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来源:河北师范大学 作者:王琳
发布于:2017-02-22 共6674字


  摘 要
  自 20 世纪末以来,随着我国经济的快速发展,产能过剩日益成为河北省建设“工业强省”和产业结构转型升级的一大难题,同时也给河北省的经济发展带来了一系列的消极影响。目前,在河北省的各大产业当中,无论是在钢铁、水泥、平板玻璃、电解铝、有色金属等传统产业还是在光伏产业、风电、多晶硅等新兴产业当中都存在着不同程度的产能过剩问题,其中钢铁行业的产能过剩问题尤为突出。作为传统工业大省的河北省,随着改革开放以来经济的迅猛发展,钢铁产量持续增长,成为我国钢铁产量最大的省份,占据全国钢铁产量的四分之一以上,因此还出现了钢铁产量“世界第一,中国第二,河北第三”的说法。然而,自从 2008 年世界性金融危机以来,我国经济整体发展比较缓慢,经济整体下行压力大,无论是国内市场还是国际市场,对钢铁的需求量都有明显下降。在钢铁的供给量持续增长而需求量明显下降的情况下,河北省的钢铁行业就出现了严重的产能过剩,而且具有结构性过剩和阶段性过剩并存的特征。
  第六部分:推进河北省钢铁行业治理产能过剩的对策建议。这部分从供给和需求两个方面提出了推动政府、市场和企业三个主体治理钢铁行业产能过剩的对策建议。主要包括:转变政府职能,实现绿色 GDP 考核机制、完善化解过剩产能的政策法规体系;完善市场进入和退出机制、利用大数据平台,强化过剩产能的跟踪治理;大力推进科技创新,促进产品结构优化和提升品质绩效、推进钢铁行业供给侧结构性改革等。
  关键词:河北省 钢铁行业 产能过剩 成因 对策建议
  Since the end of the 20th century, with the rapid development of our economy,overcapacity becomes the difficulty for of Hebei province to the transformation andupgrading of industrial structure. And it has brought a series of negative influences. To theeconomic development of Hebei province. At present, whether in the steel, cement, plate glass,aluminum, non-ferrous metals and other traditional industries or in the photovoltaic industry,wind power, polysilicon and other new industries there are different levels of excess capacityof contradictions, and iron and steel industry overcapacity problem is particularly prominent.
  With the rapid development of the economy the reform and opening up, as a traditionalindustry in Hebei province, the steel production continues to grow, and become the largestprovince in China's steel production, accounted for more than a quarter of the national steelproduction. So steel production also be called “the first in world, the second in China's andthird in hebe”.However, since the financial crisis in 2008, because of the slower overalleconomic development in our country and the overall economic downward pressure, both inthe domestic market and international market, the demand for steel has declined obviously.
  Sustained growth in steel supply and demand in the situation, the steel industry in Hebeiprovince has been a serious excess capacity, and has the characteristics of structural surplusand periodic surplus coexist.
  Severe overcapacity, iron and steel industry to the development of steel industry in Hebeiprovince and even the entire national economy has brought great harm. First, since the ironand steel industry of excess capacity, the sales of iron and steel enterprises declined year byyear, margin sharply decline, a lot of iron and steel enterprise continuing losses; Second,under the condition of severe overcapacity in the steel industry, a lot of competitive small andmedium-sized iron and steel enterprises mergers or even bankruptcy, the risk of a largenumber of workers facing unemployment. This will not only affect the normal life of people,also can increase the social burden; Finally, as a big province of steel, steel seriousovercapacity will inevitably bring a series of environmental problems in Hebei province.
  Sulfur dioxide that the smoke and dust produced in the process of iron and steel productionpollutants makes the air quality declining. Haze weather more and more eventually givebrought harm people's health and quality of life.
  Under the background of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Hebeiprovince faces and undertakes the important task of Beijing and Tianjin industry transfer, inorder to realize the undertake the industry to better develop themselves. At present, the excesscapacity is a big problem restricting the development of economy in Hebei province,especially the iron and steel industry overcapacity. Therefore, from the Angle iron and steelindustry to study the overcapacity problem in Hebei province. And it has important practicalsignificance on promoting transformation and upgrading of economic structure in Hebei,prompting from the big province of steel to steel strong province in Hebei province.
  According to the basic theory of excess production capacity, the steel industry in Hebeidevelopment course and the present situation of excess production capacity, features, etc, onthe basis of empirical study, analyzes the underlying reasons for the formation of overcapacityin the steel industry, and based on the experience of the foreign iron and steel industryovercapacity management, put forward a series of management countermeasures of excesscapacity, this paper discusses from the following seven parts:
  The first part: the overcapacity relevant concept definition and theoretical analysis. Thispart first defined the connotation of excess production capacity, evaluation index andcharacteristics; analysis and comparison of excess production capacity, overproduction andexcess production concept, the similarities and differences between these concepts are putforward. At the same time, this paper introduces the related theory of excess productioncapacity, mainly includes the capital circulation and the theory of capitalism overproduction,industry life cycle theory, excess investment theory and soft budget constraint theory.
  The second part: the development course and the present situation of the iron and steelindustry in Hebei province. This part mainly introduces the iron and steel industry in Hebeiprovince since the founding of new China experienced three stages of development, namelythe system establishment stage, industry adjustment stage and the new stage of development.
  Analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the iron and steel industry in Hebei province.
  The third part: Hebei iron and steel industry overcapacity situation analysis. This partmainly introduces the performance and characteristics of Hebei iron and steel industryovercapacity and the dangers of excess capacity and related content.
