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来源:山东财经大学 作者:王乔祎
发布于:2017-03-29 共3304字


  纵观全球企业的成长史,并购活动作为企业的一种成长方式,在给企业带来丰厚利益和良好机遇的同时,也隐藏了巨大的风险。自上世纪 90 年代以来,受全球范围内的经济一体化和产业升级的双重影响,企业并购数量和规模一直呈上升趋势。
  关键词:企业并购 并购动因 并购风险 风险控制
  Throughout the world enterprise development, enterprise mergers and acquisitionsas a growth way of enterprise, at the same time of to bring opportunities and benefits tothe enterprise, also there is a huge risk. Since the 1990 s, the global industrial upgradingand the impact of economic integration, mergers and acquisitions size and the number hasbeen on the rise, global mergers and acquisitions activity in unprecedented growth.
  Synchronization with the world wave of mergers and acquisitions, our country enterprisemerger and acquisition activity is increasingly frequent, many large enterprises m&abehavior become a remarkable economic phenomena. In the complex economicenvironment, however, m&a is not a simple enterprise merger, joint, or break up. Mergersand acquisitions as companies sought to take one of the main way of externaldevelopment process, with the continuous adjustment of the national economic structure,the gradual transformation of the mode of economic growth in the overall strategy ofaccelerating, the occurrence of m&a is becoming more and more frequent. Becausemergers and acquisitions, as a kind of enterprise equity or asset ownership transactionsand lead to a corporate merger or takeover business practices, in the face of economicglobalization, reducing competition, expand market share, is often in multinationalcompany or group in a short period of time to complete the assets and capitalaccumulation, forming scale economy and large-scale sales network and move quicklyinto new industries and businesses and quickly obtain the best way to get to a certainscale. By observing the analysis some famous cases of mergers and acquisitions, however,we find that m&a is not everything, it also has its own defects, and the presence of largeamounts of risk, failure of mergers and acquisitions will often bring huge losses to theenterprise. The management of the famous American scholar Michael porter said in a2003 study, the newly established enterprise failure rate of 44%, 50.3% failure rate of thejoint venture, the merger of enterprise failure rate is 53.4% - 74%. Why merger andacquisition risk is so high, we should be how to reduce the enterprise m&a risk is themain issue in this paper.
  At first, this paper made a comb the predecessors' theory of literature summary, andon this basis of m&a risk causes, the influence factors of m&a risk and merger andacquisition risk types were studied. Combined with Chinese enterprises mergers andacquisitions under the background of the current economic development, points out thatthe enterprise merger and acquisition risk control object is: the target enterpriseevaluation risk, financing risk and payment risk, etc., and value to the target enterpriseevaluation risk, financing risk and payment risk control has carried on the detaileddiscussion. Among them, the target enterprise value appraisal risk is mainly due to themerger with the target enterprise in the merger and acquisition activity caused by suchfactors as information asymmetry, and financing risk, main show is undeserved causeunreasonable financing structure, financing ways, the possibility of cause the failure ofmergers and acquisitions, different payment payment risk, etc. According to different riskcontrol object, the article lists the specific measures, for example: clear the content of thetarget enterprise value assessment, improve information asymmetry, perfect valueassessment method in response to a target value to assess risk in enterprise m&a.
  In this paper, the difference is that this article on the theory in this paper, the process,to the description of the case, thus to full display of the realistic significance of the theory,to achieve the practice of mergers and acquisitions of companies in our country has acertain reference significance. Through the analysis of the case comprehensive, comparedwith the traditional case as the issue in terms of validation of the analysis, this paperUSES a case study approach, namely the comprehensive analysis of the single case. Itthrough the case validation issues, while this paper is through case theory andenlightenment.
  Key words: Enterprise Merger and Acquisition; Enterprise Merger Motivation;Enterprise Merger and Acquisition Risk; Enterprise M & A Risk Control

  第 1 章 导论
  1.1 选题背景及其意义
  1.2 研究思路和方法
  1.3 研究内容和论文结构
  第 2 章 文献综述
  2.1 企业并购动因的研究
  2.2 企业并购风险
  2.3 本章小结
  第 3 章 企业并购模式与风险
  3.1 企业并购模式
  3.1.1 按并购双方的关系划分
  3.1.2 按照并购目的的不同划分
  3.1.3 按并购过程中被并购方的管理层是否满意划分
  3.1.4 按照收购方式不同划分
  3.1.5 按并购中出资方式的不同划分
  3.2 企业并购中的整合风险
  3.3 财务风险
  3.4 法律风险
  3.5 本章小结
  第 4 章 风险控制与识别
  4.1 并购风险识别
  4.2 并购风险识别的意义
  4.3 并购风险识别的对象
  4.3.1 目标企业披露的财务报表
  4.3.2 目标企业的对外关系
  4.3.3 目标企业的内部管理
  4.4 并购风险控制
  4.5 本章小结
  第 5 章 案例分析与启示
  5.1 案例介绍
  5.2 案例分析
  5.2.1 动因分析
  5.2.2 风险分析
  5.3 案例启示与建议
  5.4 本章小结
  第 6 章 总结与展望
原文出处:王乔祎. 企业并购中的风险控制研究[D].山东财经大学,2016.