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来源:吉林大学 作者:曹洋
发布于:2015-03-03 共2351字


摘  要


  本文对内部控制的基本理论知识进行了分析,以 A 公司为例,对 A 公司的采购与付款内部控制的现状进行了分析,指出了其中存在的问题,并且根据实际理论知识的指导,根据该公司的实际情况,提出了完善 A 公司采购与付款内部控制的设想,使企业可以根据自身的实际情况,采取适当的方法切实有效地对采购和付款进行内部的控制,从而不断提高竞争力。

  本文首先对此课题研究的背景、现状和研究意义进行了调研和分析,其次就归纳了采购与付款业务内部控制的相关理论综述;然后通过前面的分析,对内部控制相关知识进行分析总结出采购及其付款环节内部关键影响因素分析;紧接着以 A 公司为例,指出其采购与付款内部控制存在的问题并给出解决方案;最后通过对前面理论和实例的分析,提出提高企业采购及付款业务的内部控制的措施。



  Enterprise management is the source of procurement, the procurement process apart of any errors, to achieve the desired goal of the enterprise procurement tasks arelikely to be affected, which makes the procurement activities face many risks,problems. Corporate payment process is more important part of the entireprocurement system, and prone to irregularities and fraud, etc., affect the paymentlink in the control of normal activities of the enterprise, the enterprise operates thiswould have a great impact. To control the procurement and payment risk, minimizethe loss of business, can greatly improve the level of corporate procurement. Tostrengthen procurement management, enterprise is necessary as soon as possible totake some effective measures to improve production management level andeconomic efficiency is an important and indispensable part of corporate purchasingand payment is prevention.

  In this paper, the basic theoretical knowledge of internal controls were analyzedto A company, for example, the status of procurement and payment A company'sinternal controls were analyzed, pointing out the problems, and in accordance withthe guidance of the actual theory of knowledge, according to the The actual situationof the company, made a perfect A company's internal control procurement andpayment envisaged, so that enterprises can according to their actual situation andtake the appropriate method of procurement and the effective payment of internalcontrol, so as to continuously improve their competitiveness.

  Firstly, in this context, the status and significance of research carried outresearch and analysis, followed by the induction of the relevant theoretical review onprocurement and payment operations of internal controls; then by the previousanalysis, the analysis of internal control relevant to the knowledge summedprocurement Its key internal factors affect the payment link; followed by A company,for example, pointed out that its procurement and payment of internal controlproblems and give solutions; Finally, through the front of the theory and examples ofanalysis, enhance corporate procurement and payment measures of internal controloperations.

  Keywords:corporate procurement; payment services; corporate management and internalcontrol

目  录

  第 1 章 前言

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.3 研究意义

  1.4 研究内容和方法

  第 2 章 理论综述

  2.1 采购与付款控制概述

  2.2 内部控制要素

  2.2.1 内部环境

  2.2.2 评估企业风险

  2.2.3 控制活动

  2.2.4 信息与沟通

  2.3 企业采购及其付款风险的分类

  2.3.1 企业外部风险

  2.3.2 企业内部风险

  2.3.3 供应商引发的风险

  2.4 采购与付款业务内部控制的关键控制点理论

  2.4.1 采购与付款岗位责任制

  2.4.2 采购与付款授权批准制度

  2.4.3 请购控制程序

  2.4.4 采购与验收控制

  2.4.5 付款控制

  2.4.6 监督检查

  第 3 章 采购及其付款环节分析

  3.1 采购部门编制订购单

  3.2 采购商品

  3.3 仓库验收商品

  3.4 财务部门审核

  3.5 付款

  第 4 章 案例分析—以 A 公司为例

  4.1 A 公司基本情况介绍

  4.2 A 公司采购与付款控制流程

  4.2.1 采购与付款控制流程详细步骤

  4.2.2 采购与付款流程图

  4.3 A 公司采购与付款环节内部控制现状分析

  4.4 A 公司采购与付款内部控制存在的问题

  4.5 完善 A 公司采购与付款内部控制的设想

  4.5.1 营造采购与付款内部控制的控制环境

  4.5.2 加强对影响采购与付款的各种风险的评估和预测

  4.5.3 规范和完善采购与付款内部控制的各种控制活动

  4.5.4 强化对采购与付款业务活动的监控

  第 5 章 提高企业采购及付款业务的内部控制的措施

  5.1 建立企业内控制度

  5.2 采购和付款的强化管理

  5.3 关于加强对供应商的管理和选择问题

  5.4 防范企业采购企业物资和付款的对策研究

  结 论


  致 谢

原文出处:曹洋. 企业采购与付款业务的内部控制研究[D].吉林大学,2014.