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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-09-15 共3955字


  中国英语在英语的全球化与本土化过程中应运而生.英语越来越多地被中国人创新地使用在中国语境中,且尤以中国人的英语文学创作为甚. 在本土文学作品中挖掘中国英语的文化身份,可以拓展人们对中国英语的认识,说明中国英语的使用可以凸显出中国文化特色,对外它可以传播中国文化,对内其继承着中国本土文化. 在 《苏东坡传》(The Gay Genius:The Life and Times of Su Tongpo) 中可以找到很多中国英语的表达,作者通过阅读和分析,发现中国英语的使用覆盖了词汇、句子、语篇等层面.中国作者的英语作品可以反映中国文化气候和中国人的思维习惯.一些谚语、习语、古语、称呼语等的表达都可以传达中国文化特色和价值观.


  在林语堂《苏东坡传》中,一些中国特色的人名、地名、建筑物等名称都能反映出中国作家对英语的创造性使用. 例如:

  朝代名称:Sung Dynasty 宋朝,"Yuanyu"(1086-1093)元佑,Southern Sung Dynasty 南宋, Chiayu 嘉佑,Chou Dynasty 周朝,Warring Kingdoms 战国……帝 王 名 称 : Huitsung 徽 宗 ,Shiaotsung 孝 宗 ,Jentsung 仁 宗 ,Shining 熙 宁 , reign of Shentsung 神宗,Ingtsung 英宗,the first emperor of Chin 秦始皇,Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty 汉武帝……人名:Tu Fu 杜 甫, Szema Kuang 司马光 ,WangAnshih 王 安 石 ,Huang Tingchien 黄 庭 坚 , "LiteraryPatriotic Duke" 文忠公, Ouyang Shiu 欧阳修,Su Shun苏洵,Su Cheh (Tseyu) 子由,Fan Chungyen 范仲淹,Chiang Taikung 姜 太公 ,Grand Imperial Tutor 太 师 ,hanlin 翰 林 ,Chuko Ling 诸 葛亮 ,Liang Chichao 梁 启超……地名:Hankow 汉口,Szechuen 四川,Hopei 河北,Shantung 山东 ,Chengtu 成都 ,Loyang 洛阳 ,Shensi 陕西 ,Anhuei 安 徽 ,Honan 河 南 ,Fengshiang 凤 翔 ,Shangchow 商 周 ,Kansuh 甘 肃 ,Yangchow 扬 州 ,Nanking 南京,Canton 广东,Hangchow 杭州……建筑物 名 称:Wenteh Palance 文 德殿 ,Tamingfu大明府,Tuan Gate 端门,Red Sparrow Gate 朱雀门,national college 国 子监 ,imperial temples 太 庙 ,Chen-shing Temple 真 兴寺 ,Pavilion of Joyful Rain 喜 雨亭 ,the great wall(third century B.C.)长城……交通工具:officials' horse 官车,bull carts 牛车,sedan chairs 轿子, two-wheeled carts 二轮车……文人级别:chinshih 进士,literati 士林……山 河 湖 海 等 名 称 : Omei Mountain 峨 眉 山 ,Yangtse River 长 江 ,China Sea 东 海 ,Loshan 乐 山 ,frog's Jowl Hill 蟆 颐山 ,Yangtse Gorges 三 峡 ,ChutangGorge 瞿 塘峡 ,Wu Gorge 巫 峡 , Wei River 渭 河, Tsil-ing Mountains 秦 岭 ,Taipo Mountain 太 白 山 ,BlackWater Vally 黑水盆地……特定时期的中国文学作品名:All Men are Broth-eers《水浒传》,Later Han History 《后汉书》,Sung His-tory《宋 史 》,Fairy Girl《神 女赋 》,Tang History《唐 史 》,Record on the Terrace for Stepping on the Void 《凌虚台记》,Pien Chien Lun《辨奸论》,Mirror of History《资治通鉴》……中西方文化差异也体现在宗教信仰方面. 在《苏东坡传》 中出现的此类词语, 如:bodhisattvas 菩萨,Buddha Julai 如 来 佛 ,the Goddess of Mercy 观 音 娘娘,God of Wisdom 势至菩萨,the ruler of the skies 天藏王, the Ruler of the Earth 谢冤王,Great Stone Bud-dha 四川大佛,Dragon God 龙王……其他中国特色的英语词汇表达:palace examina-tion 殿 试 ,In years of good crops ( 丰 收年 ),Taoist 道士,Kin (Manchrurian) 金 人 ,Grand Imperial Tutor 圣旨,fine/ good writing 佳作,confucianist poetry 儒诗,scholar painting 文 人 画 ,Eight Great Prose Master ofthe Tang and Sung Dynasties 唐 宋八大家 ,big-heartedand generous 豪 迈 慷 慨 , "hourglass" 更 漏 , Taoistpriest 道 士 ,Kins 金 ,Liao 辽 ,Shishia 西 夏 , Siberian契 丹 ,belles-lettres 文 坛 ,Three Kingdoms 三 国 ,theyang and the yin 阳 和阴 ,mourning period 守 孝期 ,theworship of Heaven in spring 春祭,paochia 保甲法,na-tional treasury 国 库 ,Seedling loans 青 苗法贷款 ,priceequalization granaries 常 平仓 ,draft -aid tax 助 设金 ,Wang Anshih's reforms 王安石变法 ,new excise tax 新商税,secret agents 特务,people cried with joy 感激涕零,making pictures, imperial censor 御史,friend of ev-erybody 老 好 人 ,monopolist exploiters 垄 断 剥 削 者 ,imperial house 皇 室 , bodily mutilation 肉 刑 ,greatfriend 好友,Western Capital 西京……通过以上各类中国特有文化事物名称我们发现,为了让读者能够理解中国文化,中国作家在其英文文学作品中通常将中国文化与英语语言混合使用,汉语拼音与英语的混合使用是中国英语最大的特色之一.

