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来源:学术堂 作者:姚老师
发布于:2015-07-09 共5581字

  Firstly, Confucius considered righteousness includes moralmeaning, secondly should include compulsory means. Confucius'thought of righteousness is the action of the highest standard.Confucius' thought of righteousness is the key to maintaining thispeople relationship. Confucius thought, everyone's needs, but shouldbe beneficial to the people I'm not greedy.



  In Confucius' view, the concept of righteousness and benefit isopposite, he good fall, at the same time think of righteousness andbenefit is the dialectical unification. Confucius' view in historyleft a positive impact. We should be back to Confucius' view andtheir influence, dialectically deal with righteousness and benefit,the contradiction of the righteousness to reach its to socialistspiritual civilization and material civilization.


  Second,the connotation of socialist core values

  Socialist core values, refers to the people to the nature ofthe socialist value, constitute the fundamental views and attitudes,standards, and evaluation, is the need of people from the main bodyand object can meet the needs of the body and how to meet the needsof the body's point of view, all kinds of material and spiritualphenomenon is examined and evaluated and the main body of thebehavior of individuals, the proletariat, the meaning of socialistsociety. Third, the essence of the socialist core values.




  On the one hand, it must be the most profoundly reflect thenature of the socialist system, the most accord with the requirementof the socialist essence, make oneself become the most can reflectfrom the perspective of values of socialism absolute advantage anddistinct characteristics of the core value point of view; Must be themost can reflect the socialist basic system of social consciousness(including national will, of course the ideas and behaviors of theindividual citizens) of the powerful role specification, play tothe leading trend in the field of social culture and ideology, thedominant force in build consensus, make oneself become the core ofpeople in the socialist practice guide with the ultimate standard.


  Must be the most widely, on the other hand, on the whole societywill, reflect the social consensus, and constantly to the willand the consensus in the right direction, the country will reallyconcentrated on behalf of the people will, make the developmentdirection of national and social development and achievements anddirection of the broad masses of the people's fundamental interestsappeal and SuWang highly coordination and unity and to be able toshare.


  Four, Confucian 'view and core values.


  the Confucian 'view to some different extent with thecombination of marxism emphasizes the unity of personal interestsand public interests. According to the original meaning ofConfucius, \“the righteous one, should be also\”, that is fair andreasonable, fair and reasonable inevitably in the public interest.

  As a result, the relationship of righteousness and look from adeeper level is a problem of the relationship between the public andprivate, between them should be unified. Just is the interests ofthe whole society, and is the individual interests, but everyone'sinterests is in the interests of society as a whole. Confuciusstressed while everyone pursuit of self-interest, but must be inaccordance with \“righteousness\” as the prerequisite. And he saiddoes not accord with righteous wealth for him like a passing cloud,he is not to win. Confucius asked the gentleman to disciplineyourself with \“righteousness\” the usury behavior, namely, take thetime to consider whether or not.

  both emphasized the moral to the development of economyand the society as a whole plays a huge dynamic role.
  One year, mencius came to wei, to persuade Liang Huiwangbenevolent governance. Wei at that time, the nobles needfat, stables have fat horse, and ordinary people is thegovernment of the people hungry look, wild with starvation.


  Liang Huiwang itself is a lack of righteous monarch andbenevolence, he saw mencius asked barbary miles, there will be anun country? Mencius in this condition, why should the king in aday, also have righteousness and all, this sentence answer, andthen expounds his policy ideas. If finally thrown to righteousness,and after the first, don't take no more. No kernel and heritage itsQinZhe also, no righteousness and then its jun also claim, showsthat speak righteousness make people will make the final profit.

  GouZi argues that \“to righteousness\” is the best way to profit.

  Northern song dynasty cheng said the gentleman withheldest notdesire, but only as the heart, eli is harmful. But righteousness,then don't beg, and no adverse also similarly, socialist core valuesof \“patriotic, dedicated, honest, friendly,\” is a basic moralnorms, citizens from the basic idea of socialist core values ofindividual behavior level of concise. It covers all areas of thesocial moral life is citizen have to abide by the basic code ofethics, and evaluation criteria of the basic values of citizens'moral behavior choice.



  Patriotic is based on individual's deep feelings about theirmotherland dependencies, and adjust the relationship between peopleand the motherland's code of conduct. It closely together, with thesocialist demands people to vigorously develop the huawei, promotingnational unity, maintaining the reunification of the motherland,serve the motherland.


  Dedication is the value evaluation of civil code of professionalconduct, require citizens loyal to their duties and self-abnegation,devotion, serve people, serve the society, fully embodies the spiritof socialism career.


  Friendly that citizens should respect each other, care abouteach other, help each other between, amity, trying to form newrelationships of socialism.


  moral for the development of the society, or promoting role orhindering role. The social function of the moral nature, depends onwhether it, to adapt to the economic base development depends on thenature of the economic foundation, it is a reflection of the classdepends on its service in the position and role in the developmentof society.


  Third, above all, we found that the Confucian 'view in manyrespects, and the socialist core values, in the process of theconstruction of science' view, we can in the spirit of the agesublation and transformation has a positive meaning of Confucianaccumulated in the combination of factors, promote the socialismwith Chinese characteristics the orderly and healthy development ofmarket economy. In the practice of socialist core values, on thebasis of marxist theory of righteousness and, to publicize Confucian'view to people pay attention to the tradition of moral spirit,believe can have unexpected effect.


  because of Confucianism is quite near to us, or never leave.This friendly feeling will make us happy and easy to accept it.


  (二)老一代人深受儒家思想的影响,他们在教育子女时习惯灌输以传统观念 而年轻人在社会生活中 却受到各种不同价值观念的冲击,因此常常感觉茫然不知所措。在这种情况下,用强大的舆论攻势宣传儒家义利观的合理成分,会让迷惘的年轻人很快树立起有利于全社会的现代价值观 .如何践行社会主义核心价值观,基于此,我们有必要对儒家义利观与社会主义核心价值观的契合点进行探讨,以构建有中国特色的社会主义义利观。
