本文重在实际操作,以阅读教学的导入实例为基础,结论来自课堂教学又被课堂教学实践检验,通过分析高中语文阅读教学导入语设计现状及造成这种现状的原因,得出导入语设计具体要求和能力构成因素,以梳理出导入语设计的具体障碍和突破对策及总结实践之后的教学效果,为课堂阅读教学导入语的实际操作提 出一定的建议和参考依据。
关键词:导入语 阅读教学 教师 学生
The implementation of the new curriculum, so that we pay moreattention to each student 's active learning, and constantly tap the students' positivethinking, to explore the intrinsic motivation of the thing. Classroom is a platform forteachers and students to carry out the ideological dialogue, on this platform, teachers,text, and students to achieve a dialogue between the three. However, there is a distancebetween the students and the understanding of the text. Language is the way ofcommunication, teachers use what kind of language to build a platform for the studentsand the text, the first to solve is to enter the text to find the entry point of the problem,and as a class began to import language design shows the importance and necessity. Theintroduction of language, “guide” is the basis for the creation of the teaching situation,but also the key to the implementation of the teaching objectives, teachers use thewisdom of the media, the use of language to achieve the students' new knowledge of theold and new knowledge and improve the learning ability. Based on teaching practice,this paper insists on the principle of integrating theory with practice, based on theChinese classroom, collects and arranges a large number of examples of the use ofreading teaching, focusing on the relationship between teaching and reading, analyzingthe problem and solving the problem.
In this paper, the practical problems of reading teaching, detailed investigation,careful study, and strive to be comprehensive and detailed analysis and exposition of thecurrent high school language reading teaching in the design of the existing problems,and try to explore the solution. The five chapter, the first chapter is the introduction, theresearch background and significance, the research content, ideas and methods, and thepresent study. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the type of Chinese ReadingTeaching in senior high school. The fourth chapter emphasizes on the analysis of the relationship between the teaching of Chinese reading teaching and the teaching ofChinese Reading Teaching in senior high school.
This paper focuses on the practical operation of the teaching of reading, theconclusion is drawn from the teaching practice. The conclusion is that the design ofhigh school Chinese reading teaching practice and the reasons for this situation, thedesign requirements and the ability to import language design specific requirements andpower factors.
Key words:Introduction language Reading teaching Teachers Stude
目 录
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景和意义
1.1.1 研究的背景
1.1.2 研究的意义
1.2 研究目标和内容
1.2.2 研究目标
1.2.3 研究内容
1.3 研究思路和方法
1.3.1 研究思路
1.3.2 研究方法
1.4 研究文献综述
1.4.1 研究现状综述
1.4.2 数据整理
1.4.3 文献分析
1.4.4 有关文献综述
1.5 概念界定
1.5.1 教学语言
1.5.2 导入语
2 高中语文阅读教学导入语的问卷调查
3 高中语文阅读教学导入语设计类型与尝试
3.1 直接导入
3.1.1 温故知新,直入主题
3.1.2 有效利用,借助资源
3.1.3 介绍背景,引入内容
3.1.4 巧设疑问,引发思考
3.1.5 赏析标题,明确重点
3.1.6 点明人物,明确关系
3.1.7 叙述故事,梳理情节
3.1.8 语病导入,引发思考
3.2 间接导入
3.2.1 故事导入,吸引注意
3.2.2 歌曲导入,感染情绪
3.2.3 民俗导入,趣味盎然
3.2.4 诗句导入,生动贴切
3.2.5 名家点评,高屋建瓴
3.2.6 类比导入,易于接受
3.2.7 游戏导入,轻松学习
3.2.8 创设情境,情感体验
3.2.9 仿写导入,激发兴趣
3.3 高中语文阅读教学导入语设计理念
3.3.1 导入并重,方法多样
3.3.2 赏析标题,突出重点
3.3.3 具体简洁,运用修辞
3.3.4 创新立意,重在突破
4 高中语文阅读教学导入语设计的实践体会
4.1 导入语设计过程中应注意的问题
4.1.1 全面关注学生,整体和个体相兼顾
4.1.2 增加思维含量,避免导入流于表层
4.1.3 提升学生兴趣,拒绝导入枯燥乏味
4.1.4 明确导入目标,杜绝导入“不设防”
4.1.5 注意课堂反馈,切忌导入消极应对
4.2 对高中阅读教学的导入语设计的教师的建议
4.2.1 自我认同,勤于反思
4.2.2 不断充实,自身完善
4.2.3 敢于创新,勇于实践
4.2.4 善于合作,敢于借鉴
5 结语