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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-21 共2920字


  摘 要
  关键词:互联网农业 食品安全 信息不完全 可追溯体系
  Modern agriculture compared to traditional agriculture is no longerlimited to agricultural production sectors such as farming, forestry,animal husbandry and fishery, food processing industry, Food processingindustry, distribution and transport of agricultural products and even foodconsumption are already covered in the context of modern agriculture,modern agriculture has developed into an across the primary industry,secondary industry and tertiary industry in agro-systems. With theexpansion of modern agricultural systems, agricultural issues arebecoming increasingly diversified and complicated. throughout all sectorsof the agro-systems, there are many problems. Problems in the productionprocess is the unreasonable production structure, and not fully buttdemand structure; In circulation, buyers can not find the seller, the sellercan not find buyers, that means requirements and the products can not befully docking; In the consumer segment, Food safety accidents frequently,difficult for consumers to detect problem foods, the problem foods isdifficult to withdraw from the market in a timely manner. Summary ofmodern agriculture in various aspects of the existence of many problems,the paper believe that the basic contradiction of the agricultural sector atthe present stage is the contradiction of small production and big market.
  The essence of this contradiction is incomplete information problems ofthe modern agricultural system exist.
  Today, the rapid development of the Internet, from a largerperspective, the Internet can be seen as a work tool, while the number ofexisting industry can be seen as a concrete object of labor. Internet as anadvanced production tool in many areas already demonstrated itssuperiority. Currently the Internet has gradually penetrated into manyexisting industries, changing the original business model of the industry,more and more the concept of the business model associated with theInternet have been proposed, such as the “Internet banking”, “Internettravel”, “Internet health ”and so on. Internet enters greatly contributed tothe development of existing industries.
  Solve the problems of modern agriculture is the key to solving theproblem of incomplete information, incomplete information due to thehigh cost of access to information, low transmission efficiency, a singlepropagation direction. Precisely the advantages of the Internet lies in itslow-cost messaging, real-time, interactive and Internet can be given fordifferent aspects of modern agricultural characteristics of differentinformation solutions. So the study using the Internet to solve theproblem in modern agriculture is important.
  In this paper, from farm to fork all aspects involved in the main line,the analysis of all aspects of the problems, pointing out the essence ofthese problems is incomplete information, then starting from thecharacteristics of the Internet, to clarify the principles of the Internet tosolve the problem of incomplete information, Then give differentsolutions for different problems the Internet all aspects.
  Keywords: Internet agricultural; Food safety; Incomplete information;Traceability system

  目 录
  1 导言
  1.1 研究背景、目的和意义
  1.1.1 研究背景
  1.1.2 研究目的与意义
  1.2 研究方法、研究思路及技术路线图
  1.2.1 研究方法
  1.2.2 研究思路
  1.2.3 技术路线图
  1.3 研究综述
  1.3.1 互联网对农业信息传递功能的文献综述
  1.3.2 互联网对于食品安全问题的文献综述
  1.3.3 农产品电子商务文献综述
  2 相关概念界定及理论基础
  2.1 关于互联网的界定及其特点
  2.1.1 关于互联网的界定
  2.1.2 互联网的特点
  2.1.3 移动互联网
  2.2 关于现代农业的界定及其特点
  2.2.1 现代农业的内涵
  2.2.2 现代农业的规模效应
  2.3 信息不完全理论
  2.3.1 信息不完全基本理论
  2.3.2 信息的成本
  2.3.3 信息与市场经济
  2.3.4 信息的经济学效应
  2.4 互联网农业
  2.4.1 互联网农业的定义
  2.4.2 互联网农业的功能
  2.4.3 互联网农业与农业信息化的区别
  3.1 生产环节存在的问题
  3.2 交易流通环节存在的问题
  3.3 消费环节存在的问题
  3.4 问题的实质是信息不完全
  4 互联网对农业问题给出的解决方案
  4.1 互联网解决农业问题的基本原理
  4.2 生产环节的解决方案
  4.3 交易流通环节的解决方案
  4.4 消费环节的解决方案
  5 互联网在现代农业中的应用困境
  5.1 在生产环节的应用困境
  5.2 在交易流通环节的应用困境
  5.3 在消费环节的应用困境
  6 政策建议
  后 记