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来源:学术堂 作者:姚老师
发布于:2014-04-14 共2175字




  【Abstract】:As important component of the system of marital property, marital property division,especially during the couple split equity, be concerned not only tiie identity of theshareholders of the parties to the marriage and property interests, may also affect the companyand other shareholders and even tiie legitimate rights and interests of the public. The currentlaw (mainly the Companies Act, tiie Marriage Law and relevant judicial interpretations)couple options predetermined splitting is not comprehensive, clear, poor operability, longplagued the judicial practice and related parties,needs improvement.
  The first couple options defined by the law, and empirical analysis, comparative analysisand other methods couple options split, split the principles to be followed and thecorresponding segmentation method is analyzed, and finally,this paper presents the perfectdivorce husband and equity split some of the recommendations of the legislation and relatedmeasures to promote effective solution to such problems.
  Remove the introduction and conclusion, can be divided into four parts.
  The first part is a jointly owned property and couple options overview. The main part isto introduce the legal definition of the jointly owned property, the options have characteristicsare introduced, and on the basis of analysis of the concept and characteristics of the coupleoptions,and the concept of equity division also made a corresponding elaborated.
  The second part of our legislative and judicial status of husband and equity split. Firstfrom the “Marriage Law” and the relevant provisions of the “Company Law” to point out theimperfections of the current China's relevant laws and regulations. Secondly, there is adifficulty six identified from the vesting discuss the difficulties and outstanding problems inthe judicial practice equity split.
  The third part is a couple options divided theoretical discussion. First discuss theprinciples applicable in the division of the couple options should be pointed out that theprinciple of fair and consultations. Followed by the couple split equity problem description,and then split done some research.
  The fourth part is the perfect divorce when the couple split equity legislation and rulesrecommendations. The draws in part on the relevant provisions of the foreign,the split of thecouple equity legislaiion and the introduction discussed, and recommendations to furtherestablish and improve specific systems and rules.
  Keywords: divorce; couple options; common property; equity split

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