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来源:吉林大学 作者:杜翰琳
发布于:2017-02-10 共2509字


  摘 要
  20 世纪 90 年代中期,瓶装饮用水行业在我国发展迅速,人类迎来了饮用水史上继江河湖水、井水以及自来水之后的第四次革命,瓶装饮用水行业成为未来新兴产业。
  瓶装饮用水 包装设计 艺术表现 情感设计
  The mid-1990s, bottled water industry rapid development in China,human ushered in the history of following the rivers and drinking water, wellwater and tap fourth revolution, bottled drinking water industry to becomethe next emerging industry. Competition in the Chinese market in recentyears more and more intense competition each bottled drinking water arebecoming increasingly fierce, whether to fight or quality brands, bottledwater packaging design is an important part must cause concern, the study ofbottled drinking water packaging has also become an important issue. Forconsumers, with the increasing material progress of society, people's aestheticis gradually to improve, for packaging requirements not stop at the level ofpractical function, but began to pursue a higher level of spiritual needs,improve packaging design emotional expression in line with the wishes ofconsumers, for consumers to build their own products and brands trust andgoodwill, which is needed to achieve modern packaging. For the brand in thebottled water industry requirements are constantly changing, the qualitybrand and its products are closely related, the paper cited a number ofoutstanding cases to prove, the only constant adherence to ensurehigh-quality output, and continue to follow the market a sense of innovationand packaging design to meet consumer demand to firm foothold in themarket.
  Papers from several disciplines of art and design, marketing andpsychology study of bottled water packaging design, in the introduction partmainly explains the research background, purpose and significance, researchmethods and current research. Then the paper first and second chapters ofbottled water packaging design concepts and design concepts and featureselaborate. The third chapter of the structural design is now on the market ofbottled water packaging were analyzed. Chapter Four is the focus of the focus,from the aspects of bottled water packaging visual elements, in the form oflaw, marketing and other effects of depth, and cited the case will be described.
  The fifth chapter of the packaging design trends of bottled drinking waterwere analyzed to explore the development of high-end drinking water and thegreen environmental protection, human drinking water packaging design.
  Through papers clarified bottled water packaging and marketing chain andestablish an important role in the brand.
  Key words:Bottled water packaging design Artistic expression EmotionalDesign

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究目的和意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状
  1.3.1 国内研究现状
  1.3.2 国外研究现状
  1.4 研究方法
  1.4.1 文献研究法
  1.4.2 实地考察法
  1.4.3 网络调研法
  1.4.4 案例分析
  第 2 章 瓶装饮用水及其包装设计的概述
  2.1 瓶装饮用水包装设计的界定和分类
  2.2 历史演变中的瓶装水包装
  2.2.1 玻璃制品的出现
  2.2.2 从玻璃制品到塑料制品
  2.3 包装设计中的消费心理
  第 3 章 瓶装饮用水包装设计的特征与功能
  3.1 瓶装饮用水包装设计的特征
  3.1.1 民族性与国际性相容
  3.1.2 大众化与个性化共存
  3.1.3 稳定性与超前性并进
  3.2 瓶装饮用水包装设计的功能
  3.2.1 多方位的保护与便携功能共存
  3.2.2 优化信息传递与视觉感受、促进销售
  第 4 章 瓶装饮用水包装的构造设计分析
  4.1 包装材料的挑选
  4.2 包装形态性质的选择
  4.3 包装造型的确定
  第 5 章 多形式的艺术表现
  5.1 视觉元素的高传递度表达
  5.1.1 图形--抽象与具象的互补
  5.1.2 字体--极具象征的符号表象
  5.1.3 色彩--极简与多彩的配合
  5.2 多种形式法则的综合运用
  5.2.1 主题与陪衬
  5.2.2 对比与调和
  5.2.3 对称与均衡
  5.3 瓶装饮用水包装设计的营销效应分析
  5.3.1 生理性层面
  5.3.2 心理性层面
  第 6 章 新时代下瓶装饮用水包装设计趋势
  6.1 高端化趋势明显
  6.2 人性化和情感化的渗入
  6.3 绿色环保理念的影响
  第 7 章 总结
  致 谢
原文出处:杜翰琳. 瓶装饮用水包装设计研究[D].吉林大学,2016.