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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-03-29 共3695字


  摘 要


  论文首先分析了高等职业技术院校教师激励制度研究的背景和意义。然后,讲述了研究的思路和方法及相关的基本激励理论。再以 L 职业技术学院为例,采用实例研究的方法,和国外高校激励机制的研究成果进行了比较综述,并采用问卷调查的方法,结合实际,对教职员工进行详细的调查、分析,运用管理学和组织行为学中的相关激励理论,对该民办高职院校师资结构及高职院校教师需求进行详细分析,并阐述了民办高职院校校教师不同层次的生理和心理需要特点,分析现状和存在的主要问题,了解了影响 L 职业技术学院教职员工工作积极性的相关因素,在此基础上制定了该学院教师的激励机制优化方案。结构是按照设计的目的、指导思想、激励原则,激励机制及优化后的具体措施来进行的,包括建立教师内在性激励机制、外在性激励励机制等。

  最后,通过对当前高职院校教师教学特点、个性特征和生活状况的分析,希望将各种先进的教师激励理论运用到实践过程中,重点研究如何建立完善的教师激励模式,包括建立合理的薪酬制度,人性化的管理模式,科学公平的绩效考核体系,富有吸引力的人才引进制度,制定教师个人培养方案,教师定期培训计划,改善教师的办公及住房条件,共同营造和谐的校园文化等过各方面。最终构建较完善的、符合目前该民办高职院校情况的教师激励机制的框架。本文不仅为 L 职业技术学院的深化改革和长远发展奠定了良好的基础。同时也为其他高等职业技术类院校借鉴和参考。

  关键词:激励机制 ;高等职业教育;教师 ;激励


  With the deepening of China’s education reform, higher vocational education in the pastfew years, has made a proud achievement for the community, for the socialist modernization ofChina’s cultivated a variety of social and practical talents, it has become an important part ofhigher education, from the past to the present single type of professional practicality,complexprofessional,change and close integration of our time, marked-oriented,based on the employmentsituation changing professional, closely integrated with the development of the times today,attracting the majority of students to apply. But with the economic development, local privateschools continue to emerge, competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the schools haveincreased efforts to attract talent, recruitment increasingly serious situation , the schools arefighting for students, not only on the number of high quality teachers in the teaching process thelack of a sense of accomplishment, there is a slack psychological; plus private school schoolshort time, teacher incentive system is imperfect, leading to large turnover of teachers , unable toretain good teachers , it should strengthen the internal private school teacher incentive systemconstruction , from infrastructure , to constantly strengthen private schools, "Strength" practice,learn from excellent teachers colleges incentive model, enhance core competitiveness, improveteachers, improve teaching quality, which is the purpose of this study lies.

  Thesis firstly analyzes the teacher incentive system of higher vocational and technicalinstitutions research background, purpose and meaning then, about the ideas and methods of thestudy and related basic motivation theory. Then using a case study approach to L Vocational andTechnical College, for example, incentives and research universities at home and abroad werereviewed by staff to conduct a detailed investigation and analysis, the use of questionnaires andother methods of management and organizational learning the relevant behavioral motivationtheory, the structure of teacher colleges and vocational colleges teachers Private Vocationaldemand detailed analysis and elaborated private school teachers in vocational colleges atdifferent levels of physiological and psychological characteristics needed to understand theimpact of L Vocational and Technical College faculty work-related factors enthusiasm , analyzethe current situation and the main problems , the design has been optimized for the facultyincentive program. Including design purposes, guiding, motivating principle , then the actualproposed incentives and specific measures optimized, including the establishment of teacherincentives inherent nature , extrinsic incentives encourage a material incentive mechanisms,extrinsic incentive mechanisms Reed a spirit of incentives.

  Finally, the analysis of the current personality traits vocational colleges teachingcharacteristics and living conditions, hoping to inspire a variety of advanced teachers in theory topractice, focusing on teachers to improve and perfect positioning vocational colleges incentiveson research from the implementation of reasonable and fair salary schemes, to create flexibletalent introduction and use of mechanisms, to develop the diversity of human resourcemanagement model, establish a reasonable performance evaluation system, a sound long-termeffective mechanism for training, the implementation of teacher personal career developmentplan, and create a harmonious and healthy campus culture and improve school management andother aspects of management structure to start , and ultimately build a better framework in linewith the current state of the city's private vocational colleges teachers incentives. This paper notonly laid a good foundation for deepening reform and long-term development L Vocational andTechnical College. Also reference for other vocational and technical colleges .

  Keywords: incentives; encourage; college teachers; vocational

  目 录

  摘 要


  第一章 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景与意义

  1.1.1 问题的提出

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 研究内容与方法

  1.2.1 研究内容

  1.2.2 研究方法

  1.3 研究思路与框架

  第二章 激励理论概述

  2.1 激励的含义

  2.3 激励的作用、类型和过程

  2.3.1 激励的作用

  2.3.2 激励的类型

  2.3.3 激励的过程

  2.4 激励理论

  2.5 激励机制内涵和运行模式

  2.5.1 激励机制的内涵

  2.5.2 激励机制的运行模式

  第三章 国内外高校教师激励机制比较研究

  3.1 国外高校激励机制研究概述

  3.1.1 美国高校教师激励机制的特点和方法

  3.1.2 加拿大高校教师激励机制的特点和方法

  3.1.3 日本高校教师激励机制的特点和方法

  3.2 国内激励机制研究概述................

  3.2.1 关于激励理论的文献综述

  3.3 国内外高校教师激励机制比较与启示

  第四章 L 职业技术学院激励机制现状分析

  4.1 L 职业技术学院简介

  4.1.1 L 学院人员的构成

  4.1.2 L 职业技术学院教师的特点

  4.2 L 职业技术学院教师激励机制现状

  4.3 针对现有激励机制进行的问卷调查

  4.4 L 学院激励机制调查结果与分析

  4.4.1 L 学院激励机调查结果

  4.4.2 L 学院教师激励机制存在的问题

  4.4.3 L 学院教师激励机制存在问题的原因分析

  第五章 L 职业技术学院教师激励机制优化设计方案

  5.1 L 学院教师激励机制优化的指导思想、目的、原则

  5.1.1 教师激励机制优化的指导思想

  5.1.2 激励机制优化目的

  5.1.3 激励机制优化的原则

  5.2 L 学院教师激励机制体系的构建

  5.2.1 建立教师内在性激励机制

  5.2.2 建立教师外在性激励机制一物质激励机制

  5.2.3 建立教师外在性激励机制一精神激励机制

  第六章 结束语

  6.1 研究结论

  6.2 研究成果

  6.3 研究的局限及建议


  致 谢
