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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-25 共2512字


  对建设项目施工现场进行有效的安全管理是项目顺利完成的可靠保障,也是项目施工现场作业正常进行的前提条件和基本保证。针对目前我国建设项目安全事故频发的状况,只有从建设项目的源头即施工现场抓起,牢固树立安全风险管理的意识,才能切实提高我国建设项目安全风险管理水平。北京市朝阳区芍药居建设项目作为 A 公司打造的品牌项目,该项目具有工期紧、交叉作业流程多、项目参与员工数量大、项目管理难度大等特点。因此,要想通过该项目的建设,树立并保持 A 公司在装修工程领域的品牌效益具有较高难度。近些年来,公司的安全风险管理形势一直呈现稳定的态势,死亡事故已经基本杜绝,但是造成人身轻伤的事故还不能完全避免其发生,人为责任事故还时有发生。
  基于此背景,本文以 A 公司芍药居建设项目施工现场为例,以立水桥建设项目为类比对象,综合采用多种分析法,识别出该项目的有害因素,对这些因素进行危险和有害程度分析,把危险、有害因素分为高处坠落、物体打击、机械伤害、触电、坍塌、中毒及窒息、火灾等若干个因素,并对其分别从定性和定量的角度进行安全风险评价。全面地对芍药居建设项目施工现场的危险和有害程度进行了详细的分析,并从危险等级和发生概率这两方面对高处坠落、物体打击、机械伤害、触电、坍塌、中毒及窒息、火灾等安全风险因素进行风险评估,并提出了针对性的预防控制措施,通过这些对策的实施,显着提高了以 A 公司芍药居建设项目施工现场的安全管理水平,从而为建设项目施工现场的安全作业提供了指导帮助。
  通过本文的研究,作者认为,要做好 A 公司芍药居建设项目施工现场的安全风险管理工作,首先必须要对施工现场的安全风险因素进行准确的识别;接着要对每项风险因素的发生概率及危害程度进行分析,来对各安全风险因素进行科学有效的评估;最后,根据评估结果,对施工现场的安全风险提出有针对性的控制措施。通过有效的安全风险管理,确保该建设项目施工现场的施工作业顺利实施。
  To carry out effective safety management is the important guarantee for theconstruction project construction site, and also the premise condition and basicguarantee for the construction project production process, and it is a powerfulguarantee for the normal operation of construction projects. In view of the currentsituation of China's construction project safety accident prone, only from theconstruction of the source of the construction site, establish a sense of safetymanagement, can effectively improve the level of China's construction projectsafety management. Chaoyang District Shaoyaoju Beijing construction projects asChina Building Decoration Group Co., Ltd. to build brand projects, the project has atight schedule, cross operation projects, the number of projects involved in theproject management, project management is difficult and other characteristics.
  Therefore, in order to establish and maintain the construction of China's BuildingDecoration Group Co., Ltd. in the field of decoration engineering, the brand has ahigh degree of difficulty. In recent years, the company's security risk managementhas been showing a steady trend, the death of the accident has been basically putan end to, but the cause of the accident can not be completely avoided, theoccurrence of the accident, there are people responsible for the accident.
  Based on this background, this paper takes the construction site of Shaoyaojuconstruction project of A company as an example, the paper uses many kinds ofanalysis methods to identify the harmful factors, which are dangerous and harmfulfactors, which are divided into several factors, such as high altitude fall,mechanical injury, electric shock, collapse, poisoning, fire and so on. Thedangerous and harmful levels of the construction site of Shaoyaoju constructionproject are analyzed in detail, and the safety risk factors are evaluated, such as thetwo aspects of the risk level and the occurrence probability, and the safety riskfactors, such as A company, Shaoyaoju construction project.
  Through the research of this paper, the author believes that we must carry outthe safety risk management of Shaoyaoju construction project of A company, wemust carry out the accurate identification of the risk factors of the construction site,and then analyze the risk factors and the degree of risk. Through effectiveconstruction site safety risk management, to ensure the smooth implementation ofthe construction project.
  Keywords: construction project, security risk, risk assessment

  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题背景
  1.2 研究目标
  1.3 研究方法
  1.4 论文研究内容
  第 2 章 A 公司芍药居建设项目概述
  2.1 公司简介
  2.2 项目简介
  2.2.1 工程概况
  2.2.2 施工现场概况
  2.3 本章小结
  第 3 章 A 公司芍药居建设项目施工现场安全风险识别
  3.1 识别方法
  3.1.1 类比工程选择依据
  3.1.2 类比数据资料
  3.2 风险因素分析
  3.3 风险识别结果
  3.4 本章小结
  第 4 章 A 公司芍药居建设项目施工现场安全风险评估
  4.1 评估原则
  4.2 评估方法选择
  4.2.1 检查表法
  4.2.2 专家评议法
  4.2.3 预先危险分析法
  4.2.4 作业条件危险性评价法
  4.3 评估结果
  4.4 本章小结
  第 5 章 A 公司芍药居建设项目施工现场安全风险管理对策
  5.1 风险管理目的
  5.2 风险管理措施
  5.2.1 全面预防,突出重点
  5.2.2 建立安全管理制度
  5.2.3 加强安全培训,不断提升全员安全意识
  5.2.4 加强应急管理,不断提升应对突发事故的能力
  5.3 实施保障措施
  5.3.1 组织保障
  5.3.2 文化保障
  5.3.3 资源保障
  5.3.4 领导支持
  5.4 本章小结