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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-26 共1790字


  【摘要】 摘要内容:贾樟柯是第六代导演中最杰出的代表,他坚持以“历史的记录者”姿态拍摄电影,在国际国内引起强烈反响。他的电影先后塑造了小偷、矿工、妓女、移民、下岗工人等一系列边缘人物形象,弥补了底层平民电影的缺失,具有强烈的边缘意识及底层意识。本文旨在对贾樟柯电影中的边缘人物形象进行系统研究。在研究方法上,归纳分析法与例证研究相结合,通过仔细研究影像资料,归纳出小人物形象的共性特点,并选取典型的电影片断进行实证。在总结分析的基础上,探寻贾樟柯人物形象的创作内涵。具体的研究内容集中在四方面,第一是分析电影中边缘人物的共性状态和特点,主要是归纳总结了贾樟柯电影中的四种边缘人物类型,从物质生活和精神生活上分析了他们的生存状态。第二是探讨了坚持边缘人物题材创作的原因,主要是由贾樟柯自身的生活和学习经历、对社会热点问题关注以及艺术追求所决定的。第三是研究小人物形象的影像表现方式,主要分析了叙事模式、演员运用、声音处理以及镜头使用的特点。第四是综合分析贾樟柯电影中边缘人物形象刻画的三个意义和四个困局。通过对贾樟柯电影人物进行深入研究,以小窥大,在当今中国电影发展的新形势下,为国产电影题材选择和人物塑造总结经验教训,为中国电影发展提供借鉴。
  【关键词】 贾樟柯; 边缘人物; 影像表现; 文化意义。
  Abstract:Content:  As the most prominent representatives of the sixth generation director,Jia Zhangke insisted on the attitude of'history of the record“ towards the film. In theinternational and domestic, he caused dramatic repercussions. His f lms have shapedthe image of a series of characters such as thieves, miners, prostitutes, migrantworkers, laid-off workers and so on. He makes up for the lack of the bottom layer ofcivilians, have a strong sense of the edge and the lower consciousness.
  This paper is to study the image of marginal figures of the Jia Zhangke's films inthe system. In the paper, use inductive analysis method and case studies, throughcareful study of image data, sum up the common characters of the marginal figures,and select the typical film clips for the demonstration. On the basis of summarizingand  analyzing, to explore the creative connotation of Jia Zhangke's characters.
  The specific research contents are concentrated in four aspects. The first is toanalyze the characteristics of the characters in the film, sum up the four types ofmarginal f gores, from material life, emotional life and spiritual life analysis theirliving conditions, summed up小e main characteristics of them. Second is to explorethe reasons for the creation of the marginal figures, mainly by Jia Zhangke's own lifeand learning experience, the social hot issues of concern and creative positioning ofthe decision. Third is to study the image of the marginal figures, the main analysis ofthe narrative mode, actors use, voice processing and the use of the lens. Fourth is acomprehensive analysis three meanings and four dilemma of the image creation.
  Through deep research on the characters of Jia Zhangke's films, sum up experienceand lessons for film theme selection and character creation under the new situation ofChinese film, to provide reference for the development of Chinese film.
  Key Words: Jia Zhangke  Marginal figures  Image performanceCultural significance.

  (一) 贾樟柯电影创作综述
  (二) 贾樟柯电影研究综述
  (三) 本选题的缘起与意义
  (一) 贾樟柯电影中的边缘人物类别
  (二) 边缘人物的生存状态
  (一) 导演个人经验的情感投射
  (二) 聚焦社会热点问题的素材积累
  (三) 拍摄平民非商业化电影的艺术追求
  (一) 碎片化的叙事模式
  (二) 非专业演员的出演
  (三) 原生态的声音呈现
  (四) 长镜头的广泛应用
  (一) 意义
  (二) 挑战