  The fourth part: the cause of Hebei iron and steel industry overcapacity. This part fromthree aspects: government, market and enterprises to explore the cause of Hebei iron and steelindustry overcapacity, the reason includes the government's investment impulse andunreasonable industrial development policy; Market entry exit mechanism is not sound, thecontradiction between supply and demand imbalance; Backward but also the technical levelof enterprises, product homogeneity, the pursuit of scale competition effect, etc.
  The fifth part: iron and steel industry overcapacity governance at home and abroadexperience and enlightenment. This part mainly introduces the history of the United States,Japan, two countries with excess capacity, and governance of excess capacity summarizes theforeign iron and steel industry overcapacity management experience, based on this, discussesthe governance capacity of foreign experience to our enlightenment.
  The sixth part: Suggestions on advancing the governance of Hebei iron and steel industryovercapacity. This part from two aspects of supply and demand put forward to promote thegovernment, market and enterprise three main management Suggestions on iron and steelindustry overcapacity. Mainly includes: the transformation government function, realizing thegreen GDP evaluation mechanism, perfect the system of the excess capacity of policies andregulations; Improve the market entry and exit mechanism, deepen the annexation andreorganization, improve industrial concentration; Vigorously promote scientific andtechnological innovation, and promote the product structure optimization and qualityperformance, real transformation of the mode of development and promote upgrading of theindustry.
  The seventh part: conclusion. This part of the main ideas of this article has carried on thesummary, and points out the exist some disadvantages in the process of research; overcapacityproblem laid a solid foundation for future study.
  Key Words: Hebei Province The iron and steel industry Overcapacity Cause offormation Countermeasures and Suggestions

  目 录
  引 言
  (一) 研究背景及意义
  1. 研究背景
  2. 研究意义
  (二) 国内外研究现状
  1. 国外研究现状
  2. 国内研究现状
  (三) 研究内容及方法
  1. 研究内容
  2. 研究方法
  (四) 论文的重点、难点及创新点
  1. 论文重点
  2. 论文难点
  3. 论文创新点
  (一) 相关概念界定
  1. 产能过剩的内涵及评价指标
  2. 产能过剩的主要特征
  3. 产能过剩与生产过剩、产量过剩的比较
  (二) 相关理论研究
  1. 资本循环和资本主义生产过剩理论
  2. 产业的生命周期理论
  3. 投资过剩周期理论
  4. 软预算约束理论
  (一) 河北省钢铁行业发展历程
  1. 体系确立阶段(1949-1978)
  2. 行业反复调整阶段(1979-2000)
  3. 全面深化阶段(2001-至今)
  (二) 河北省钢铁行业的优势
  1. 历史悠久、门类齐全
  2. 具备行业规模优势
  3. 拥有完备的各类钢铁生产系统
  4. 国内领先的钢铁工业技术水平
  (三) 河北省钢铁行业的不足
  1. 产业布局不合理
  2. 产业集中度低,规模较小
  3. 产品质量低且产品附加值低
  4. 资源控制力弱,资源进口依存度高
  (一) 河北省钢铁行业产能过剩的表现
  1. 低产能利用率
  2. 低利润率
  3. 高负债率
  (二) 河北省钢铁行业产能过剩的特征
  1. 产能过剩的结构性特征
  2. 产能过剩的阶段性特征
  (三) 河北省钢铁行业产能过剩的危害
  1. 行业波动风险增加
  2. 产业良性发展的基础遭到破坏
  3. 国际贸易摩擦频繁
  (一) 政府层面
  1. 政绩考核体系的误导
  2. 地方政府的投资冲动
  3. 产业发展政策不合理
  4. 预算软约束
  (二) 市场层面
  1. 供需矛盾严重失衡
  2. 产业集中度低,布局不合理
  3. 产业进入和退出机制不健全
  4. 市场机制不健全,缺乏信息共享平台
  (三) 企业层面
  1. 企业投资预期扭曲
  2. 产品同质化程度高
  3. 技术水平落后
  4. 片面追求规模竞争效应
  (一) 美国的产能过剩与应对措施
  1. 美国产能过剩的历史考察
  2. 美国应对产能过剩采取的措施
  (二) 日本的产能过剩与应对措施
  1. 日本产能过剩的历史考察
  2. 日本应对产能过剩采取的措施
  (三) 国外产能过剩治理的经验借鉴
  1. 加大财政投资
  2. 完善税收优惠政策
  3. 加强政府采购力度
  4. 完善社会保障体系
  (四) 国外产能过剩治理的启示
  1. 明确市场机制是资源配置的主体地位
  2. 加强政府宏观调控和制度创新
  3. 适度扩大内需
  4. 建立准确的信息发布制度
  (一) 政府层面
  1. 转变政府职能,实行绿色 GDP 考核机制
  2. 完善财税管理体系,规范政府投资行为
  3. 完善化解过剩产能的政策法规体系
  4. 重拳治理“僵尸企业”,淘汰落后产能
  (二) 市场层面
  1. 通过国内国际两个市场扩大有效需求
  2. 实施兼并重组,提高产业集中度
  3. 完善市场进入和退出机制
  4. 利用大数据平台,强化过剩产能的跟踪治理
  (三) 企业层面
  1. 大力推进科技创新,促进产品结构优化和品质增效
  2. 切实转变发展方式,促进产业优化升级
  3. 积极实施“走出去”战略,加强国际产能合作
  4. 推进钢铁行业供给侧结构性改革
  结 论
  后 记
原文出处:王琳. 河北省钢铁行业产能过剩治理问题研究[D].河北师范大学,2016.