  由于意识形态及文化的差异, 不同的民族对比喻、谚语及惯用语的运用也各有不同, 在《苏东坡传》中,如:

  (1) "Literature is like genuine gold and goodjade,"Su wrote to Shieh Minshih. ( 文 章如精金美玉 )(林,14)

  (2)Fat and soft in appearance, he had the strengthof steel in his character.(内心坚如磐石)(林,145)

  (3)Roughly,good writing is like the sailing ofclouds or flowing of water,moving forward where it isnatural flow of thoughts and language arises its way-ward,abundant charm.(文章如行云流水)(林,14)

  (4)Such is the factual manner in which many of1he Taoist recluses were supposed to have "ascended toHeaven".(升天)(林,34)

  (5)The palace occupied the center of the city, be-ginning in the south with a long stretch of stone andbrick wall below the Shuantch Tower, with an elaboratebas-relief of dragons and phoenixes,while above showedthe glittering roofs of the palaces, made with glazed ti-tles of variegated colors.(龙凤)(林,51)

  (6)Such is the Chinese religion of common sensewhich made a writer in the earliest classic say, "Consultthe oracles after you have made up your mind what todo."(尽人事,听天命)(林,98)

  (7)He wanted to equalize wealth by "taking itaway from the rich and giving it to the poor. ( 劫 富济贫) (林,109)

  (8)It was the basis of Chinese political philosophythat a good government "kept the channels of opinionopen" and a bad government did not. ( 广 开言路 )( 林 ,112)

  (9) "An expression lacking literary beauty cannotsurvive very long"said Confucius.(孔子曰:"言之不文 ,行之不远. ")(林,14)

  (10)Su Shun characterized him in a rhetoricalflourish as"dressed in a barbarian's robe and eating thefood of pigs and dogs,"(衣臣虏之衣,食犬髭之食)andsaid that, "he discussed history and poetry with a con-vict's unshaven head and unwashed face." ( 囚首丧面 )(林,97-98).

  (11)The government took away the burden of mil-itary service from the people with one hand ( 一 手 )bymaking them pay for the "exemption," and put it backon the people with the other.(另一手)(林,116)

  (12)Some fifty items of Wang Anshih's etymologyhave survived to this day, chiefly as after-dinner pleas-antries.(饭后谈资) (林,119)

  (13)Duanquan is remembered by posterity as theauthor of the famous saying, "Let them all laugh whowant to laugh,a good official post is mine."(笑骂从汝 ,好官我自为之)(林,131)

  (14)Can we talk in a calm and dispassionatemanner?By all Confucian standard,Wang lost face andleft ashamed of himself.(丢脸)(林,133)

  (15)There was,therefore,a long exchange of lettersbetween Han Chi and the court,and the retired premierspecifically pointed out that what the state capitalist ofthe Han Dynasty had done in squeezing the life bloodof the people in order to fill the emperor's war chestcould hardly be considered a measure to "enrich thecountry".(人民的血汗)(林,135)

  (16)The Emperor refused to listen to Wang's ad-vice, and permittee Fu Pi to keep his small job.(小 官 )(林,157)

  (17)What the beautiful legend seems to say is thatChiang was a kind and fair person, and if a fish jumpedthree feet out of the water to be caught by his hook, itwas the fish's own fault.(姜 太公钓鱼 , 愿者上钩 )(林,81)

  (18)He was the big frog in a little puddle.(井底之蛙)(林,100)



  英语作为国际通用语, 是属于全世界的语言财富.英语的全球化与本土化加速了各类英语变体的出现,从而促进了世界文化的交流. 英语越来越多地承载着世界各种特色文化,成为传播全球地域文化的载体. 中国英语作为世界英语大家庭的一员,它是中国文化的载体,是中国民族身份的象征. 中国英语能以其可理解性与可接受性将中国特色文化继承并传播.


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