助分析
  4.1.3 中国网球公开赛电视转播分析 中网公开赛 2011 年电视转播分析 中网公开赛 2012 年电视转播分析 中网公开赛 2013 年电视转播分析
  4.1.4 中国网球公开赛特许商品分析 中国网球公开赛 2011 年特许商品分析 中国网球公开赛 2012 年特许商品分析 中国网球公开赛 2013 年特许商品分析
  4.2 中国网球公开赛与四大满贯网球公开赛营销方式策略的对比分析
  4.2.1 中国网球公开赛与四大满贯网球公开赛赞助对比分析
  4.2.2 中网与四大网球公开赛门票收入对比分析
  4.2.3 中网与四大网球公开赛转播对比分析
  4.2.4 中网与四大网球公开赛特许商品对比分析
  4.3 中网与上海网球大师赛营销方式策略对比分析
  4.4 本章小结

  5 研究结论与改进建议

  5.1 研究结论
  5.2 改进建议

