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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-19 共3169字
题目 小妞电影的类型模式研究
第一章 小妞电影的主要类别探析绪论
第二章 小妞电影概说
第三章 小妞电影类型模式
第四章 小妞电影的类型特点
结语/参考文献 小妞电影的特征研究结语与参考文献


  摘 要
  关键词:小妞电影 发展历程 类型模式 类型特点
  Chick flick as a new type of film, has its unique types of patterns and characteristics. Related literaturebefore is broadly divided into two categories, a kind of multi case analysis, starting from a certain angle singlemovie, convey the author's personal understanding of chick flick, lack of system for the chick flick theory.
  Another kind of focus on chick flick superficial theoretical analysis, theoretical studies focused on simplecombing chick flick the definition and types, the development process did not focus on the chick flick, lack ofelaborate system of chick flick type mode and characteristics. In the domestic theory research field, also didnot appear on the chick flick type model is system research, hopes that this paper can to a certain extent, to fillthe blank in the type theory mode and characteristics of this new film type. The paper uses data inductionmethod, analysis, summary of case study method, literature research method, the overall purpose of the studyis to combine the mode and characteristics of several types of film system combing chick flick, summarize thechick flick fixed narrative mode and clues, summed up the film symbol chick in the film.
  The first chapter is the introduction part presents the research status and the significance of this research,including the overall research ideas, research methods and innovation point, mainly from the three types ofliterature, the first kind is carries on the case analysis and creative experience described in the article, the chickflick the second category is the academic thesis, third class is associated with a chick movie doctoral thesis,analysis of different degree of three kinds of problems existing in the research literature chick flick on theory,right before the theory about the chick flick literature analyzes.
  The second chapter describes the background and development process of chick flick, on one hand fromthe literature source of chick flick were traced back, on the other hand combined with the development ofcontrast Hollywood chick flick the status quo of China and Hong Kong and Taiwan native chick flick,Hollywood chick flick and Mainland China and Hong Kong and Taiwan chick flick of the development historyof horizontal and vertical control, multi-level display chick flick the creation of a wide range of results,research type model for the subsequent chapters provide theoretical groundwork for chick flick.
  The third chapter mainly discusses the chick flick type mode. Starting from the dramatic plot patterns andfemale body type of story angle, the ten most representative in the two categories below chick movie mode,combined with the specific film demonstrated every chick movie mode, as far as possible according to thechick flick different video content to subdivide the types of model, summarize the main content of each kind ofchick flick, mining the hidden themes.
  The fourth chapter to the third chapter sums up the characteristics of chick type based film. From thethree segment adult fairy tale plot, characters match the construction mode, drama conflict humorous, theconventional happy ending, feminism and the expression of the five part summarizes the types ofcharacteristics of chick flick, analyzing from the most representative of the classical chick flick, summed upthe characteristics of the fixed type chick flick.
  In this paper, systematic geography clear development context, chick movie creation status, types ofmodes and types of features, helps filmmakers have a more detailed understanding of the genre in its owncharacteristics and the future development direction, hoping to contribute to chick flick research from theperspective of theoretical research.
  Key words: chick flick;development model of chick flick;the type of pattern;types andcharacteristics

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  第一章 绪论
  第一节 选题背景及其研究意义
  第二节 研究现状与文献综述
  第三节 研究思路方法与创新点
  第二章 小妞电影概说
  第一节 小妞电影的发展历程
  第二节 小妞电影的类型界定
  第三节 小妞电影的分类
  第三章 小妞电影类型模式
  第一节 戏剧化情节模式
  第二节 女性主体故事类型
  第四章 小妞电影的类型特点
  第一节 三段式成人童话剧情
  第二节 固定人物搭配模式
  第三节 戏剧冲突巧妙幽默
  第四节 约定俗成的美满结局
  第五节 女性主义的建构与表达
  致 谢